Starting to recognize when I'm getting unwell as get mouth ulcers and nasty white blobs on my tongue along with chest pains and inflamed tonsils. As am on Doxy 3 times a week already wonder if it's worth sending sputum off. Have only recently had 2 lots of rescue Co-Amoxiclav.
Signs of Bronchiectasis Flare up or I... - Lung Conditions C...
Signs of Bronchiectasis Flare up or Infection

I’m in the same boat,wondering whether it’s just bronchiectasis symptoms or chest infection.Miraculously Managed to see GP yesterday and gave me steroids.I also sent a sputum sample off,does no harm.Call in to GP tomorrow and ask for sample container and send off as precaution.
It sounds like you know your symptoms and yourself pretty well. I would think it's a good idea to send your sputum sample but I don't really know (not a very helpful reply!) I just wanted to say I hope you get the right medications to get over this quickly and feel better soon 💐
I get those symptoms when I am taking antibiotics. It is usually fixed by taking nystan drops which I hold in my mouth and let run slowly down my throat. I judge whether an exacerbation is starting by the change in the colour and amount of sputum, my breathing and if I am more than usually exhausted.

Yep feeling pretty exhausted and lifeless will try Nystan drops thanks for that
If you still feel lousy and mucus is horrible see the doc or better still ring your consultant’s secretary. They seem to be throwing a lot of abs at it which may not be the right ones for the bug which may have started having a party down there. Unfortunately lab tests are wrong more often than they are right. A bronch specialist’s experience is better. I hope you get sorted out soon.

That's a good idea thanks again x
Hope you get some treatment very quickly to help you feel much better.Good wishes meantime.
Hi Shouty, I too get frequent outbreaks of mouth ulcers but had never connected it with my bronchiectasis. It's certainly something I will look out for in the future as I'm not the best at recognising a flare up until it's too late. Hope you are on the mend now.
At 1st I thought the ulcers were just because I was run down but seem to coincide with Haemoplilis flare up. Hoping for a bug free Spring for all of us 😊