My brother has been diagnosed now for few years now with COPD he has been approved for heart/lung transplant he is 50yrs old.
I realise this is the best that can be done but there is still a long road ahead.
My concern is that mentally this is and has to be taking its toll on him, he has been told that his teeth have to be match fit so after visit to dentist he has to have all his teeth removed he is terrified of the dentist and of course this has to be done at hospital due to his breathing difficulties. It seems a small thing in comparison but it's more for him to get anxious about, I know my brother holds back details from our father as he doesn't want him to worry, but I'm sure he holds back details from me and worries that he has. I feel nobody is able to help him with his fears and reality of the situation as so many things can go wrong, all we seem to do is be blindly positive, this time next year your life going to be so it though.. I worry what he's thinking when jollying along with this so we don't worry.. it's like avoiding all negative possibilities..perhaps this is the right way to be? I don't know but he must need more emotionally he lives alone, he used to be an purser for BA and travelled the world many times so his house bound situation and now the teeth is awful for him. I was hoping maybe on this forum I could find him a friend that he could talk to about his thoughts and fears, as I know he can't do with us.. someone in same or similar situation.. he's not eating well or looking after himself in a depressed way... can anybody help me to help him...