Hi I was diagnosed with emphysema two years ago on a ct scan, I have had one lung function test since which was 76% fev,I recently saw the copd nurse at my doctors and she said they was not doing them any more but I spoke to a lady in a shop and she said she had one last week at the same surgery,I was not sure how fast the fev figure goes down so I may have to pay privately the test was14 months ago ,I feel this is unfair but I want to get a test soon.Thanks
Lung function test: Hi I was diagnosed... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung function test

Hi, I thought you had a yearly review, which includes a lung function test. Unless I'm thinking of the wrong thing. I know my sisters doctors don't do them but sent her to another clinic which did. I would look into that with your doctors, doesn't sound right to me chook. 😉
Hello! I have never had a lung function test! But I am booked in to have one soon in a (not so) nearby hospital as my consultant wants to look into LVR for me. He has always said that measurements of my COPD are irrelevant, it is how I feel and am affected that counts! xx
I have not had a lung function test for years but i think it's because my doctors are rubbish
In the States they are usually done annually. In order to qualify for early retirement/disability the fev1 must be around 30%! So that’s the reason some get them. They are quite expensive here. My fev1 at diagnosis 17 yrs ago was 58%. Last PFT the fev1 was at 19%.
Hi, I too have emphysema, also my doctors practice was stopped from doing the lung function test, ask to be referred to a hospital near to you that has a breathing clinic, thats what I did and now have a lung function test done every year on a proper machine, not a mobile one. I'm 16 years with emphysema. Good luck
My GP practice respiratory nurse no longer does lung function tests. I bought a device on Amazon that does that for me, so that I can monitor my FEV1 when I'm concerned.