My GP has said I need to wait 6 months for a lung function test , I presume this is a Spirometry test. Can I insist I have it before. Just been diagnosed with moderate Emphysema. Thank you, Jo
Spirometry/lung function test - Lung Conditions C...
Spirometry/lung function test

I wouldn’t think so Jo. I think just about everywhere has cancelled these due to risk of infection. It’s best to wait, I think.
Lung function tests are a high Covid risk test as you have to blow out vigorously. I have an Asthma Monitor from Amazon it is an electronic peak flow meter which measures both PEF and FEV, the normal peak flow meter only does PEF. I have pulmonary aspergillosis and COPD and use the monitor regularly to keep a check on my lung function, useful to have some reading to discuss during phone appointments.
You could but i really don't see why. You know how you feel. Knowing the numbers wont make you feel any beter. The important bit is to take your meds as instructed. Exercise. And if you dont feel your meds are working for you go back to your gp, or put in a call to your consultant.
In covid times routine tests are cancelled or very much delayed. I've not had a spirometry test this year at all.
A full lung function test is much more comprehensive than a spirometry test. Full lung function test is done at the hospital the spirometry test can be done at your GP surgery.
I think if you are stable (ie without repeated lung infections) I don't think you will get anywhere with insisting.
Make sure you keep out of the bugs ways and protect yourself all you can, keep healthy.
Take good care
Thank you for all your replies xxx
I had a pft (spirometry test, bit more in-depth than one in health centre) on 1st october. My gp wrote to respiratory consultant and marked it urgent. They had told me it would be 6 months or more b4 I'd get one at hospital, but my gp said that wasnt good enough. Maybe try getting your gp to send an urgent referal x
Ive also just been diagnosed with moderate emphysema. Such a shock. The respiratory consultant rang me and told me and said i had 56% lung capacity left. Ive never seen him b4 but he is going by my ct scan and spirometry results. Funny he said i have only mild copd (fev 70%). So mild copd and moderate emphysema. Still in shock. I have loads of questions for him now but dont know when ile get to speak with him again. How are you feeling? Have you got alot of breathlessness? X
I don't particularly understand the 'mild' COPD and 'moderate' Emphysema diagnosis. Write down all your questions to ask and make sure you understand the answers given as it all seems a bit confusing how they do the mild and moderate diagnosis. Get on their case today so you are sure in your own mind what this all means. I have to wait for a Spirometry test. Tried to go private but help not available down that route either due to the Covid. They were happy for me to go along for a Consultation though and pay £250.00 for the privilege! Looks like I will just wait for the 6 month check at my GPs. I do get breathless but pace myself and am well aware of my limits regarding physical activity. Let me know how you get on. Take care xxx
Yes it was a bit (still is) confusing to me also. He explained it that , emphysema used to come under the umbrella term of copd. Now it is a separate illness on its own. Copd is the narrowing of your airways, where emphysema is the destruction of the alveoli (tiny air sacks in the lungs). Copd can improve, the fev1 figure and be helped by inhalers. Emphysema cant be improved and once the alveoli are destroyed , that's it, you never get them functioning again. He said from the emphysema point, i have 56% lung capacity left. Will ask in more detail if i can get speaking to the health centres respiratory nurse maybe. I definitely know that they are classed as 2 different ailments now though. X
I have enphysema and some bronchiectasis , so you can have both .