After a lot of discussion, I finally decided to have the covid jab. I had this done a couple of weeks ago, I was given the AstraZeneca (Oxford) that evening I had terrible headache's, my arm is still hurting now, and my breathing was s bad I couldn't sleep and really thought I would end up in hospital. Now all I am hearing on tv is Oxford jab has not much effect on covid. As you don't get to choose which vaccine you have, I am very confused. I know the vaccine is supposed to be better than no vaccine. But is it. I have been home for months on end x keep safe everyone.
Oxford vaccine : After a lot of... - Lung Conditions C...
Oxford vaccine

Yes Pete had the AstraZeneca jab three weeks ago but the efficacy doesn’t seem that great and no good against the South African variant apparently. We’re just thinking that some protection is better than none.
It’s difficult when you just want to be able to get outside eventually.
Take care. Xxxxx
No good against covid for over 65 either listening to the reports this morning. Thank goodness I have a garden, just wish I had the breath to walk my dog x take care also, Praying for an end to this nightmare x keep positive x
Some reports say all ok for over 65’s and some say not. Confusing l think.
Stay positive, hoping things improve very soon. Xxxxx
As I understand it Carole, it's not that the AZ isnt safe for over 65s. It's just that the trialing for this group, i.e. us! has not been done to the same extent. Apparently it only started in the autumn with smaller numbers than for other age ranges, and in addition to this, the vaccine is not tested to the same extent with over 65s as many dont go out as much therefore are not exposed in the way younger people are.
I personally feel from what Ive read - and it may be wishful thinking as Ive just had the AZ one - that AZ are more open about problems with their vaccine than Pfizer. That was one reason I chose it - and we could choose in my town as the surgery posted well ahead of time on their facebook page when they had vaccine slots and which one they had on each day.
Thanks for your reply Jean. We have no choice here as it’s AZ vaccine and that’s it. Pete’s happy that he had that one and that’s what I’ll have when I get the call.
The media cause fear and confusion but I’m keeping an open mind. Hope you’re fine after your jab, and thanks again for reassuring me and hopefully others.
Take care xxxxx
I think this is a slight misunderstanding of the situation regarding prevalent strains and vaccine efficacy. The predominant strain in the UK is the Kent variant, and research suggests that both Pfizer and AZ vaccines give good protection against it, albeit at reduced level than the original strain. The efficacy against the SA strain is questionable (though it is too early to say with certainty) which is why there is so much effort to contain it.
However, I think this is looking at the issue the wrong way round. No vaccine is 100% effective against anything, so there is always a chance of catching the virus. However, there is good evidence that the vaccines reduce the risk of serious illness; this is a reasonable argument because, even if the vaccine efficacy is low, it has still primed your immune system to respond to the virus. Given that you will have some antibodies to some parts of virus, the chances are that your immune system will respond to any strain, albeit less efficiently.
So it's really a question of some protection being better than no protection and, if limited protection keeps me out of hospital, then that is definitely better than the alternative!
I had not seen your post before I wrote just now. I had such a bad time with side effects (and the 2nd dose is worse apparently) that I'm wondering if suffering like that is worthwhile.
I really don't know what to do either, don't know when my second dose is yet, I have reported my side effects, but had no response as yet x all we can do is stay positive and keep safe x
Maybe your GP could offer help or advice. Weigh up risk of covid against side effects of vaccine. Good luck with everything.