Just when you think THINGs can't get ... - Lung Conditions C...

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Just when you think THINGs can't get any worse ...

34 Replies

They can and do ... Yep I was in garden to day and I walked back into my house to hear my HOOVER / washing machine whistling during a spin " usually it's only me dose whistling in my house" but today was special and nearly job for the fire-brigade.

why because my Hoover washing machine during a spin decided today was the day it was going to catch-fire / set-alight.

I would of phoned fire-brigade but I was unsure to what would turn up I.e Taxi / Bus / Ambulance given the cuts .... or if they would even answer the phone.

So I quickly wet a cloth to rap round my nose and face and threw the washer out the front door after making sure electric was off .... Who would think a sink full of pots would save you BUT the did as the was full of water I duly used.

Is shocking the scale scandle of White Goods Fires ... one as to ask if your lung disease suffer on Oxygen what would you do.

....................................... Here Is What I Wrote To Hoover Candy .........................

Hi, Regarding Washing Machine Fire.

Is it possible someone can explain why my washing machine set on fire during a spin.

Is it hoover is now part of candy group.

All i know i returned from my garden to hear my Hoover Optima OPH 714 DS was whistling and all blue toxic smoke was coming out of the control panel.

I was just lucky i was not out at the time my washer caught fire.

Once i removed washer from house it was still

smoking and hot at side of control panel.

What was apparent is the belt had snapped and was stuck in back of moter housing BUT what i cant understand is why the appliance did not fuse and why control panel set on fire

Obviously i writing as

not happy as doing a wash would nearly burn my house down and others might not be so lucky who have bought hoover washers.

Where something as simple as a belt snapping can burn your house down.


I will be sending a copy of this email to trading standers.

As if its caused by faulty drum bearing's and Hoover knew that fault could cause a washer fire like that of mine needs reporting.

34 Replies
Toci profile image

Goodness, Daz, I am so pleased you saw it! But I am not sure you should have tackled it yourself. I hope you have no after effects. Do you have smoke alarms fitted? If not, do get in touch with your local fire brigade as they are very good about fitting them.

in reply to Toci

I Toci cheers yer we have mains smoke alarms defo a pain with toast but never went of with washer "typical " a :)

stilltruckin profile image


Toci profile image
Toci in reply to stilltruckin

Extremely interesting. Thanks st. x

in reply to stilltruckin

Hi cheers yer I have heard of dryers and the filters even had kettles doorbells but washer was best yet.

Geting bit to old to experience any more :)

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to

Your only as old as you feel Daz, lol.

in reply to Toci

Was impressed at how fast got washer out .. Av to thank Ian Duncan smith as that's who what thought washer was when it landed on it's head lol

Toci profile image
Toci in reply to


mmzetor profile image

luckily you was at home and it was day time , some people near me put their tumble dryer on a timer to dry their clothes over night on the cheap electric ,it burned the utility room smoke damaged the whole house to luckily they hadn't gone to bed and smelt the smoke but did cause a lot of damage , after that we never put any thing on if we are going out or at night now ,

in reply to mmzetor

Is shocking really .. Quite a wake up call BUT like you say we learnt trew expreance not to leave out on when going out or bed

Hi cheers I did not feel lucky at time lol ... But yer was very toxic chocking but cloth over face sorted that out.

I hope my luck changed too :)

Jessy11 profile image

You've certainly had an eventful day!

You were so lucky to be at home when that happened or there would have been a lot more damage done.

You did take a risk though, tackling it on your own!

Hope you don't have any after effects from the smoke 😷

in reply to Jessy11

Hi cheers yer I worked in few homeless hostels so chip pan fires was norms really So use to em but smoke and shock still gets to you.

Only smoke that got to me was my well deserved cigarette after :)

Years ago I worked in insurance & ever since I never leave anything switched on as appliances so often cause water or fire damage. You were lucky, if the wind had blown the flames towards you you could've been badly hurt. I suppose you just did it without thinking. Definitely complain!

in reply to

Hi cheers had few experiences with kettles and iron cords just combusting never something so bulky before tho

I hoping trading standers will back me up IF not all get in touch with which magazine.

Av looked at washer and I think drum barring's went and did something to drum that caused it draw more juice from mains control panel and belt snapped with strain

Issue is why it never fused or set my house rcd of befour it was on fire

sassy59 profile image

Dear me Daz, thank goodness you were at home at the time and glad all turned out well in the end. There is always something that goes wrong and I hope you get a new washing machine soon. Maybe Hoover/Candy will give you a new one eh! You never know your luck.

Take care and wishing you well. xxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi Sassy59 cheers thanks .. All not hold my breath tho on Hoover candy giving me new one ... :o not sure ad want one

That's what I forgot to ask boss did he have a Hoover Candy one

VoodooChile profile image

You were lucky to catch it just in time. I hope you get some compensation from Candy.



in reply to VoodooChile

Hi Voodoochille ad not hold my breath .. Trading standers are hiding passed it over to CIB so am in dispute with those hiding sods

It's amazing stuff that changes with out public knowing

onamission profile image

Hi Daz pleased your ok this happened to me about 3 weeks ago with a dyson hover, I was hovering under the lounge window when the hover went up in smoke. Luckily I didn't have to go far to unplug it but the smoke stunk and some of it went straight in to my lungs. When the hover was outside I sat coughing for half a hour

in reply to onamission

Hi Onamission know how ya feel there felt quite ill my self today .. Nothing worse than toxic smoke

onamission profile image
onamission in reply to

Hi Daz I think it was electrical fault when it went up I was by the window I could smell it on the curtains days later. Keep in touch and let us know the result when they write back.

NgaireM profile image

My Hoover automatic top loader was replaced 3 months ago after 35 years - I don't care how long the new one goes for as I won't be around for another 35. Just hope it doesn't catch fire!

Ngaire xx

in reply to NgaireM

Hi NgaireM cheers yer my old one lasted 12 years I only got new one as that lasted and had kitchen done .. Hyronic a :)

I hope am around a good bit have few white hall officials need to straiten out and few athourtyrty's

pergola profile image

Hullo, Daz. I think we all need to keep an eye on our appliances. My Hotpoint washing machine made a very strange noise the other night - had it for years. And the microwave pegged out, with a odd smell. I now have a combi (covection/m.c.) so will see how I get on with that. God forbid my laptop packs up !!!

in reply to pergola

Hi Pergola ad keep my eye on it if it gets out of line ad give it a sly kick lol

Hope ya don't have anymore more problems IS defo a pain when the do give up the ghost

Hi daz, that's bad, just glad u were home to a degree, but so glad ur ok. Certainly complain about bit though, let us know how u get on with it. Xx Sonia xx

in reply to

Hi Sonia1972 cheers yer I was quite lucid that day DEFO one of my best BUT did do a dance for a tad :)

Keep that to our self tho lol

Offcut profile image

I cannot even move mine, but then again it is amazing what adrenaline will do when you need it.

It was a silly fact I new of that Washing machines catch fire more than most appliances. I have had one burst into flames my self so have added to that statistic. But my fuse did blow at the box and stopped it getting worse.

Be Well

in reply to Offcut

Hi Offcuts Cheers DEFO right about adrenaline did surprises my self .. ad say it's like iodine that stuff and way I felt

Defo a experience washer fires one I would not recommend

jimmyw123 profile image

Hi daz,

It sure was a bad time, but breathing in , even a little of this smoke or fumes , could have well made your condition a lot, lot worse.

Off course your washing machine is valuable and much needed, but it has to be said your health comes first.

i hope you get the washing machine situation sorted out,

wish you well

kind regards jimmy

in reply to jimmyw123

Hi Jimmy123 Cheers yer I could not stand there and let it burn me house down WAS toxic and was choking that's why I used wet cloth if I could not of got it out fire bergade would of had to sort it

Am just glad it was not my fridge freezer as had to take door of to get that in kitchen

Cheers thanks

Sheilab123 profile image

Well things can only get better, how on earth did you manage to chuck a washing machine out of the door??? xx

in reply to Sheilab123

Hi Sheilab123 Cheers yer I think it was my muscle food I take helped me get it out ... Can't be my chicken drumsticks lol

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