If I follow thousands of folk and wear - a FACE MASK , - do you recon she - the Dentist will be able to get all that IRON MONGERY INTO MY MOUTH ? !! ...bearing in mind - she always wears one herself - could this then be a case of THE BLIND LEADING THE BLIND ? ! … This is going to be interesting folks ! , and perhaps a little more painful ! ., and a little worrying - waiting in the main " Waiting area" to be called - re the Virus situation ....-..just one other observation , = NO ONE as far as I know has ever asked --=--" WHERE THE HELL DID THIS VIRUS CAME FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE ? - - we know its .PLACE of origin , = China , but NOT ITS ACTUAL CREATION …-..the popular theory doing the rounds is , at the moment , that it was cooked up by the Chinese as a " WEAPON " …..but got out from the Laboratories somehow -… good luck folks ...and if I return from the the Dentist ALIVE after - " MADAM FRANKENSTEIN has done her worst …… I shall return to this site ! …..( I want my Mummy !!!)...
….MY Dentist appointment in about two... - Lung Conditions C...
….MY Dentist appointment in about two hours …..ooH !...

Good luck vittorio. The virus originated from bats I believe but don’t quote me on that. Xxx

Good luck at the dentist let us know how your ordeal went. Have a good day and take care of yourself 😊 Bernadette xx
Well, DAMON1864 …... I staggered into the surgery room itself, , spluttering a bit and coughing as I had only just sat down , after coming in from the cold street, , into the waiting area, and was called by " Madam Dentist " over the Intercom , to enter her " Torture chamber " ! , immediately , her assistant saw me , and rushed out of the room , never to be seen again ! . and through her face mask , she, the Dentist, mumbled questions , and proceeded = at arms length , shoving her pliers , screwdrivers and various assorted levers into my mouth , leaving me nearly choking ! …I had to splutter out that I needed a pause in her machinations ! whilst I took a great intake of my Inhaler , and then she said =…" Now this IS going to HURT a little - charming , !-...blimey , ! I nearly pulled the arms off the chair "!!….as I staggered out of her room , I said = … " EVER THOUGHT OF TAKING UP WRESTLING ?… YOU'DE EARN A PACKET "! and then I had to pay £65.00 for the privilege ! …...OH MOTHER DEAR , WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU !!!......until the next time ...endless thanklies DAMON1864, for giving me your goodly wishes !!...and as I said to a lady friend of mine recently , = BE GOOD , AND IF YOU CAN'T BE GOOD , - BE CAREFUL ,… AND IF YOU CAN'T BE CAREFUL , =. AND REMEMBER THE DATE !! ...Bye !!x
Hope all goes well. Take care
Don't worry vittorio - the dentist will wear the face mask Hope its not too painful.
The virus purported came from an animal called the pangolins, a very cute looking scaly animal .
More info here:
google is a very helpful tool, although I did read about this in the news a few weeks ago.

ooh ! … that sounds like my old moggy !... he keeps giving me strange looks !...

Interesting article Bkin, thank you x
Hope you have recovered from your dental visit Vittorio x