I’ve seen on a few posts that people with COPD are being prescribed oramorph. Can anyone tell me why oramorph for COPD 🤔
Curious : I’ve seen on a few posts that... - Lung Conditions C...

I have copd and was prescribed orimorph for anxiety/panic attacks to help calm me down.
I mainly use oramorph for breakthrough pain due to my various pain syndromes. However I do use it to help with breathing. It is very effective in relaxing chest muscles etc. Obviously I only take small doses and to be honest very infrequently as I am already on other opiate based medications. It can help with relaxing the chest and reducing the associated anxiety.
I was offered oramorph to help reduce anxiety and possible panic attacks which can happen if you become very breathless. The idea was that I would take it prior to doing any thing that would make me breathless. In my case I’m fortunate that I can control breathlessness with breathing technique and I’m not prone to panic attacks. The consultant did say in the low dose that would be prescribed it was not considered as addictive. The option is always there should I need it in future
I use Oramorph regularly throughout the day and find it helps with my shortness of breath.
Hello Kittiekatz, think the above gives you some idea why it is used. I am familiar with it for pain in cancer patients, but now it is used to help the breathing as are some other opiates.
Hi KittieKatz,
I've got severe COPD which I've had for many years. I'm on home oxygen and ambulatory oxygen. The last time I was in hospital with an exacerbation I was in real distress because of how my breathing was. However, it wasn't until I came home and on talking about how badly I felt that I was told about oramorph. I immediately rang my GP and he prescribed it for me, no questions asked. He put it down for 5ml x four times per day. My husband went to the chemist and I took my first dose of 5ml and then slept straight through the next 18 hours! But no coughing during the night or the next day. I have since learned that I need take only 1ml or 1.5ml at night when going to sleep is enough to give me relief and a good night's sleep. I don't take it every day, I only take it when I have had spells of coughing which exhaust me and eventually cause me distress.
I find it a miracle drug for me, I've never felt I wanted more than what I take so I would 100% Recommend it to anyone with anxiety or panic because of the feeling you can't breathe. I'm thankful for this site who put me onto it and very resentful of the doctors, nurses and COPD specialist nurses who didn't think to put me onto it. I had a go at the consultant I saw the next time I went for a follow up. I cannot understand these people who see us in so much distress and do nothing about it. A doctor said to me in a very condescending tone that it was 'just the progression of the disease' as though to say shut up and get on with it.
Yes. Yes take Oramorph if you need it but in very small doses, you will need a little syringe the dose is so tiny! Good luck and I hope it helps.
Joan x
That is unacceptable to see you struggling and know there is something they can do for you that will help and not give it.
Thanks jacdup, yes it was unacceptable. The COPD nurse who visited me two days after I left hospital got it with both barrels from me as did the consultant. I'd been a patient at the hospital for eight years and I'd never heard of it. I told them they should advise their colleagues to make their patients aware of Oramorph as it could save a lot of misery and worry.
Thanks for the support.
Happy New Year to you and everyone. 🍹🍸🥃🍺
My husband has IPF and was prescribed Oramorph. He said it helped with the breathlessness because of its calming effect. However a word of warning it also caused constipation in his case so severe he had to have an enema. Don't let it stop you but just something to be aware of. You may be fine with it.
Thank you all so much for the information. Very much appreciated 😊👌🏻