To all you lovely people who have been so kind to me these last few days, I just wanted to let you know that my husband is much improved. The consultant says he still has a way to go but, so far, it's in the right direction. I don't think he'll be home for a while but, as much as I miss him, I have to remind myself that he's in the best place. I've been at the hospital almost all the time but I plan on staying home this morning, to catch up on all the chores which carry on building up! I just can't believe how tired I am, I've just sat around for the last three days. Ive been told it's actually more of a psychological thing because of being so worried - and frightened. I must just hope he continues to improve. I'm so sorry not to have replied individually to each of you - but my thanks are no less sincere. I hope my next post will be to report even more improvement. We certainly have a lovely "family" on this forum ππ. Much love to,you all. Jan xx
Latest update: To all you lovely people... - Lung Conditions C...
Latest update
Oh Jan that's great news, now don't forget to look after yourself. Take care xx
What brilliant news, just remember to take care of you, β₯β₯β₯
Thank you for sharing the good news with us. Take care
Hi Jan
What great news for you and your husband.
Now you are at home this morning, don't rush about doing all those chores.
Sod the housework...look after yourself, and take some ME time.
Have a nice breakfast, play your favourite music, and have a nice relaxing soak in the bath...Have a nap after if you feel like it....Relax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Choose your favourite outfit for your afternoon visit.....
I am sure by the time you leave for the hospital you will feel a different person...
Stay Positive Jan and your mood will lift...and most of all smile and remind yourself how much improvement your husband has made.
Sending you both a Hug
Velvet xx
Very good news Jan hope everything turns out fine for you hope he takes time and recovers very soon take care jimmyg
Wonderful need to hear your husband is improving. You need to take care of yourself as well so have a rest this morning, never mind the housework! A quick tidy round then indulge yourself with what makes you happy. Your husband is being very well cared for in hospital so you need to be kind to yourself. Best wishes to you both x
Hi Jan, so pleased to hear your news this morning & please follow every bit of Velvet's advice. The housework can wait & sitting for hours at the bedside of someone you love is very tiring because, as you say, you are so worried & frightened that it is psychological I agree.Look after yourself because when he is home you will need all your reserves. Take care, Helen .xx
Such good and hopeful news Jan! π I'm so glad I'm able to 'post' again so I can tell you how pleased I am for you!π I think you should be extra good to yourself now and have a relaxed afternoon, he is in the best place for now they are working their magic!π hugs huff xxx
Such good news Jan and I hope your husband continues to improve each day. Take care of yourself. Lots of love, Carole xxxx
Glad to hear the good news. I hope the time will pass quickly for you and you will have him home again soon. Love Kaye
Hi Jan
So glad to hear that your husband is better. You must feel so relieved. Don't worry about replying individually, please make sure that you rest and look after yourself.
Take care
Hi, Jan, so good to hear your Hubby is improving, I hope it continues, and you have him home again before too long. Please don't forget you need to take care of yourself too, never mind the chores, they will still be there in a few days, so rest up and get your energy back so you can be bright and cheerful when you go to see him.
Thinking of you both,
Take care,
Christine. XXX

Dear Janann - what good news. It is to be expected that you are very tired after going through such a frightening time. You may need to consider cutting back on the the length of time you spend at the hospital as it sounds as if you will be in for a lengthy recovery time for your husband.
Wonderful news. Look after yourself. Take care xx
that's good news ,take care
Good morning Jan, delighted things are on the up and up,worrying about your husband will make you exhausted, without all the other things that need attention, try to have a bit of relaxation during the day,and be kind to yourself. Very best wishes, Bulpit
Good news Jan. you're being very brave, now he's condition is going in the right direction it's time for you to have a rest and get some energy back.
I think it's quite lovely that you care for him so much. P xxx