Hello, I am new here. I am so glad I stumbled onto this group! About 5 years ago I noticed I was short of breathe going up stairs and at the same time my stomach would bloat to make me look about 6 months pregnant. It was like the air that was supposed to go into my lungs was going to my stomach. Then I started having coughing fits until I spit up those small clear balls that you all are talking about. This condition has become worse over time. Last year I got walking pneumonia and had no real symptoms.. a year later they could see on the X-ray where the pneumonia was as there was evidence of a small collapse (pretty common)I finally told my dr we needed to dig further into this as it is consuming me daily. I had a CTscan done about 1 week ago and it was abnormal. I have enlarged lymph nodes in or around my lungs (wasn’t clear on this) they have calcium on them. They have a preliminary diagnosis of sarcoidosis, an autoimmune disease. I have a biopsy scheduled for 9/15/21 they incise the soft part of your neck and stick a camera down to your chest under your breastbone to take part of a lymph node out. Here is the unsettling part…. I had saline filled silicone breast implants done in 1998, deep in my heart I am 100% convinced that they have caused this. It is tragic that I have lost 5 years of my quality of life to some vanity issues earlier on in life. Can anyone relate or have a similar story? I would appreciate any feedback that any of you can offer. Thank you in advance!
Breast implant illness and lung/breat... - Lung Conditions C...
Breast implant illness and lung/breathing problems

Welcome to the forum Missbrenda21, I know nothing of breast implants but have seen on tv that some women have had problems. I do hope the biopsy goes well for you and a definitive diagnosis is forthcoming. My husband was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in 1991 and also has COPD and heart disease.
Please let us know how things go. Best wishes to you. Xxxx
Hi, I'm offering a welcome to you too. Although I know nothing of implants either, only what I've read in the news about the awful problems women have had with leaking silicone implants. I'm only guessing here but wouldn't saline be safer? Have you asked the medics yet about whether or not the implants could make you ill?
Have you smoked which could affect your lungs?
What do they say about the bloating? - there are other causes of bloating. However, we're not medics here so I haven't helped you at all have I.
Hope you'll come back to let us know how you get on. It's great that you get such fast medical action over there, here its free (paid for by our taxes) and its extremely slow 🐌 😒 and not well funded now since the pandemic hit the coffers.
Good luck. Peege
Hello, thank you for your post. I am not a smoker myself but I had exposure to secondhand smoke from my parents,Of course they didn’t know any better 40 years ago.
I do have saline implants but they do have a silicone shell.
As far as the bloating, they haven’t really discussed it too much with me. I think that is not their main concern but we have just begun the intensive testing - 12 vials of blood, ct scan, and biopsy coming up on the 15th. I will absolutely let you all
Know the outcome.. if my story can prevent even one person from suffering for as many years as I have I feel I owe it
To them to share my story.
Thank you again for taking the time to reach out to me ❤️
Wishing you all the best for the biopsy. I hope it will give you some answers. 🤞
Welcome to the forum. The cause of sarcoidosis in reality is still unknown. On diagnosis people often want to know the cause and often blame something they did in the past sometimes irrationally. My wife is very close to one of our neighbors who had breast implants . She as done much research into breast implants and from what she tells me there may be a link but it is far from proven. Basically it is a theoretical link. I hope your investigations go well.
Welcome MissB
Years ago I had a friend with the exact same experience with breast implants and autoimmune problems. When she had the implants removed, eventually her health improved.
I hope which ever direction you go in you will soon be breathing easy, with the best care and recovery.
I truly want to send a heart felt thank you to all that responded.. I have been feeling alone lately, like I am taking this on all by myself, you all brought some sunshine into my day!
Bless you 🌺💖🌺
Welcome! You need never feel alone here! I can't help with your current issue, but just want to say 'Hi!' xx Moy
Hi Missbrenda21 and welcome to the site. Like most of us I dont have experience of breast implants but am sure if you mention this to your doctor he can investigate and put your mind at ease. I wish you well for your upcoming biopsy and hope it is nothing to do with the implants, but these can be removed so not all is lost. Keep your chin up x
Whilst I do not know anything about your current issue, I would just like to say welcome to this forum. I have found people on here are always ready to listen and try to be supportive, sometimes there is also humour. Please let us know how you get on and remember there are usually people on this site ready to listen. Best wishes xx
I spit those up and I am a breast cancer survivor with implants! I have been diagnosed with reactive airways. I wheeze all the time. I'm having these implants removed because I have learned that they have been recalled because they cause cancer!!!! I have textured Allergen implants in.