Sorry I have not been in touch but my computors won't allow access to Healthunlocked. I have managed to sign in via my laptop today after two hours of trying. I am still getting my email updates. My latest news is my lung condition is getting worse , so just plodding along as best I can fortunately its not long now to my oncology appointment the 7th april. My grandson gets married in July so its fingers crossed I can go. This week my sister is coming to take me for lunch for my birthday. Then next Sunday is mothers day of course so low level plans. Hope everyone is doing well and maybe now I can sign in on my laptop. My cooker is broke at present so no roast dinner today (smiles) but hopefully it will be repaired tomorrow by my repair insurance company. That's five days without cooking facility thank goodness for microwaves and slow cookers. Enjoy your Sunday everyone
Problems with access: Sorry I have not... - Lung Conditions C...
Problems with access

Hello Katie. Nice to hear from you. I'm sorry that your computers are playing up- hope you can keep on accessing the group through your laptop. And your cooker also. Haven't you enough problems without dumb machines adding to them? It's good that there are one or two nice things on the horizon and I hope the oncologist will have some positive suggestions. Whenever I get fed up with the internet and my insubordinate laptop, I have to remind myself that without them I would never have found this group. Best wishes and fingers crossed for you. xxx
It's Murphys law isn't it how everything goes wrong at once!
No roast dinner here either but it's something we planned ages ago to have them alternate weeks rather than every week to cut costs and have some variety as well and today we will bring the pub here to us!
Point is no one HAS to have a roast dinner on a Sunday do they as its not compulsory!
One Sunday we did a roasted butternut squash for a change which we all enjoyed and a change is as good as a rest!
I'm sorry to hear your condition has deteriorated and it's always the way isn't it how everything goes wrong at the same time!
Here we aren't doing roast dinner this week either but it's something we planned in advance to do them alternate weeks as it gets boring the same thing every week and it's not like it's compulsory to have roast dinner every Sunday is it?
Today it's haggis and neeps here and we are bringing the pub to us today to have a change and save money as its the small things that make a big difference!
Hi Katie.
I`m sorry to hear things are not going so well for you, I hope that things keep on improving and a happy birthday in advance.
You make sure that the oncologist gets the message your Grandson is getting married and yo want a clean bill of health so you can participate on the happy day.
Take care and look after yourself.
So lovely to hear from you Katie and hope your computer problems are behind you now. Sorry to hear of your worsening lung problems too and wishing you well for the 7th April. Have a happy birthday and fingers crossed your cooker is fixed tomorrow.
Sending love and hugs.
Carole xxxx❤️🤗
How have you all been getting on?
I am doing great and I am enjoying living up here still as the lifestyle suits me and there's no noise like there was at the old place!
Friday just gone I went to the surgery near the old places for a blood test and to be fair it was nice and easy and the lady doing it was nice as well!
A few of the doctors at the surgery have retired recently who I got along well with but the younger ones I get on well with are still there who put me at ease and the woman doctor I get along well with is still there as well!
Baby is great and is 21 in a few weeks time!
At the end of January I received some very bad news that the swimming pool I had been going to since the May of 2022 had shut down as they had been made bankrupt and I had been devastated but I have accepted it now.
We’re not too bad thank you Turnipgirl. Thank you for asking. Looking forward to Easter and Mothers Day too of course.
Good to hear you’re enjoying life and being looked after by the medical profession. Shame about the swimming pool though.
Happy birthday to Baby when it comes around. She’s doing well for 21 and being loved and cared for. Xxxx
Next Sunday we are off out to the local pub for a 3 course dinner for Mothers Day which we are looking forward to and it will be time off cooking as well!
I'm looking forward to Easter as well and having a nice couple of days off!
Last Monday I received a job offer without a face to face interview for a work from home job and I was suspicious as it appeared too good to be true and I turned it down with confidence as I feel it's better to be safe than sorry!
When things appear too good to be true then yes they are!
When I got that e mail that Friday night at the end of January saying the leisure centre had shut down I was absolutely devastated and it felt like the world had ended and I had ended up crying my eyes out over it but now I have come to terms with it and have started going to the local community centre a couple of times a week and it's absolutely horrific the way the ill and disabled on the estate are treated badly by those who are paid to help them when they get conned claiming there's all these opportunities available and no there isn't!
They had tried to claim to me opportunities were available and I told them to get lost as I had seen right through it and that it's a con and I said if I want to do things I will apply for them myself and how I don't need to be spoon fed like you do a child!
Hi Sassy59, cookers working again its me thats exhausted with it all now. Today I have opt for cornbeef stew in the slow cooker. Itwas the element that was faulty in the oven. Now they are changing my treatment regime at the gps no wonder the service is so costly every change costs money. Hope you &Pete are keeping wellxx
My slow cooker here is my best friend as before you leave for the day you put your stuff in and switch it on and when you come back dinner is ready and when you get the question what's for dinner you just say what's in the slow cooker is tonight's dinner!
This afternoon I have made a chickpea and sweet potato hash for dinners for the week ahead and put away the leftover haggis from Sunday dinner to make it into a hash with sweet potato as well for dinners next week!
So with the what's for dinner question I can easily answer the dinners that got cooked on Sunday are getting reheated!
Those home made ready cooked dinners are lovely and handy as all you need to do is reheat them when you are ready!
You sound super efficient, I.m usually like that making things from left overs. I was going to do cornbeef hash today but I changed it to stewed steak with potatoes and broad beans, I use the slow cooker for the meat and hob for the veg. Some of my family use these new air fryers and of course its amazing what can be cooked in a microwave. Most local pubs do varied meals at fairly reasonable prices. Theres always a way as they say. Enjoy your meals in the week .
I'm sorry that you are having such a rotten time of it. It all seems to come at once and is so exhausting. Hopefully one by one they will be resolved and I do hope that your specialist comes up with something.
I am thinking about you xx
Dear Katie, lovely to hear from you but very sorry things might have taken a downturn however the 7th April is not far off so wishing you all the best for the appointment with my fingers crossed. Sorry to hear about the cooker - it never rains but it pours - I'm hoping your family can help out there as you've already plenty to contend with
Happy Birthday wishes too (mine was a few days ago, very low key but luckily a nice sunny one). Thinking of you 💐 ps I think HealthUnlocked might have been fiddling with the site, I had to sign in again too.
happy belated birthday peege, glad to hear you enjoyed it. Apparently after October the windows will be changing again can't keep up with these constant changes. Have a windows 11 laptop but looks like I might have to change my PC too so they intergrate.
Ah I got rid of laptop and PC some time ago, took up too much space & I thought Windows a waste of money as I don't work anymore. I mostly use my Samsung tablet (same size as an iPad). Gift from my 3 offspring in early 2018. Best thing I did, fits nicely in a bag for reading my online books in the parks here. 👋 my 0h phone is Samsung too so makes life easier without wires and nothing to dust!
Hello katieoxo60,so lovely to hear from you,sorry to hear that all is happening at the one time, sometimes that happens, but try not to worry katieoxo60 I'm sure all will turn out well for you,I wish you well on your appointment on 7th April with the oncologist, you never know katie sometimes things turn out so much better than what we think they will, just focus on all the lovely outings ahead of you, your grandsons wedding, going out for a lovely birthday 🎂 meal with your sister & of course looking forward to mother's day ,& before you know where you are, all will be 👍well again for you... " Happy birthday 🎂🍾🍹 katie" enjoy your day.. Wishing you well, with much love, 💘 & may God bless you always.. Primrose 123, ( Maria)
It must be very frustrating to struggle with getting onto the forum. Anything too technical floors me. And so annoying to lose your cooker for five days too! Hopefully it can be fixed today. I hope enjoy your birthday lunch and send you best wishes for the day.
Oh Katie don't things just drive you potty when they all go awry. I really don't know how you have managed without a cooker for 5 days and hope it gets fixed this week. So sorry to hear your lung condition is getting worse and hope the oncologist can give you some good news. Happy Birthday 🎂🍾🎉 to you this week and am sure you will enjoy the day with your sister. Good to have you back on site x
So sorry to hear how the universe has been ganging up on you recently. Hopefully. you'll soon be cooking once again.
All the best for the oncology appointment next month. Have a lovely birthday lunch with your sister x
Hi Katie ... here's hoping that things improve on every front!!! You've been getting a rough time lately...surely you're due a break! Don't you just sometimes feel that it's 1 thing after another??? I've been a bit down in the dumps lately (not over cookers) as it was so windy and cold I hadn't been out much and was trying to do some exercises in the Achilles tendonitis!!! Pretty painful but was improving well. Yesterday I was playing with our dog and foolishly kicked one of her toys ... guess what ...agonising pain from heel right up the back of the leg to hospital we go ...torn calf muscle,.....just to add to the misery of being on antibiotics and steroids for. infection. On a brighter's a lovely sunny day ....
So lovely to hear from you, but sorry to hear of your worsening lungs, I hope your appointment goes well.
Have a wonderful birthday lunch with your sister xx
It's lovely to hear from you.
Sorry things are not so good with your lungs. I hope the oncologist can offer some treatment to improve things for you.
Your Grandson's wedding is something to work towards, isn't it?! Is it going to be local or in some far flung venue with lots of sea and sand? That seems to be quite a trend these days - no thought for the poor old guests who have to travel! I'm hoping it won't be too far for you to go and you're able to make it.
Meanwhile, Mother's Day first! I hope someone's treating you to dinner and not expecting you to cook it yourself. We're celebrating a day early as our daughter in law is going to visit her family in Germany for special birthday celebrations and flies on Sunday.
I hope your cooker is fixed for you - often it's something quite small and easy for someone to fix when they know what they're doing and have the part on the van.
Glad you're able to be in touch with us all again.
xx Moy
Hi Katie. I’m sorry to hear your lung condition has worsened. I was quite poorly before Christmas. In the end I was coughing up blood. I went for an X-ray but they didn’t find anything so it was probably a small blood vessel.
I can sympathise with you on your cooker. Mine went just over a week ago. I’ve now got a nice shiny new one. I’m afraid to use it as I might spoil the shine. 😹
I have used it just the once so far. I’ll probably use it tonight. I hate having new things because it’s all new technology. I’m afraid I don’t do tech.
Happy Birthday Katie. Enjoy the day and I wish you a happy, healthier year ahead. Best wishes, Diane x
Sorry to hear of your tech problems and health issues. Fingers crossed for your appointment that it’s beneficial and birthday greetings. Have a great time with your sister xx