Hi, i went to my GP today to see when i could book my yearly lung function test. I had one in 2012 and then in 2013, i thought i was to get one per year but today he said due to the fact i'm classed a very mild tage 1 with a fev1 0f 81% i should not have the test every year. He said i should not get hung up on the lung function figures but to watch for signs of progression ie chest infections and getting shortness of breath. I said ive not had the cold in over 4years and only exhibit a little bit of short breathless. A well i guess in other words i will see ma doctors in his words in about 10 - 15 years if it progresses.
Lung function test.: Hi, i went to my... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung function test.

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Sounds good to me lol!
I had a lung function test when I was first diagnosed and a second when diagnosed as needing oxygen. I haven't had one
since. That was a number of years ago. Regards Rib.
Hi 1968, Glad you got good results in your test. all the best nannyb xxx
I thought if you were over 80% you weren't classed as having COPD? x
Hi 1968 do you know what your FVC less are TLCO readings are. I have been told FVC levels are the most important to monitor. I had FEV 1 level last year of 82% it is now 78% and I have been diagnosed with IPF . FVC reading are 2.79 litres at 69%, so I would disagree with your doctor. Are tests undertaken at a specialist hospital.
I've had one every few months while I was being diagnosed by my consultant, and he was trying to figure out what was causing my dyspnoea. But once he realised it was Bronchiectasis, the tests stopped.
Good luck!
Hi 1968, that sounds good but watch out for sudden changes. I have annual checks even though the spiro results are good because my cough and breathing is poor and my Fev is low. Stay well and hope it continues for you.
Congratulations on the 81%. I may be similar, borderline and I think I would like to be checked more regularly that 10 years!
As it is I'm asthmatic, moderate and have bi-annual check up, never had a spirometer check at respiratory nurse though.
Good luck to you
sadly this is a sign of the time to come 1968 the health service is being cut back to it's bare minimum recently I had a community pharmacist call on me to go through the medication I was on and try and wean me of those SHE THINKS are either not good for me or for some strange reason why one instance was my cramp drugs quinine sulphate, it is I know cardiotoxic but I was willing to take the chance with this drug if it meant an end to the painful nigh and early morning cramps it would cost the GP £3.50 per prescription. Crazy is it not now the patient becomes a statistic in an accounts book.
Wonderful. wish I was in the same boat Ant.
Good news! xx
I have been diagnosed with IPF and my FEV1 was 85% but I was not really sure what this meant and was a bit worried for the future. It would appear some people have lived with this condition for some time which makes me feel a bit better although I do have some other symtoms
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