Feel so poorly and scared today.... - Lung Conditions C...

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Feel so poorly and scared today....

Huffnpuffer profile image
29 Replies

Been feeling so poorly the last couple of days, that now i'm really weepy. Saw the nurse practitioner on Friday afternoon who said i have a fluey virus thats doing the rounds, and after listening to my chest, told me my lungs sounded awful... think I knew that. She prescribed cefaclor antibiotic and of course steroids.

But feeling worse today, really tight chested and breathless,aching, hot and cold shivers too, and the steroids are giving me a dreadful burning pain in my tum.

I know its early days but i don't mind admitting I get really frightened and upset when I can't breathe, and I know that makes things worse, but its scary when you live alone.

Sorry to be such a wus, but this is the one place I can really be honest and know there are people who understand.

I will try to get to see my own doctor tomorrow if i can get an appointment and if i can manage to get there, and maybe she will at least prescribe some enteric coated prednisolone,I know there is little else they can do.

Its times like these that i really need a big hug and a weep on a kind shoulder, its always the little things that you miss the most.


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Huffnpuffer profile image
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29 Replies

Hi huff,

big hugs coming your way xxx

i feel very frightened as well can't breath most of the time, but only abit of pain in my

chest, but breathing problems all the time

take care xxx

pedantic profile image


Sorry to learn that you are having a bad time of it.Not doing so great myself.I too live alone,i find it difficult coping at times & when there is no-one to talk to/no-one to help it only magnifies what we have to face.Sorry to sound so dreary,just having a bad day.Chins up eh ? we just have to get on with it xx

in reply to pedantic

Hi I know how you feel I live on my own too and I i have to same problem i have trouble breathing and i suffer with anxiety attacks but I try my best to get on with it the best I can do keep your chin up and hope you get some help best of luck

pollyjj profile image

Big Huggggs from me too.

Poor you if you feel so poorly why not get the doctor to do a home visit, or if you feel you need to phone for the ambulance

It must be really scary being on your own I get scared and I have my hubby to help me.

I know what its like having those white prednisolone they play havoc with your stomach as if you have not got enough to put up with. Get the doctor to write on your records that they must be coated and check your prescriptions before you hand them to chemist.

Don't worry about crying, a good cry can help and you are certainly not a wuss.

lots more huggggs


pollyjj profile image

Big Huggggs to pedantic too.

pedantic profile image
pedantic in reply to pollyjj

Thank you Polly xx


We do understand.

My advice is make a hot drink, curl up in bed with a good book and try to sleep for a while. It is surprising how much better this makes me feel when I am under the weather. Hope it works for you.


Lynne1955 profile image

I do feel for you and you are right to say that it is more frightening when you live alone. I don't but my sister and my closest friend both do and I know they get more worried about things because of that.

I think auntymary's advice is good. If you don't fancy a book why not watch a favourite film?

Lynne x

poeticlady profile image

Oh i do feel for you,its rotten,when you are poorly,I know its easier said than done,but try to relax,as it doesn't help your breathing,are you taking any cold rememdies like lemslip etc,a nice hot drink of something like that,will 1 maybe help out with the chills,and 2 smooth your nerves.hope you are feeling brighter soon xxx

nonsmoker2 profile image

If it was possible to send actual hugs it would be a great thing. Please try not to feel alone ,I am new to this site and I am amazed how caring and supportive people are. I live with my husband but feel that i am disturbing him with my constant coughing and try to go off and be by myself so that I don't have to worry about him as well as myself.He has his own health worries! Be honest with your friends and neighbours , let people know that you have off days and accept their kindness. I hope you are feeling a bit brighter . I agree with the last comment a nice cuppa and a good book or film can help xx

Gordon57 profile image
Gordon57 in reply to nonsmoker2

As auntymary demonstrated, you can express ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) and show how much you mean it by how many 'arms worth' you give. ;-)

Gordon57 profile image

Hi huffnpuffer,

There is certainly something going round. I started with it last Wednesday but it seems to be going at last. I slept pretty well last night and my nose is not trying to do an impression of a volcano, complete with flowing lava, today.

Knowing it wasn't a chest infection, I stayed away from my backup antibiotics and steroids. I try to avoid the cold and flu remedies too, they just seem to make these things last longer to me as they block the gunk for a while, but then it starts again.

If you have problems with the steroids, make sure your GP knows you always want the enteric coated ones to prevent the stomach problems. The main thing to remember is that the uncoated ones MUST be taken with food. It's usually stated on the pack but a lot of people, myself included, don't always remember - until they get problems.

There's no being a wus about anything. You're right to be worried and scared by the problems you have, but you have to be able to reason with yourself and handle those feelings. If you let them get to you then you'll end up feeling even worse.

On another blog today, someone suggests having two positive things to combat one negative. I try to find some music to play in my headphones while I'm sat here at the computer. There are many tracks that have meanings to me, some good, some bad. I can play one that brings back a good memory and then smile, pushing whatever problem I have down my mental list of priority a little.

The feelings don't go away, but being able to manage them becomes easier when you find a way to simply cheer yourself up a bit.

libbygood profile image

You've got lots of friends on this site but I know that's not the same as having someone to talk to and reassure you in bad times, I have a very good husband but on days when he goies into work and I'm not feeling too good I get scared and feel very alone and he's only a phone call away. Hope you soon improve and feel happier. Take care and keep warm.

Libby x

Firethorn profile image

Loads of luv and kisses and hugs are winging their way to you. I think we all understand where you are coming from even those who have partners and carers. I have my 22 year old son Sam as my carer and I do bottle some of my feelings up because I don't want to worry him. There have been many times when I think I will look into an easy way out. I have been given a glimmer of hope I might be suitable for a lung transplant still got a few more hoops to jump through but figure's crossed. Just keep in touch with us here and we will try to give you the boost you need to get through the ad times.

nellie15 profile image

thinking of you and sending a hug. xx

Huffnpuffer profile image

Well now i am weeping buckets, but in a good way ! Thank you all so so much for your hugs, kind words, and common sense, i knew i would be able to offload here and not be judged, everyone knows what its like to feel like this now and again i suppose.

Just to update you, a neighbour popped in this afternoon to see me, and promptly rang the out of hours doctor, who arrived less than 2 hours later. He was very kind, checked blood pressure and stats etc, and went over my meds with me and prescribed ventolin nebs as well. Still feel like rubbish and it'll probably get worse before it gets better, but I feel a little more in control now, and looking forward to feeling better.

So thankyou, everyone of you, for caring, for lifting my spirits, and for being there. xxxx

stan5 profile image

Well done girl- best of wishes-Stan

Huffnpuffer profile image

Thanks Stan xx

pollyjj profile image

Seems like you have a lovely neighbour, hope you are on the mend very soon, you have lots of support here keep us in touch with your progress, we do want to know.

keep impoving

polly xx

Huffnpuffer profile image

Thank you Polly xxx

evo1510 profile image

have to ask is that your dog. just like mine..i was feeling like you last night ,but after being on here,and so many careing people replying to my cry,ing i felt a lot better..the hugs and kiss,s and kindness of all the people on here is great...xxtake care and hope your better soon..xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

Lots of luuuurve and hugs too all !! :)

Huffnpuffer profile image

Hello Evo, yes thats a pic of my Daisy May, she's seven now, and such good company.Thank you for your good wishes and i hope you are feeling brighter too. xx

Puff, spread the luuurve :)

hajoed profile image

I am a newbe to this site but not to the feelings expressed by Huffnpuffer and others here. I am really struggling with my breathing, pumps don't seem to have any effect anymore and I was trying to make up my mind about phoning the Doctor. I am no longer alone! Hope I can get an appointment. Does anyone have any experience of help from an Ashma clinic?


I so hope you are feeling a little better today. I feel so sorry for you - of course you feel frightened. I feel frightened just watching my husband struggling for breath - so god only knows how scared you must feel. Try to be really kind to yourself and look after yourself. If you are still feeling ill, ask if the doctor can come and see you, it is so cold out there today. It won't be forever, soon you will be feeling better. Take good care, with lots of good wishes and love, TAD xx

hufferpuffer profile image

Huffnpuffer!! its Carol isn't it? well its Hufferpuffer Carol here sending you the biggest get well hugs ever!!! hope you are feeling much much better today! stay tucked up and get plenty of hot lemomey drinks into you, I hope you can manage to eat something along with all the medicine,thinking of you,love Carol xxx

have you a nebuliser - it really helped me last time when I felt like you do now. I went to the doc for it and you can also have one at home. If you get worried, ring the NHS helpline. hope you feel better soon.

Huffnpuffer profile image

Tad, thank you for your kind words and good wishes,

Carol, your virtual hugs were so welcome , thanks,

and JulieKay, I do use nebs, but they weren't helping a great deal. Must say i forgot about NHS helpline, thanks for the tip.

Hoping you all are keeping as well as you can, take care xxxx


Hope you are feeling a little brighter today? You can always phone us here at the helpline, talk to a nurse, or me for emotional support or a chat in confidence. 03000 030 555.

Take care and keep on blogging.


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