Like really the little @&&&kj took some coughing up.
From what i could see with my microscope The Respiratory Track Infection VIRUS looked like a fluffy cloud as seen in top left picture.
I guess it left my ANTIBODY TOXIC body as antibiotics was interfering with its DEVIDE and CONQUER thingy.
In picture 1 that bit of yellow or orange is INFLAMMATION but as you can see its been hijacked as all would be yellow or orange.
Depending on your eyesight.
Picture 2 you can see cloud and load of lose cells oblong shape round cload.
Guess thats how coughed that up as cloud formation had been disrupted.
But what is shocking is HOW once left my body i.e Respiratory Track Infection VIRUS.
Oblong bits reformed to join cloud picture 3
Who why when on appearance there is no nuclease THEN like magic virus cloud was reformed.
Picture 4
Clearly a virus structure must be its weakness BUT dose not make any less infectious given how it reforms.
Guess trick is to causes a form of mitosis or reduce it to its virus components.
Defo be looking into this further AS to virus i used old school and incinerated slide after
Be NO coming back from that the little @&££@ as is toast