Hello. All. Just been. Put on. Azithromycin. three days aweek. to fight of. ongoing. infections. wondered if it works anybody else been on it thanx
Antibiotics: Hello. All. Just been... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi john. Yes I'm on the same regime. Its been a life saver for me no more persistent coughing and breathing easier. Hope you have the same success. Jane
It’s working well for Pete so far John. Xxxx
Hi John, I found it to be the Missing link, No more Chest Infections, No More Exacerbations, been on them for few Years, Best Antibiotic ever. Carolina xxx
Hi John, Azithromycin has been great for me. I was suffering infections one following another. Now I rarely have a flare up. I hope it works as well for you xx
Hi John,
Yes I’ve been on azithromycin three times a week for about two years and it has definitely reduced flares.
Worth knowing that at this dosage rate we’re getting it for its anti-inflammatory property rather than the classic antibiotic. It an odd mix of functions - I’ve been prescribed it for a full course as an antibiotic and found it a big harsh on my digestion.
I hope that you get the full benefits from the treatment.
This time last year I didn't think I'd live till Christmas, Had on infection after the other right through from February and had used "Rescue Pack" 5 times in 7 months. been on Azithromycin since November, not been ill once since, Brilliant Stuff, Wish you well.
Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I take it and have not suffered infection since starting over 2 years ago.
I take it on those days too - one minor infection in ten months, but a very bad one three weeks ago when taking an azithromycin holiday as decided by my lung man!
Hi John, I have now been taking Azithromycin for 6 years and I call them my miracle tablets. They have helped me stay well and my quality of life is very good. I suffered side effects for the first 5/6 weeks but once my body got used to the Azith the side effects settled down and now I could not live without them. I saw my consultant in April and fully expected him to ask me to have a holiday from Azith, however, when I brought the idea up he said no, I could stay on the Azithromycin permanently as there is no known benefit to patients who have holidays from this tablet. One thing less to worry about. Take care and I do hope they work for you. Maximonkey
I was on azithromycin for ten months and was then advised to take a break as ‘no one gets chest infections in the summer.’ During that time I only had one very minor infection. However new month after stopping it I got a humdinger of an infection/borderline sepsis, that has taken three weeks to recover from. I saw my lung man today and told him his theory wasn’t right for me, so I’m to start again from today three times a week.
Apart from the problems when I came off azithromycin I felt very well. I hope it works for you.
Hi Helen, I went to my consultant in April and fully expected him to ask me to have another holiday from Azith, but no, he told me there is no proof that having a holiday from Azith is any good for patients. He is only concerned that patients have as few infections as possible. Thank goodness for that. My Azith holiday last year was April to July and luckily I was fine but I was nervous about it and did not want to repeat the experience. Take care and keep taking the azith, our miracle tablets. Maximonkey