Ping: Had my Meds this morning went... - Lung Conditions C...

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99 Replies

Had my Meds this morning went outside with my coffee as normal sat down and then ping then again ping wondered what the hell was pinging I thought can't be the NHS app I haven't got it what is it . For a further five minutes I still kept hearing this ping so decided to track it down , found out what it was the power must have gone off during the night as it normally does during change over because the bloody microwave was the root of the pinging so opened the door shut it no more ping . Why do kitchen appliances take on a life of their own ?🤣🤣🤣

99 Replies
2greys profile image

Watch out for that electric knife! Maximum Overdrive!

in reply to2greys

Hell yeah I remember that film 😂😂 first time this as happened though last week my dad was having his dinner in the kitchen and the clock which I add is firmly fixed to the wall flew off the wall and across the kitchen certainly made us both jump out our skins 😂😂😂

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Yes, remember clocks have hands, all the more to throttle you with.

in reply to2greys

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 only you could think of that one 😂😂

in reply to2greys

Had to laugh at my dad last night he shouted me about 2.30am he said he could see a face staring at him through the TV . The TV was turned off so I to him he then said there were two people staring at him I said yes it's the reflection of us both 😂😂😂 he saw the funny side of it 🤣🤣

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

Hilarious! One of those surreal moments!

in reply toAnnie31

Well it doesn't help that he suffers from dementia and sees things that aren't there alot

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to

No I suppose not, but that was funny!

in reply toAnnie31

Oh hell yeah , all good fun but always when I'm trying to chill , regardless to the ash coming down I'm still sat outside waiting for the stars .

Margot13 profile image
Margot13 in reply to

😅😅 Thanks you made my day 😂😂

in reply toMargot13

Simple things can always be the best pick me up , and I must be truly simple 😂😂😂

Margot13 profile image
Margot13 in reply to

Simple or not you are keeping me giggling and I need cheering up,🤗🤗 mind you, my hubby put a tv set in the bedroom sometime ago and over a couple of nights a blank screen kept on coming on and off a few times, so now it's turned off from the mains. It has been said that electrical appliances should be turned off from the mains to avoid faulty equipment from catching fire, but we don't, so I hope our electrics don't start talking to us all at once, can you imagine, it would be enough to send me to beachy head 🤖🤖😢

in reply toMargot13

😂😂 half the time when TVs turn on and off its batteries running flat in remote , mine did it last year I'm waiting for it again 😂 mind you I'm also waiting for the toaster and freezer to talk to me the cooker taught me a song once when I sat on the open oven door by accident it taught me Johnny cash song burning ring of fire , simple things you never forget 😂😂😂

in reply to

Glad I cheer you up keep smiling 😃😃😃

HighGables profile image
HighGables in reply to

Love that song, but it conjures up a completely different picture now ! 😂 Jax🐶x

in reply toHighGables

I suffer from that when I have curry 😅😅

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Poltergeist, be careful you don't get sucked in, to keep Carol Anne company.

in reply to2greys

Im just waiting for the big green blob to turn up 🤣🤣 don't mind the marshmallow man coming my blood sugars need lifting a bit 🤣🤣🤣

Gladwyn profile image
Gladwyn in reply to2greys


in reply toGladwyn


Alberta56 profile image

Show them who's boss - and any recalcitrant phone, computers, hoovers, etc. 😂😂😂

in reply toAlberta56

I'm waiting for the freezer to start talking to me 🤣🤣

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Icy that could present another problem :)

I'll get my coat.

in reply to2greys

If it keeps up going to call ghost busters 😂😂😂

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to


in reply totomc

Ghost busters there's definitely something strange in my neighborhood 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Ghostbusters Afterlife, coming out in November, probably for Halloween.

in reply to2greys

I'm living it 🤣🤣🤣🤣

in reply to2greys

My stepfather just called me in all urgent wondering what the hell was up , he was pointing to the TV again I thought here we go again , but no something new the TV was on and constantly changing channels I looked and found that he was actually just lay half on the TV remote and he couldn't feel it . I've spent more time today running in and out his room and all I'm trying to do is relax🥴🥴🥴

Maggie_Mae profile image

You are all on a roll with your banter, really comical thread, given me a good giggle👍

in reply toMaggie_Mae


Digger0 profile image

One reason why I don't fancy electrical appliances that can be controlled by an app! You put your phone down somewhere you can't find, and bang goes your beautiful cup of coffee 😁🤣😂

in reply toDigger0

Not necessarily if it's got a mind of its own you could still get one , but always remember talk to it nicely 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😵

Digger0 profile image
Digger0 in reply to


in reply toDigger0

That's why I talk to myself to keep myself happy then I always make myself a coffee 🤣🤣🤣

ninelives profile image
ninelives in reply toDigger0


Eastend555 profile image

Yeah Microwaves are famous for this also electric kettles

Toothbrushes are ok though so there is your answer my friend

Always trust a Cockney to solve a problem

in reply toEastend555


New Government Ruling. If your microwave does that you have got to self isolate for 21 days - have you not heard!?

in reply to

No probably because I live in Greece 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Snackjack profile image


Walkwalkwalk profile image


Mavary profile image

Ha Ha! I thought you were going to say you had been pinged for covid but I don’t know if you would get it where you are. I got your sunshine this morning but it unfortunately only lasts for a minute or two. Then the clouds come and the pouring rain. It’s absolutely drenched outside.

in reply toMavary

So sorry it didn't last long , at the moment I'm trying to work out how to keep cool , can't go outside because air quality is bad due to the ash cloud.i did have the NHS app on my phone my friend back in the UK sent it me via message it obviously wouldn't work here 🤣🤣 how's your day going apart from the rain 👍

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

It was much better this afternoon. We actually had some sunshine. It’s pathetic though really. 18 degrees. They’ve been on about Turkeys fires this afternoon. It’s pretty bad over there. Not good for your breathing at all. My neighbours opposite me had a run of fires in they’re garden. I had to close all my windows and door one day as it was all blowing in here. I suppose the wind was blowing this way. I think you could share a little bit of your warm weather with us here. It’s a little bit nippy. They said it’s going down to 12 degrees tonight.

in reply toMavary

We've been on fire since 2pm today a couple of villages on killed our power supplies till about an hour ago I've posted a picture of the fire from our news . Not good 😵😵😵

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Oh no! Is it near you? That’s worrying isn’t it. I hope it doesn’t come to near you.

in reply toMavary

I think it is under control , I've been watching it from my neighbor's roof the glow as died down but it's the second fire in the same place as there was one on Tuesday same place, but it was put out quickly this one's been burning since 2pm today . I'm staying up just in case 👍👍 don't worry I'm prepared for a slow escape can't do quick 😂😂

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

This global warming is definitely getting worse. I hope you don’t have to move out but it must be playing havoc with your lungs. But then you would have a problem in England with the damp. It’s very humid here now. I opened my door to let the cat in this morning and it smelled as if it was a damp Autumn morning.

in reply toMavary

It's not helping trying to deal with my stepfather , constant nappy changing and then he's saying his discomfort is worse than not being able to breath ,😂 I wants for nothing everything gets done for him and he is just so ungrateful I'm not sure if that's the case or its the dementia even though it's not that bad . 😂 All I know is I'm tired and stressed , I would send you all the sunshine if I could I could have a break from it then ,🤣🤣🤣 keep safe

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

It’s probably the dementia plus if you imagine if you were as he is. You would feel pretty miserable too. He’s got to have his nappy changed at his age. It must be demeaning for him. He’s really got nothing to live for but his body won’t give up. He’s probably embarrassed and hates the fact that he is a burden to someone. Especially you as he probably knows how bad you are. That alone will make him cross. He My Dad had dementia and it’s a horrible thing to have. You could do without having to look after him. You’re not too good yourself. I suppose if he goes into a nursing home it would cost a fortune. It’s a hard one. Was he always like he is now do you think? Could he not pay for someone to come in and look after him? It would take so much off of you.

in reply toMavary

Carers cost a bundle here and no matter what he's determined not to go back to the UK , I know he would get good care I can only do the basics wash change cook and clean as best I can but it's not doing me much good either . I don't blame him hell no it upsets me because I feel I'm not doing enough but my health won't let me

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

You are in a catch 22 situations. I understand how difficult it is for you.

in reply toMavary

I plod on day by day I do all I can and it's not like my stepfather isn't getting care because he is I just feel he would have benefited more from being in the UK . It's like I tried to explain to him about my condition I can't guarantee that I'll be around , even the pulmonologist said I'll definitely be gone before my stepfather 😂😂 well she was being direct

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Well that’s two reasons you should both be back in England. Both you and him. Ok! I know the weather isn’t up to much but the NHS do care for people. You just shouldn’t have to look after him. He should have proper carers. It’s just too much for you. I really don’t know what the answer is because if you go he will be on his own anyway and as you say he can’t do anything for himself. It’s a horrible situation to be involved in.

in reply toMavary

Tell me about it , his son is coming out here in September so I'm going to see if he can come up with anything , oh yes he's got two sons and a daughter all in UK .

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Well theres your answer. Tell them you are definitely not going to do it any more. Thay have to now deal with it. Give them a date and then stick to it. I know it’s easier said than done but he’s going to put you in a grave well before your time if you dont. Can you not contact them before they come and tell them the situation you are in and that you can’t do it any more.

in reply toMavary

Oh they know about my health and that I'm struggling but you know that old saying out of sight out of mind 😅😜

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Well when they come over they can see for themselves. Just make them do things while they are there.

in reply toMavary

Oh I will do even if they don't like it at the end of the day it's their father. A friend just popped in to check on me he said hello to my stepfather and when he came out to me he said he thinks he's given up on himself . Nothing to do with me it's in himself . Could be right I suppose

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

I just hope they take you seriously. You take care.

in reply toMavary

,,will do you keep safe 👍😷

in reply toMavary

I think at the end of the day the only thing that does get me down is the loneliness , I could be in a room full of people and still be alone . 😪 But hey ho life goes on until it stops 👍🤣🤣

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Join the club. The difference is I don’t mind being on my own but then my breathing isn’t too bad. You’ve got lots of friends on here that you can talk too. How’s the fire and smoke now? Have they got it under control now?

in reply toMavary

Still the helicopter is going from the sea to the area dropping water so still not sure 🤣🤣

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

How’s the air quality now?

in reply toMavary

Still bad , can't Go anywhere without the strong smell of smoke 😅

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

It’s not going to do your lungs any good is it. The trouble is you can’t get away from it can you.

in reply toMavary

Nope no escape but hopefully it will be under control soon and back to just the heat 🤣🤣🤣

CaptainPugwash profile image

Chainsaw Massacre Comes To Mind Take Care Keep Safe 🖤🖤

in reply toCaptainPugwash

I've locked the electric carving knife away . Mind you no power at moment power cut all over the island because of a big fire in next village to us which has the power station 😵

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to

That isn't good news Dave. I hope that you and your stepfather will be safe. Do keep us all posted if you can.

in reply toCDPO16

Just got dad ready in case the fire heads to us 😵😵

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to

Thinking of you both xx

in reply toCDPO16

Thanks 👍 🤞🤞🤞 things get under control

in reply toCDPO16

Power back on so had my Meds an hour early just incase the fires a bad one , been going since 2pm today 😥😥🥵

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to

Just seen and replied to your latest post Dave. I hope your authorities can get things under control.

in reply toCDPO16

Their doing everything they can , just keeping fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞

We had a power surge during a lightning once. Our blender decided to run full speed by itself and I was in the basement went it went off by itself. Had to buy a new blender as it would only stop if i plugged it and go full speed when I plugged it in.🤣🤣🤣

in reply to

Not good 🤣🤣🤣🤣

in reply to


in reply to

Just talk nicely to your electric appliances 😂😂😂

in reply to

I plan on it. Lol

in reply to

I just spoke nice to the kettle and caressed it's button and it let me make a coffee 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Wow!! I talked to the oven and it got hot!!

in reply to

Tried it with the freezer but it gave me a cold shoulder 🤣🤣

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to


in reply to

I talked to the sink and it was a wash😳😳😳

in reply to

Talk to the toaster but things keep popping up 😹😹😹

in reply to

I also spoke with the boiler but it ignored me it's an old boiler 😂

in reply to

Did notice one thing every time I talk to the toaster the kettle gets all steamy

in reply to

Did we cover it all? Like a blanket?

in reply to

Think so it was all pillow talk 👍

in reply to

Oh darn

in reply to


in reply to

We're a couple of wild and crazy kind of guys~ Steve Martin

in reply to

You've always gotta look on the bright side of life , monty python

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Mavary profile image


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