Since been diagnosed with copd last October ive had chest infection after chest infection until august when id to go to hospital they done ecg bloodwork xray etc then put me on the nebuliser twice that day then a week later as the antibiotics and steroids didnt work i was fine for 5 months after that im on relvar ,incruse and ventolin inhalers and also carbocisteine tabs for the mucus phlegm but my chest infection flared up again and again i went to hospital got the usual again and doctor said i was clear of viral infection and it was my copd flaring up as its non viral antibiotics are usless he asked if i had a home nebuliser i said no he said he would recommend it to my doctor he then gave me prednisone tablets to take for 5 days and made an appointment to see my doctor to get a nebuliser for home use which would be at my cost to buy the machine in the meantime i just suffer the coughs and wheezing durring the wait
Nebuliser : Since been diagnosed with... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello Breathless123 .
I'm sorry it's been such a nightmare for you. Nebulizers really help some people a lot. It doesn't help me an awful lot, but I know people who get a lot of relief from it. I hope you do too.
Take good care,
Cas xx 🌿
A quick reply as not sure you will get it.I was always in an out of A & E,up to 5 times
a week. Was put on Amoicillin twice daily,and may get 1 to 2 Excerbations a year,which
by managing my medication ,l can get over myself.
This sounds more like bacterial infections which have not been treated properly.
Have you had a ct scan?
Have you seen a consultant in their clinic?
I think that you need a diagnosis by ct scan to rule out bronchiectasis. If you have not been referred to a bronchiectasis specialist (who will know how to look for and manage bronchiectasis and copd),look for one on your area. Usually at big teaching hospitals.
Take the name to your GP and insist on a referral
At present you are not being treated or managed properly and this needs to change because it is your health at stake.

Excellent advice as always littlepom.

No to ct scans ive had ecg boodwork xrays bloodpresure oxygen lvs done etc all came back clear and therefore not viral but non viral due to asthma / copd flare ups
Your symptoms sound more like a bacterial infection which is not being treated and needs abs
I do think that you need a ct scan in case your asthma has developed into bronchiectasis. You need a bronch specialist to interpret this.
Hi breathless, a breathing condition is never a nice thing, assuming the nebuliser really helps I might be inclined to think you have a big asthma crossover and with the right management you could feel a lot better. Getting the asthma under control will make a huge difference and then it’s just a case of working on whatever percentage is left as copd. Flare ups can be caused by various things and it takes a while to learn what to avoid. Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.