Hello everyone i am new here and this is my first time posting so apologies in advance if I mess up lol .My name is Jeff and I am 61 yrs young and after my scan the hospital consultant says i have emphysema with 36% lung function I stopped smoking on april 1st 2018 and I have started to take vitamin D3 and omega 3 and am doing my best at exercising.My question is has anyone managed to get some lung function back ? thank you in advance
36% lung function ?: Hello everyone i... - Lung Conditions C...
36% lung function ?

Hi Jeff welcome to the forum, so nice to hear from new members. You can gain some lung function back at least that's what my nurse and doctor told me. They told me to exercise and do my breathing exercises, I must admit I t does help. I hope you can get the answer you are after it certainly would be nice to know if you can, I would also like to know. Please do keep posting, it's always nice to hear from new people. Take care have a good day. 😊 Bernadette xx
Thanks Bernadette i will keep you posted of any improvements if I have any I am waiting for my appointment at pulmonary rehabilitation but i think there if a long wait
It's not usually too long to wait, where I live in Nottinghamshire it's about six weeks. Hopefully you won't have to wait to long, let me know please how you get on. Take care and keep posting.😊 Bernadette xx
Hi Bernadette, NG8 is my PC. XXX Carolina.
Hi That's a Nottinghamshire post code, I live in Worksop.😊 Bernadette xx
Nottingham? I have a lot of my family living there.
Hi well done for packing in the ciggies as that isn't easy. You can't repair any of the damage done to your lungs unfortunately, but what you can do is through exercise and healthy living teach your body to use what oxygen you have more efficiently. Also smoking takes oxygen away from the body so you will have that back. x
Hi there jw61 firstly welcome to the family .. I have severe copd .. i can’t do a lot of excercise as I get to out of breath end up very light headed .. but I do try my best .. as for my breathing excersises I do them every day and I believe in my own opinion that they really do help .. even when my anxiety kicks in and I get myself upset I try to calm myself by doing my breathing excersises .. my lung function has never gotten any better at all only worse .. x
Hi i just wanted to say i really hope things get easier for you. Nice to read that you feel the exercises help. I am also waiting for dates to start exercise lessons. All the best. Jill
Hi JW and welcome my last 3 lung tests were 17%..20%..25% not great i know but at least it's on the increase haven't done anything different much the same meds but there you go and havent been told why increase.Regards Ger

that's a big improvement Ger
Hi Jeff, lovely to meet you. I am just saying hi. I am quite a new member and am just in the process of having tests to find out what is wrong, so I cant actually advise you on anything because to be honest I haven't a clue about anything! I am 60, don't know how that happened! I stopped smoking 22 months ago, and I know an awful lot about that!!! The people here are lovely and very knowledgeable, and they are very, very human. So much support when we need it the most.
Yes I believe it is possible. If you click on my name you could read my past posts since being diagnosed 3 years ago.
Hi there. I have had COPD diagnosed about 9 months ago and its not till i read your post that i realised i don't know my lung function percent. It probably has been mentioned but i have never taken it in. I will ask next time i see someone. I am interested to know now . Good luck to you .
A huge yes, I went from 37% to 50% with emphysema until lung cancer knocked me back to 31% at the beginning of this year. Slowly fighting my way back, in remission. I know from past experience that it is possible to improve from my last PFT which had nose dived to 31% because of the cancer, which is now in remission.
My advice is to exercise as much as you can, I am still working full time as a production engineer and I am 68 years old, so go for it, you have nothing to lose.
We all, even the healthy, get out of breath and there is nothing to be frightened of about it, you will recover from it, just a little slower than a healthy person.
Thank you for your replies and all the positivity i am going to work hard at improving my lung function
when i stopped smoking mine went up 16% in 6 months
Hi Jeff welcome, I believe if you keep fighting and continue to keep up without any cigarettes, you are already winning. Keep going whatever happens you already started to win.
Stay positive know matter what happens you already on a winning path.
Not sure if I have got any lung function back but was dx with emphasaemic changes copd in Feb. Stopped smoking. After 5 months breathing much improved. Only Use brown inhaler. Haven’t used blue for ages. Good luck🐾👍
Jeff, it's a bit alarming to be diagnosed with such a low percentage. I was 29% last November, last week I was 34%. Still not good but an improvement. I stopped smoking 2 years before diagnosis April 17,but it took about 18 months to clear the gunk off my chest. I believe exercise helps so I make a real effort at at least a brisk 20 min walk daily and it gets easier, an added bonus is that I sleep better which I think goes some way towards keeping the dreaded anxiety and depression away. Welcome to the site, you are in a good place to discuss your misgivings. I find it very reassuring. Good luck with increasing your lung function percentage
The answer is YES! I was diagnosed with COPD with a lung function of 46% putting me in stage 3 of 4. After a month of medication, exercising and breathing exercises, the next lung function test put me at 57% and into stage 2. I smoked from an early age but gave up 8 years ago. So please be confident that although COPD and lung damage can’t be cured, it can be managed if you follow the guidance of the experts.
Good luck X
Hi Jeff, Welcome to our Great Forum . Yes, I have 32% which is an increase of 2% after my Valve Procedure in June this Year. I also Take Vitamins, especially Vit C as you need this During & after Smoking.( I stopped 4 Years ago), Vit D is good living in this UK Climate. Omega 3 is a Must for your Body if you don't eat Fish regularly. I also Exercise as Much as I can, I believe if you Look after Yourself your Lungs will be Included in all the Positive Energies you do daily. Best Wishes Jeff. Carolina ( Listed for Lung Transplant) XXXXXX
My doc says it's great if I stay the same and not get any worse. Last test I was the same...but last year I exercised this year I am not. I have other troubles at thus time but it is good to exercise. I hope I can t back to it...
Hang in ..you can be okay......
I know you can't undo the damage but you can make what you have more efficient. I don't really know what my lung function is, it's just a number. I know that just like if a relatively healthy person quits smoking, starts exercising and losses weight your lungs and heart will work a lot better. I still have a weight problem but not smoking and exercise will make you feel better and you'll have a lot more energy. One thing I've learned is this disease can always get worse. But the flip side is it's never as bad as you think. I've had emphysema for about 25 years, I can still play with my grandson, I still work, make love and enjoy my friends and family. It hasn't changed what I can do as much as how I do it.
The main thing is that you have given up smoking. The fact you are exercising and taking vits. and looking after yourself means that the only way is up . Keep it up . Good luck.
Great News, Inspires us all xxxxx
Hi jeff, I am 60 years young,diagnosed COPD 4 years ago with 80 odd % lung function,never smoked they reckon the cause is industrial,I am obese,type 2 diabetic with arthritic knees,took early retirement in 2015 as my job became too much physically, after piling on more weight i had a spirometry test in January this year down to 79 % so diagnosed moderate from mild.
I slowly started to exercise by going swimming,I now go 4 or 5 times a week for about 30 mins each session,have lost 2 stones in weight and had a follow up spirometry last month,result was 85%,my practice nurse reckons if I keep up what I am doing there is no reason why my results shouldn't at least stay the same or possibly get better. A lot has been learned through the very knowledgeable people on this site,there are regular contributors who if you take notice of you won't go far wrong.
Hi, welcome. It's good you have given up smoking, now stay off it. You will need to slow right down, do things at a snails pace as any form of exertion will make you feel tired. Try to keep away from inclines, hills stairs etc these are to be taken very carefully and at leisure.
Oddly try to do some exercising, your GP can get you referred for some pulmonary re-hab which will give you some home exercises and probably a 6 week course which will get you started.
There are some treatments which your GP should know about but as yet I have never found that the function increases but you can manage what you have to get the most from it. Start searching the web for lung reduction, lung valves/coils and stem cell treatments.
You definitely can get some lung function back, especially with pulmonary rehabilitation, exercise and the proper bronchodilators. I like that you dated your day of quitting smoking because that indicates you're serious. My date was May 2, 1997 and I haven't smoked since. Unfortunately, I already had emphysema by then but didn't find out until 2016, learning my Fev1 lung function was 43%. I use Anoro Ellipta and it helps. Also use Combivent Respimat before my daily exercise and that has helped also. Good luck and keep moving.
Hi jw61•
You can't cure emphysema , however you can slow it down.
I stopped smoking 20 years ago and also lost weight as I has a BMI of 28. It made all the difference and yes my lung function improved.
These last could of winters have not been great but without smoking who knows????, k
Don't just stop smoking, don't allow anyone to smoke where you are, or move away from smoke and it will make a difference... Keep warm in winter, keep away from people with flue and colds - In short look after yourself.. I never looked back after stopping smoking it is the single most important thing you can do with emphysema (COPD) - Good luck and please don't backslide on the smoking and take your inhalers as directed.. let us know how you go on, you are almost sure to feel some benefit I would have thought, I did ....
I am down to 23% and still going strong though at times restricted. I stopped when diagnosed 14 years ago. Ask your GP or consultant for Pulmonary Rehabilitation where you will learn how to breathe effectively and how to use exercise to its bets advantage. Diet and exercise and washing hands frequently to help stay away from infections. I am 71 now and my capacity has declined but after Pneumonia and ICU for 19 days!! It is to be expected that the lungs will age naturally but staying off the fags will allow the body to use oxygen more efficiently. Best of luck.
thats fantastic and inspirational you must be so happy
Thank you all for your responses hopefully if i do all the right things i will get some lung function back
Yes. My Fev1 has improved from 69% to 82% in the last year, through lots of singing, brisk walking, eating well and losing weight. Good luck.
Hi there....I have Bronchiectasis, MAC, amd psedomonas.... I did improve my lung function by about 10 percent, with the right antibiotics