Whilst it is great news re the vaccines I am feeling personally disappointed re yesterday's announcement re the Oxford vaccine. They may think it is ok to release it at approx 70% effectiveness to increase herd immunity but for a vulnerable person like myself who has been living on my own like a hermit since March I am longing for 90-95% effectiveness so that I can feel safe enough to spend time with my family and friends many of whom will not be vaccinated. I accept that I will spend Christmas alone but I really hope that the Oxford team work on the hope of getting the 90% effectiveness by giving a half dose first. The Govt will use this one as it is local and cheap but I hope it is not released too soon.
Latest Vaccine: Whilst it is great news... - Lung Conditions C...
Latest Vaccine

I felt similar too gardeninglady. I feel wary too of a vaccine being rolled out so quickly when usually they take years. And I’m immune deficient from one of my meds. I feel guilty because everyone seems so excited about this, but I don’t know if I really want it yet. And like you say, 70% effectiveness doesn’t seem so much when you’re still considered extremely clinically vulnerable.
Gardeninglady.Please don't feel disappointed,as you say given at the correct doseage 90% has been achieved,also the drug is far easier to manufacture in massive amounts in a short space of time.needs only normal refrigeration and is the cheapest of all those potentially on offer whcih will benefit poorer countries as well.Even 70 % efficiency is far better than current flue vaccinations,which are fairly random in only being able to tackle what we believe will be the prevalent strain of virus each flu season whereas the Oxford vaccine specifically targets Covid 19.
At the present time i for one would be more than happy to accept the Oxford vaccine.
Best wishes Ski's and Scruff's
It’s well known that the flu vaccination composition is a bit of a guess, but I’ve had the flu vaccine for 20 years. I haven’t had full blown flu, so it must be working at some level for me. With a suppressed immune system, I am a bit scared of the Covid vaccine. I’m expecting to get the Oxford vaccine, as it’s cheap. I’m hoping to get some info from consultants when I have my phone appointment in December. I hope you and Scruffs are ok.
Like you Oshgosh i am fortunate in not having contracted the flue for more years than i care to remember and regularly have the flu jab so either by luck or judgement we have been doing the right thing in accepting it i believe?I believe that immune suppressed people where included in the phase 3 trial of the Oxford vaccine and none where affected by it so i hope that gives you some reassurance my love.
We are plodding along in reasonably good health at the moment and thank you for asking,. x
Thanks for your reassurance. We have to trus the scientists.I suppose we’ve been trusting them for years,given the mixture of tablets I take.
Think plodding along is the way to go.
Our oxygen supplier has changed.they came on Sunday to replace my portable concentrator.
There was no mention of the amount of electric consumed or of refund.
I suppose that has gone by the by ?
I don’t think I have got the energy to ring up and enquire.
You won't get any refunds for charging up your portable concenrator as far as i am aware?i did however get a small refund for my static concentrator based on the readings taken which should increase as i am now having to use it more on LTOT.Our supplies have also changed from Air Liquide to Baywater but the staff have all been tupeed over and the kit has remained the same so i still get the services of Mr Grumpy who still requires a sense of humour implant.
The guy who replaced the portable concentrator said that they are replacing all the equipment with new.Mine came straight out of the box.
Oshkosh, there is still a refund for the big concentrators (not the portable ones but I am told that their consumption is minimal). However a few weeks ago my supplier, Airliquide, sent me a letter saying that the rebate is no longer automatic and I had to opt in by completing a form. I think you should brave a phonecall and find out whether you need to do the same. I'm sure my concentrator is responsible for my hefty electricity bill so I am really grateful for the odd £60 or so every quarter and I'm sure the same is true for you. Stand your ground and make sure you receive what you are entitled to or I fear it is another problem which will be swept under the carpet. Unless you are a millionaire in your country house that is, but I somehow doubt that is the case. Otherwise make a cuppa, sit down with your phone and make the call, it will probably be far less bother than you are anticipating. Best if luck!
You will never be alone when you have others thinking of you and ... a lot of them are on this site 👍 I kind of agree about the vaccination But I think some sort of protection is better than none Like you I have never been over the threshold of the door , SO a Jab will greatly ease my mind...
Have a good day.
The live viewing also indicated that our flu vaccines only provide 62-65% protection and to be honest 70% is acceptable to me. I would opt for the Oxford vaccine over the 90-95% vaccines purely because the Oxford vaccine is not making a profit from it during the pandemic and they will help 3rd world countries.
The other two so far are charging making a profit so those who cannot pay won't get provided with help unlike the UK vaccines. Besides a certain president has shares in and promotes the vaccines and is also known for spreading fake news and down outright lies.
I know who I would trust. At least we know with the Oxford vaccine, they say it hugely reduces serious life threatening symptoms and hugely reduces death and hospitalisation.
I listened to the entire live briefing and the discussions that followed.
You can still and can even now, visit within your family bubble if you live alone.
Same here. I feel like that too.