Hi everyone just to say what a rotten Friday night I had it started 630 got up go loo and my nose seemed running but my nose pouring blood going down back throat it like a tap well panick set in well got under control then 10 o'clock went to loo it started again n se and down throat I was even coughin out like blood clots went a e blood preasure hitting roof took bloods bleeding stopped anyway doc said bloods were good and bloo preasure going down he wasn't concerned I sat up all night I did nod off but I got such alright never had nose since 7 Yr old can't bring myself ta bend me head or sniff never mind blowing it it was frightening
German tara: Hi everyone just to say... - Lung Conditions C...
German tara

How very scary for you 😱 I hope you are feeling better now and can have a (upright!) snooze. Take things easy for a couple of days 😊 Did they give you any reason for the high BP? xx
I've just sat upright in chair feet on stool I was cosy did nod off do feel better than before daresent sneeze or blow nose but feel better my blood preasure was198 over 101 I think it was islet bad on Thursday night I was up at 2 early hours Friday and think with all blood from nose and it running down back off throat couldn't stop it I was packing cause I thought blimey I've copd suffer with mucus and god knows what all this blood running down going to do so think it was panick anxiety stress all in one and being tired thankyou for replying
Hi Germantara,
Not surprised you panicked - I am on blood thinners and my throat started to bleed, it was backing up into me mouth - Was scary then Anne looked in my moth with a torch, I was bleeding and the cause Started 9PM ended about 5AM - To scared to sleep. but Anne had found a scratch from a sharp crisp. Even so could not sleep until it stopped.
Then I fell and smacked my nose, on blood thinner I did panic - I was bleeding but it just stopped.
I was scared to sniff after my fall, to bleed is scary. not being soft a natural reaction.
I really feel for you going through that panic just sets in and ya can't stop it well I couldn't it was pouring from me nose and pouring down the back throat I wasent swallow ing it it just ran downriver never had bleed since about 7 then I could feel something at far back off nose couldn't blow nose cause off bleeding so gently sniffed and thick blood clots I spat out that happend few times icouldnt put me clothes on so I got daughter to put me trousers on and and put nightie tucked in I must admiti looked a messnt to bad now daresent sniff or blow nose I'm still worrying incase it happens again it's frightened me so I can imagine the fear you felt I hope we don't go through that again
Goodness, that was scary. Glad you're okay and sleep well tonight. Clocks go back
You are definitely right anything can trigger a strokes but why I was so frightened aswell about it was when I first had blood preasure docter told me I could drop dead anytime I would be dead before I hit ground I've never forgot it and that's why I freak out can't help it I have a machine had it 5 years it's a good one but couldn't bare to see high numbers to be honest I probly make myself worse I started ta feel better bout 3 o'clock so I'm more settled I' appreciate that you replied to me thankyou take care
What a fright for you! Horrible thing to happen especially in middle of the night when everything always seems so much worse, at the best of times. So glad it's been resolved for you now, though. Huge thanks too, to peege, for reminding me that the clocks go back!
You poor thing. I'm not surprised you were frightened. I hope it doesn't recur. Can you find out more about this condition from your doc or on Health Unlocked? It might seem less scary if you know what's going on.
Gosh that sounds frightening pleased you seem to have it under control but I’m with you on not wanting to blow nose or even really move! Wishing you well.
Hi I hope you feel better soon
No wonder you were stressed. Didn't they say why it happened or anything? 🤔
It’s an awful feeling. Poor you. Not at all nice. I used to get a lot of nose bleeds also bringing up up clots that had gone down my throat My GP referred me to ENT & I had a blood vessel cauterised in my nose. Not a pleasant procedure but it worked. You should get it checked out. Take care.
Same thing happened to me years ago, frightened the life out of me. Was in hospital for 2 weeks & they cauterised my nose & thank God I haven't had it since. They think it was caused by me taking an Aspirin every day to thin the blood as use to smoke & thought it would ward off heart problems, instead it made the problem worse
Oh bless ya, scary stuff. I’ve been advised that pinch nose for ten mins, check on bleeding and repeat 3 times, if still bleeding then get to hospital as it’s a lot of blood lost. Hope it’s stopped now but best to contact GP on Monday. Take care 🦊x
What a frightening thing for you< G.
My Dad had something similar. He had to go to casualty as he was getting dizzy with the blood loss. We teased him for months after for having cocaine stuffed up his nose as the hospital cauterised the bleed and packed the nostril with a cocaine-impregnated wad to keep it stopped.
Hoping all is okay now. I started getting nose bleeds recently but seemed to have stopped now. I think the weather or a cold can start mine off. Take care xx
That happened to me in 2009. My nose started bleeding so called the ER and they said to bend forward for 20 minutes holding my nose shut. I did that but it still bled. Went to the local ER and they cauterized it and stuffed gauze up my nose. The next morning it was still bleeding and it soaked the gauze and my pillow, It was running down the back of my throat. Went to another bigger ER and they did the same thing, cauterized it and and packed my nose again. We got about two miles from the hospital and it was running down my throat again and I had bags in the car to spit in. Turned around and went back to that ER and they decided to operate on it and find where it was coming from. When they tried to put me out I couldn't lay back because it was choking me. They finally put the anesthesia on me and then operated on me when they could lay me down and they also pumped out my stomach because of all the blood. It was a small artery that broke. They finally got it done and kept me in the hospital overnight. That sucker bled for almost 30 hours before the surgeon got there. That was a terrible feeling ad I know exactly how you felt...like you were drowning. It's a terrible experience.
Ooo dear you've had a very nasty experience feel very sorry you had to through that I'm hoping it's one and only I've never being able ta handle bleeding