Can anyone tell me if they have fev1 of 24% and how it affects their day to day life thank you very much everyone in anticipation somehow asking people on this forum seems to start to relax you and just helps to stop panic setting in thank you duff
Lung function : Can anyone tell me if... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung function

Hi, My lung function is 33% so I am obliged to take it easy otherwise I have a bout of breathlessness which can cause panic which can cause more breathlessness so take it easy!
Duff,i believe i am the same age as you and also i have a similar Fev1 of 22%,i am not sure why some people think your fev1 is the holy grail in determining what you can reasonably expect to be able to do,other important factors such as gas transfer rates and the type of lung disease you have can play far more significance in your daily living,i know you are not keen on jargon so i won't bore you with the details,basically try to live as normally as possible and use aids and where prescribed ambulatory oxygen as and when required,when you get breathless just slow down until you regain control and your breathing improves,it is highly unlikely that you can over exert yourself as your body will tell you when to stop.above all else try to manage anxiety as it is well known to make your symptoms far harder to manage and avoid the temptation to do nothing as that is a guaranteed recipe for a further decline in your condition.
Regards Ski's and Scruffy
Hi Ski’s and Scruffy thank you so much for your reply I have just turned 65 I did have to give up my job last March as I just found it impossible I do stay reasonably active I spend at least two hours every day between excersise and walking my one big problem is that I will panic and I will find it almost impossible to get control of my breathing duff
Duff,i am fortunate in that i do not suffer anxiety problems,though i do often get depressed at my inability to do things as i previously led a very active life,others on here have indicated that they have managing strategies for anxiety and i hope they will come along and give you some useful tips.
Best wishes...Ski's and Scruff's
Hi Duff, my FEV1 is at 30% now, I’m due a revue next week so that may change. My best advice right now is to try and eat well, stay active, and stay happy! 😊
I have to agree with Skis'. There are many factors at play, not just FEV1%. The umbrella term COPD appears to make everyone's lungs seem the same and they are not. There are many different parts to the cardiovascular system, all of which can be permanently damaged and cause the major symptom of breathlessness. Your FEV1 is just one type of performance measurement, but it is not a measurement of breathlessness.
I have mentioned this before, simply put: You can have a pretty good (mild) FEV1% with a severely compromised gas exchange rate and be really breathless, alternatively, you can have a low (severe) FEV1% but have a good gas exchange rate and be able to function reasonably well. Plus everything in between. Some will have an excess of mucus with a debilitating cough that drains their energy, others produce a normal amount of mucus and have no cough (except when having an infection). There are so many different component parts to our lungs and permutations of the damage that can exist. This is why we are so different with the symptoms.
Then there is your past history, when you get diagnosed and your lifestyle at the time, which also can have an affect on capabilities. eg. Being retired and fairly sedentary when first diagnosed or working and being very active when diagnosed. The first example will have a very hard time trying to get fit and exercise the second example will be able to tolerate exercise quite well and breathlessness will not be so severe.
Putting it "all under one roof" of an umbrella term does not do us, the patients, any favours at all. It causes confusion and frustration when we find that we don't fit in that little box that the average sufferer does. Chronic Bronchitis is NOT the same as Emphysema, they both cause the one symptom of breathlessness but other than that they are so very different. You can have one or the other, or more commonly, a completely varied mix of the two. Then there are also comorbitities, additional conditions, which also come into play.
There is little point trying to compare yourself to others, no two people will be exactly the same. My FEV1 was 31% a year ago and my story is well documented on here, our FEV's are similar, yet we are so very different. All we can do is try to achieve a good healthy lifestyle and build on it.
Very well explained 2 gs, Thank you. I have always said on here, " We are all Different" with our Lung Diseases no two can be the same. Except Skis, he is in all of us. Haha. Te Queiro Carino Ski's. XXXXX
You always explain things really simple. For people like myself, trying to understand and manage our diagnosis.
I have Server COPD and Emphysema and moderate Bronchiectasis, but from spring last year have more and more problems with infections and allergies, if it wasn't for people like yourself on this site, I wouldn't be able to cope.
Thankyou x
Skis and 2Greys have given you --wonderful input. I have an Fev-1 of 18 but still have a full time job (requires my brain --not physical work) and get out --walk on a treadmill etc.
My gas transfer is extremely good for someone with my Fev-1. I think that's my saving grace
It is difficult-- and my days are challenging but I learned in Pulmonary Rehab. -- you have to stay active. Use it or lose it. So I use it!
Anxiety is an issue -- but each day is worth living.
My Fev1 was 25% 15 months ago. I will go in August for a pft. I know my Fev1 will be lower. However, my gas exchange or dlco was 69% a year ago. Which is still pretty good. And the reason I’m still able to work. January 2010 when I was first diagnosed my Fev1 was 58% & my dlco was 92%. It will be interesting to see where I’m at mid August. I was 47 when diagnosed with alpha one ZZ. I’m now 58. We all are so different which makes it hard to determine what our progression will be.

I have my next check for my pft in August as well. Not sure how it will go. I have some OK days and some bad. It will depend a bit on the day. Humidity really sends me down a bit.
All the Best!
The last one I had was 15 months ago and I ended up using my inhalers as I struggled to walk up the incline and a few stairs into the hospital. So I was not able to get a pre result , only the post result. . I was at 25% then. I’m going to go without inhalers this time to get an accurate pre and post.
I am 68 and have a lung function of 20% and still manage to do the cooking for the wife and me albeit using ambulatory oxygen for every task apart from sitting down. I also go shopping twice a week. We still go out to places of interest when the wife isn’t working and I still manage to do some housework. So life with bad lungs is not a death sentence in the short term. I believe illness is a state of mind. I keep smiling and always look on the bright side. Good luck but above all keep smiling
What does fvi% mean is it the result of the spirometer test..
Ok thank you..don’t know very much about spirometory test showed my lung function was 70% that was 10 months ago..that’s all I know until I get appointment in the resp clinic..
Just wondering does that mean my fvi is 70% ?
Basically you are classed as having mild (stage 1) COPD. NO smoking a healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise, even just walking, you will probably never suffer the symptoms of being severe, which are life changing.
Thank you 2greys..I was also diagnosed with asthma as well I’m 65..I take 2puffs of spiolto every morning...& 2 puffs of flixotide for asthma..haven’t had chest infection since being fact never had chest infections before being diagnosed just that one 10 months ago..I’m struggling to give up smoking..thanks again..
Well What an Achievement, Home from Friday Shopping, after a Quick Pub Visit. Had my Oxygen on more than usual. I think I may be a bit lower than my 26% FEV1, but never Mind as I had a Good day walking, Pushing my Shopping Trolley for the first time, No Mobility Scooter. Going to enjoy Spag Bol, that Mum in law made, saves us Cooking. All in All my Fit Bit says I did just under 2000 Steps, That's a Good Day. Roll on Tomorrow, Going to my Nieces Baby Shower. (Another Pub Visit) Haha. xxxx
Oh my!! I secretly think that our members who go under the disguise of 2greys and skischool are in fact Doctors,as their combined knowledge is just wonderful😄. This site works so well because of people like them and many,many others who offer to "help" in so many ways. I can't add anything new to the above replies but just to say,I'm an anxious person and if I don't control my breathing, it soon Tues into panic. It's the worst thing ever and I battle daily to beat it and beat it I will. I'm determined it will not rule my life anymore.
Thank you squirrelsHolt and yes I do agree with you they are wonderful very caring with a wealth of knowledge between them duff
Ha Ha i didn't even do the 11 plus,left school with no qualifications and the only academic piece of paper i have is an Army certificate of education and a couple of skiing medals.
Not so clever Ski's and a knowledgeable cat xx
Now you listen to me,you are an especially knowledgeable man and Scruffy,well that cat is just the Top Cat ever. What was it that they called Batman and Robin?..... The Dyamic Duo?
Bits of paper are just that ... I have a certificate in Windows 98 🤣
Otherwise I have a drivers license (and no car), a ships’ radio operator’s licence, some piano certificate (and no piano) and a skiing certificate (and no skis) Oh and no ship either which I hadn’t specified but maybe I do need to point that out 🚢