She is now back in her home where the staff are being fantastic. But she seems to have gone further downhill due to her awful experience. She is refusing to try to walk and the physiotherapists who will be going to the home are going to have their work cut out.
We can only get her to eat and drink a bit now but the staff really care and are trying their best. They are going to start pureeing her food from tomorrow. She lost her lower denture in the home 3 weeks ago and although they and us have ripped the place apart trying to find it, no success. They said the dentist will try to make her some more but I am not hopeful. She seems to be fading away and seeing her for the first time wearing an adult bib and being spoon fed is horrible. I don't think she will last long....
Its sounds awful but I wish for her sake that she does die soon - she has got very little quality of life left and its just dragging out the inevitable. I can't see her improving any more.
I think we are much kinder to animals than people....
Bev xx