Hi All, newbie here, in truth I've been lurking for a couple of months now so I promise to introduce myself probably but git a bit of a panic on; I wonder if someone could advise their preparation for a Full Lung Function test where inhalers are concerned? When I saw a registrar a couple of weeks ago he waffled something about not taking specific inhalers now my letter has come through and it says to take as normal.... I called to check and the technician I spoke to further advised not using the Salbutomal.... having read NHS guide it says bronchildators to be avoided, both my inhalers have a bronchildator component in them. Me and hubby are debating what do we do, my appt is tomorrow. .... eek.
Furthermore, he was quite interested in doing a reversibility test and yet hasn't ticked it on the card for booking purposes.
Would it skew the results if I didn't take them?
Any help would be appreciated.