Taken up painting again after a 35 year hiatus. Only ever used oils. However, it's been suggested that the oils and solvents are fairly toxic and could make my condition worse. I feel kinda stupid asking the question, but do any of you know if this could be fact?
Bronchiectasis and oil paints - Lung Conditions C...
Bronchiectasis and oil paints

One of our previous members was in to oil painting, and oil based paints where always an issue. You need plenty of ventilation and possibly a low powered fan to blow any fumes away from your immediate area
Othe than that it’s water based or charcoal.
Any oil base product usually as a high VOC. which where the problem is the higher the number the more toxicity, not good for lung conditions.
I personally wouldn’t be able to tolerate oils or solvents and agree with Stone. It’s a shame when it’s a hobby you enjoy.

Hi - would you consider using acrylic paint? I cannot use oil paints but can get the same effects by using acrylic paint and the accompanying mediums. Although it is more expensive I find that Golden Acrylic is worth the extra as it has far more colour than cheaper paints.
Hi. I went back to painting a year or so back. Couldn't use oils because of the thinners. Couldn't use chalky pastels either. I now use acrylics, no problem with them. I think it is god for you to have a hobby, it gives you something else to think about. God luck with it.
Thanks to all of you. I'm glad I asked the question now. I was wondering whether acrylics would be a reasonable alternative, which you've all pretty much stated. I have been trying to make sure I keep the window open when I'm working on a painting, unfortunately I have no sense of smell, so don't notice when the room starts to release the smells accompanying the various paints, oils and thinners. This just makes the decision for me now. I'll be checking out the acrylic choices and making a purchase ASAP. Thanks again everyone, I'm so glad I asked.
Oil paint was definitely my medium of choice but IPF has made me change.
Acrylic dries too quickly for me so I have been working with coloured pencils of late. Thoroughly enjoying it but, as Pentreath says, buy the best quality of paints that you can comfortably afford. They will have more pigment in giving better coverage and more intense colour. The same applies for any other medium, acrylic, water colour, pastels or, in my case, pencils,
Wishing you many hours of rewarding work in the future. 🙂 🙂
Thanks very much for the suggestion. Have been watching some youtube videos on acrylics and have been discovering some choices to stop the paint drying too quickly, including retardents which are available and yes they still dry quicker that oils, but, I'll just have to try and make it work, after all health's much more important. Thanks again. Much appreciated