My darling Wife has always been in tune with seeds & stuff, especially since beating her cancer back in 2008, so I listened when she said "were you aware that caraway Seed Oil is good for releasing mucus?", to which I replied no of course, but then gave it a try for a week, just 3mg dropped onto the tongue before your first morning coffee/tea or whatever, stand the horrible taste for a minute or so before swilling something like concentrated cherry juice round your mouth to clear the taste, then of course, that first delicious swig of fresh coffee!. Well, the effect was evidence by mid-morning on the first day, when just one little 'normal' cough flicked up a globule of the typically horrid white gunk, with NO hacking to reach it. The same applied for a whole week, yielding very little if any coughing during the day at all. However, not being certain if it was a fluke or genuine, & keen to avoid the horrid taste in the mornings, I stopped it. That was a week ago, so this morning, having to accept that I'd regressed to 'hacking & huffing' to clear the gunk, I re-commenced the Caraway Seed Oil, just the 3mg on the back of the tongue again, give it a minute, swish some Cherry juice around, voila, done. 20 minutes later, cough, flob, there it was, effortless gunk release, lovely
So peeps, make sure you check with your Pharmacist if it might conflict with any prescribed stuff you're on, but based on that all I can say is try it, nothing to lose & possible a LOT to gain, as the oil is so cheap!