Feels like another chest infection - Lung Conditions C...

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Feels like another chest infection

Mellypad profile image
31 Replies

Just recovered from a chest infection, started steroids and antibiotics on the 5th July. Felt great afterwards was doing loads of exercise that I couldnt do before. Had specialist appointment on Wednesday gone and he was delighted with me, lung function was 100%. Even did a 11km cycle that evening and was on top of the world. My asthma had been good with the fine weather.

Yesterday started feeling unwell again, and dying today. Feels like yet another chest infection. Doctors surgery closed till Tuesday, dont know would she give me anything so soon. Do I just sit it out..?? Having to the extra ventolin, any advise.

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Mellypad profile image
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31 Replies
Oshgosh profile image

Perhaps you could ring 111 for advice ,

Bluenotes profile image

Hi there . You could call 111 if your worried. It may take a while to get through, but better than waiting for your Gp to open .good luck 🤗

2greys profile image

Sometimes the course of antibiotics does not kill ALL the bacteria a few remnants can survive and slowly begin to multiply again until hey presto you have a recurring chest infection again. So yes it is possible, this one of the reasons you must always finish a course another is it can create a pathway for the bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics.

Sitting it out should not be an option. Especially with Asthma which is actually is a serious condition.

You probably needed a longer course. Unfortunately the blighters which survive tend to be the strongest! Don’t wait til Mon

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to

I was feeling fantastic after the last course of steriods and antibiotics walking loads and even cycling. This is my 6th infection since last September. Just seen my consultant on Wednesday and he said my chest was clear and lung function was 100%. Strange how I went down hill in two days out of no where again. Bank holiday here so no doctors until Tuesday.

in reply to Mellypad

So basically you’re getting an infection every 6-8 weeks. Do you know which bacteria you’ve been growing? Have you been referred for immunology tests? Maybe it would be a good idea to email or write to your consultant, to tell him how quickly things have gone wrong again. I know you were well when you saw him, but I’m just puzzled that he isn’t investigating why you’ve had 6 infections in 9 months

I’m not sure which lung condition you have, apart from asthma?

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to

Hi I had a broncoscopy in May and he didnt mention any bacterias found. I find it strange also that he wasnt too concerned a bit the amount of infections I had. I have bronchiectasis and severe asthma. Now on relvar and incruse. Follow up appointment in 4 months.

in reply to Mellypad

Same problems as me then! Have you ever tried Spiriva Respimat? That’s a good bronchodilator for asthma, you can have it alongside Ventolin. Personally I wouldn’t hesitate to contact the con if you keep having problems. I’m sure he’d want to know.

When I had very frequent infections I was referred to an immunologist who discovered a problem. I’m still seeing him. You’re getting far too many infections

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to

I was on Spiriva along with Steride before going on relvar and incruse. Actually last less infections but more asthma symptoms and attacks. Where as now my asthma and quality of life is better except for the chest infections.

in reply to Mellypad

That’s good, you’ve just got to get those sorted then. It shows you CAN be better, if they were under control. What a pain it all is

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Mellypad

I am the same , I had infection after infection in hospital more than I was at home.I have been on an antibiotic since the start of this year fortunately I have not needed steroid.

I have (as far as I know) never seen an immunologist.

It is great that you were told 100% but I would personally be going to A&E AND NOT HANGING ABOUT.

Lever profile image
Lever in reply to

Hello, I’m seeing a Immunologist in August. Can you tell me what they Found? I have bleeding with each infection

in reply to Lever

I had blood tests which took ages to come back (not surprising given how complex the immune system is) and the prof took a very long history about the frequency of infections since childhood. I was diagnosed with functional antibody deficiency which he explained meant I had a lot of little holes in my immune system, rather than one big problem. This makes it harder to treat but IVIG infusions are a possibility.

I hope your consultation is useful x

Lever profile image
Lever in reply to

Thank you very much. Please let me know if you get the infusions. Best wishes to you. x

Lever profile image
Lever in reply to Mellypad

I had the same thing happen. But mine started end of May. Now. Had small blood clot start up again. I have this every year at this time. Thinking it’s my bad allergies draining into lungs. I can hear the rattling at night. Hope you can get some immediate help

Patsy164 profile image

I agree ring 111 and you will speak to a GP and hopefully be prescribed another course of antibiotics. x

Caspiana profile image

Hello Mellypad,

I'm sorry to hear you aren't doing so well. It's a bummer, one minute feeling really good and then crashing the next.

The thing about steroids that doctors rarely talk about is the sense of wellbeing that comes with them and the surge of evergy. It's actually called steroid euphoria, we feel like we can do absolutely anything, a false sense of wellbeing if you like. Then we overdo it. And it lasts until you go off them. And then comes the crash. Especially if not tapered down slowly. It can make one feel absolutely diabolical. I hope your doctor gave you instructions about tapering and indeed required you to taper at all. It seems nowadays they just get patients to stop without tapering, which is folly in my humble opinion.

I don't think you should wait it out. If you feel ill, you should be able to at least talk to someone. I hope things improve soon.

Sending a gentle hug.

Cas xx 🙋🐕💓

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to Caspiana

Hi Caspiana, thank you for your kind words.I was on 6 steroids a day for 5 days along with antibiotics.

I think the good weather also helped with the mood to get out and do things and the determination to enjoy the summer after been so unwell last winter. It is very very frustrating as I always feel ignored in my treatment. Hopefully I will pick up after a days rest in bed.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Mellypad

Six steroids? I am guessing they are 5mg each so thirty mg a day? Well the come down from that would be tiring. Do rest . I think that's the most sensible thing to do. Take care. xx 🙋🐕

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to Caspiana

That's right 5mg each .. will do thank you.

garshe profile image

Whenever it's the weekend and I need antibiotics, I phone 111 and they arrange for me to collect prescription from Out of Hours Doctor at my local hospital. Hope you feel better soon. xxSheila 💕💐

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to garshe

Hi I am in the republic of Ireland and things work differently here.Out of hours doctor for is is €70 or €100 if you go to the hospital.

It's also a bank holiday weekend so ky usual GP's surgery is closed until Tuesday.

Think the set up in the UK is much much better.

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to Mellypad

OMG it's free here. That's expensive. Can a Pharmacy help as here they can issue a prescription if surgery is closed. Good luck hope it gets sorted xxSheila 💕💐

Lfcpremier profile image

Hi. When I was diagnosed 11 years ago ,kept on getting repeated infections & was put on azithromycin,initially 1 a day reduced to 1 tablet, 3x weekly, as a prophylactic antibiotic. It helps a lot.I don’t like taking lots of antibiotics, cause me other problems: ask for a CRPblood test as well as sputum analysis.

Good luck!

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to Lfcpremier

Hi yes I had them previously too, I think I should have asked about them again. I might get my Gp to contact my consultant and enquire. They helped me too before, thank you.

Lutontown profile image

When I can't get in to see a doctor or even call the surgery because it's weekend, I've gone to the Urgent Care Service at my local hospital. Usually an hour or two to wait, but you will see a doctor there who can prescribe you, hopefully, the correct antibiotic. You may need a longer course or maybe an intravenous one.

Walkwalkwalk profile image

I’m sorry that you are feeling so bad. Is there evidence that these events are infection based? There are other reasons why we can dip so badly and it’s easy for everyone to presume that it must be yet another infection. I am not saying that that assumption is necessarily inaccurate in your case, which I have much less knowledge of than you, but it did happen to me and I thought it worth passing on. Is there an Urgent Care facility that you can access?

I hope that you are better soon.


mikest profile image

I’ve had COPD for nearly 15 years and I’ve sometimes gone almost two years without a flare-up but then suffered two in quick succession. It isn’t uncommon. However, it’s worth remembering that as soon as you use your antibiotics and steroids you should get another ‘rescue pack’ ASAP.

Mellypad profile image
Mellypad in reply to mikest

Thank you for that. Unfortunately we dont have rescue packs here in Ireland. Our doctors seem to work a different way, or certainly mine does anyway. Took to bed to rest for two days, extra ventolin and seem to be improving. So hopefully it was just a blip..

CaptainPugwash profile image

I Would Ring 111 And See What They Say Or If U Feel U Can Wait Till Tuesday .. Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤

Irisheyes60 profile image

Thank God for your post Mellypad I hope you are feeling better soon sweetheart 💖 but by reading yours and the replies you received I was like ohhh dear. I have copd 11yrs few flare ups this one I've had 6wks and diagnosed with plursey and viral infection on my chest on nebuliser steroids antibiotics they changed antibiotics 3 times I finished steroids few days ago. The cough I have is horrible I've lost my voice 😫😞😩 I'm exhausted feeling low tired and I was in hospital 3days then home then went bk another 3times as I couldn't cope with this all I just feel so run down. They changed antibiotics sent me home? I'm like omg I feel so bad what is going on with me. Dr you'll be fine take the meds use nebuliser enhalers etc and that's was last Friday and today Monday I'm hot feverish and coughing up all sorts of gunk blood streaks like I've been doing 6wks what am I to do I'd really appreciate any advice you are all Lovely people on here I. I only joined last week and this site forum is amazing xxxx

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