Hello, I could never get a clear definition of the difference between CHEST INFECTION, LUNG INFECTION and PNEUMONIA. Doctors tend to say they are the same but it is obvious it is not. When I had a pneumonia last January everyone agreed that I had one and they all, hospital staff, doctors and GPs called it that way. Not long after last April I had what everyone called a chest infection and xrays showed a condensation in the lower part of my lungs. I was not taken to hospital and was told that I could go out and do whatever I felt like. I was very surprised and when I asked what was the difference between pneumonia and chest infection I was answered they are the same thing.
In Italy where I come from, they never use the term "chest infection" or lung infection. They determine if you have a pneumonia, a bronchitis or an inflammation. Can anyone give me some more specific definitions of these diseases than doctors are generally willing to give? I thank you very much BB