I'm abit worried because recently I had my lung function test I did say to Dr other week I felt I'd gone down a level and I was right.altgough I don't.no what extent yet until I go to Leeds next week but I do feel when I'm trying to breath /function normally I do feel as though my body is totally overworking I'm worried sick to what happens now .
Lung function test: I'm abit worried... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung function test

Hi Dion3844o1 .
It is always a bit of a shock when our tests show a decline. Sometimes the tests show a genuine decline but other times certain circumstances can influence the results. If you've just recovered or a recovering from an infection , tight clothing, having a full tummy, even winter weather can narrow your airways further and even extreme fatigue can make influence results.
I think you were assessed for home oxygen therapy. Are you on oxygen now? Try not to panic as it will just stress you out and that is no good for your breathing or your general well-being. Winter is really the very worse time for us lungies. 😑
Please do keep us updated.
Thinking of you,
Cas xx 🌿🌷🌿
I have learnt something here thank you can stress influence results
I had one lately and I have not felt Wright for awhile but my volume went from 37 down to 30 in 6 months although I was told I didn’t have any infections
Hi Hun, I'm at 26% Down from 30, Doing my utmost to hopefully raise it at my next Test. Exercising, Breathing Exercises, At this moment I feel Clogged up with Mucus, I just hope I am not getting a Chest Infection, I'll know if I do. Keep strong Hun. xxx
Hope you are not
Thank you all 🤗
I hope it's good news next week and it's not as bad as your fears..
I have been 22% for quite a few years now and am happy with that, about 5 years ago i was down to 18%, i was concerned a bit but i then came down with bronchitis and after this cleared up went back up again, only thing i find is the weather plays pop with my breathing, e g to cold or to hot but just take one day at a time
Know exactly how you feel Happened to me In exactly same way as you and I go for my full results of latest lung function test. ❤️