been on it for 2 weeks now has anyone else tried it
cbd oil : been on it for 2 weeks now... - Lung Conditions C...
cbd oil

" Yes I am taking it's very good for pain and muscle cramps ...I'm finding its helped me a's horrible to take but worth it...Megan... "
What do you mean when you say it is horrible to take?
" Jackdup..What I mean by horrible is.. you have to hold it under your tongue for a minute..and it's a realy foul taste in Your mouth... You then after a minute swallow it with water.. But in my opinion it's worth it.. as it's helped to relieve some of my muscle cramps and pains in my legs....Megan..."
Thanks Megan
I put mine into capsules and take it that way, it still works the same and I did ask if I could do this they said yes it was okay...
So you just buy empty capsules and put the oil in? I assume they would essentially only be half full? I guess it doesn’t matter as long as you get the prescribed amount whether that is one or five capsules? Do you take it for COPD or for other reasons and how effective do you find it to be.
Thank you for your reply and suggestion.
I put the amount of drops into each capsule,and I suffer from COPD, I do find it effective..Its so much nicer than putting them under my tongue...Capsules are very cheap to buy (on ebay)........
Thanks again, so would you said it improves your breathing or makes you less breathless? Does it make a difference when exercising as well? I guess if it improves your breathing it would also help with ecercising. Do you mind if I ask what state COPD you are?
Thank you for the additional information.
It does help my breathing a bit, not much though, it certainly helps my arthritis, leg cramps, and my appetite which was declining...I live in a town which is 200ks from any specialists so my trips to see them are very infrequent, last visit I had was 2 years ago when I was put on home oxygen,I am now on it nearly 24/7. We only have a GP here 2 days a week, so I have a supply of antibiotics and steroids always on hand for any infection I feel coming on.I don't really know what stage I am in and I really don't like travelling anymore as its too much trouble with wheelchairs and everything, so I sort of just plod along and try and see if anything new is happening to help us all out, that's why I like this site so much I read it all the time and have picked up a few hints.I think its a great site and I would like to say I enjoy all the conversations...

No not tried it , is it good.😊 Bernadette xx
My husband tried it for a few weeks. It was no help at all.
Please have him continue his CBD start with .25ml (on the side of the dropper and goes up to 1ml. Increase every few days just a couple extra drops. Stay consistent as this is key. Don’t expect sunshine and unicorns but he will wake up one day or afternoon and realize “hey I feel pretty good today”... Tell him don’t give up it doesn’t happen overnight and to start low 700mgs then go upwards. I wish you both the best but please keep trying it’s worth it...
Do you think the cbd oil is helping your rheumatoid arthritis? I could do with some serious help with my pain.
I haven’t tried it but I have got a close friend with severe RA that swears by it she feels loads better.
I take CBD and high THC. I only know about the affects. I get my CBD (1,000) milligrams from Dicksons chemist in Glasgow through Clinic 158.

I am very interested in this, I have COPD and severe arthritis. Would this help? I would like more information please I also live in Glasgow south side but never heard of this chemist.
Thanks Tarapup5
Just google Dickson's Chemist Glasgow, there are a few Dickson's in Scotland I live in England. What kind of arthritis do you have? if its rheumatoid then I would suggest trying selenium because viruses monitor selenium levels and ive heard that rheumatoid arthritis could be linked to a virus. And, and its a big AND wheat and grains can exacerbate the problem or even cause it. I use LDN (low dose naltrexone) and many people do for rheumatoid arthritis but it doesn't work for osteoarthritis. You can get this from Clinic 158. But you can easily eradicate the pain of osteo arthritis as I have done in two ways. First diet, cut out polyunsaturated oils the ones you buy in supermarkets,they are killers. And cut down and I mean cut down or eliminate animal products. Second you can get strong anti oxidants that contain maritime pine bark and grape seed extract. you can get these from Modere on the internet. Cannabis CBD according to people who have used it kills pain. I have also a device called a scennar which kills pain in a few minutes, its a Russian device developed for the Russian cosmonauts. it cost about 400 pounds but worth every penny. And if you hav ethe money a far infra red sauna from Taiwan will help enormously especially on those cold wet winter days.
I am taking for lung cancer
Altough they think it is nearly gone becuase I had SABA my next CT scan is in March next year so I thought I would give it some extra help
Hi, yes have used CBD+ as a form of sleep aid. Three drops under the tongue at night seems to work for me. It is very expensive for a small bottle. It may also be taken as a relaxer during the day.
Yes been using for several months now and love it! My Pain Mgmt Specialist and his team is 💯% on board as well! I’m in Kentucky and have a very best friend in Indiana and her pain specialist sent her home with the Full Spectrum CBD Oil too. I started with 700mgs and now use 1600mgs around 75ml. That’s my “spot” that’s what works best for me. It’s just like I woke up one day and actually felt good no pain to speak of upon rising (I always wake up in pain). I just can’t express in words other than to say it works for me. This is not a voila! and overnight you’re walking on water it’s just a I feel good today. I went through several different brands and have found the one I like and the price is fair not like some of those fools out there selling you lord knows what. Best of luck to all I know it can be so expensive as to be ridiculous hence the several months it took me to find. You may pm me through FB or if it’s okay email me...

Hi I would like to know what price you pay and where from it’s expensive here in Manchester and don’t really know if it’s safe. I have found it helps minimise the amount of chest infections I’ve only had 2 so far this year, (touch wood) which is a lot better than one every two weeks, would be interesting to know prices people pay and what mg thanks 🙏

I’d also like to know which brand you’re taking please. I’ve wasted money on useless brands. I know there’s different qualities about but don’t know where to find a decent one.
Does anyone known if it's safe to take when you have CKD stage 3b
I take capsules from Healthspan
I bought my CBD oil from Holland and Barrett for £14 240 drops
I've was told it can shrink cancer
I thought it was worth a go
And yes it's safe to take