Hi all hope your keeping cool and not suffering too much in the heat.I believe England has been hotter than here in sunny humid Cyprus.
I wanted to share a bit this Wednesday tested positive for covid. After having a lovely summer in Newquay and Croatia relatively cough free.
Returned to Cyprus and started to feel congested I honestly just thought it was the humidity and dust but then after 2 nights of no sleep sore back and sides a heavy chest and mucus brown with blood I understood something was up.
So I tested and it came up positive 😌 I am
Feeling really unwell tired and breathing is a struggle.
My Dr has been great prescribed everything needed and has been checking up on me.
Just feel really rubbish I know that it will get better just worried that my lungs have been under a lot of strain since June and managed to get away even though I had 2 chest infections in the last few months . So getting covid will delay my system actually recovering.
As I am back on antibiotics for another two weeks.
Sorry for being miserable but just wanted to share covid is still with us
Take care everyone ❤️