Updated pneumonia.: Hi friends. Just to... - Lung Conditions C...

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Updated pneumonia.

Mavary profile image
56 Replies

Hi friends. Just to let you know I have been in hospital again. As some of you know I was waking between four and six in the morning struggling to breathe. It came to a head on Wednesday morning at three forty five. On waking my first thoughts are the loo. I struggled to get there gasping for breath. Luckily I was sat down and didn’t know any more until a loud bang on the shower. I was slumped on the shower which I’m thankful didn’t break or I might have been in a lot more trouble. I can only think I had passed out. With hind sight I should have called an ambulance there and then but was just thinking of getting back into bed and being able to breathe properly. I had had two lots of ventolin before it happened but because I couldn’t get it in me it wasn’t working. I took some more when I got into bed. After a while of coughing up mucus I could breathe again rapidly but easier. I had woken at three forty five and couldn’t go back to sleep until seven thirty. Then slept until nine thirty. I got up and phoned the surgery for a same day appointment. They asked me the reason and they got me in quickly. My Dr said she wanted me back in hospital and they would send an ambulance. The first ambulance came and took my obs which were fine. They didn’t want to hold up an emergency ambulance for a non emergency and they went on. Another crew came an hour or so after and couldn’t understand why the others wouldn’t take me. They took me no trouble. I was first taken to AMU and then transferred to the lung ward. I had an X Ray a blood test and a scan. They have now found some changes in the bottom of the lungs. They checked my fingers for clubbed fingers which started ringing bells and did say it could be interstitial. They took me for lung function tests which did show I have asthma and have also taken another blood test before coming home which they said would come back in about two weeks. I’m hoping it’s not anything like that as that’s what my Husband had. He had IPF. They have left it that if it happens again I call an ambulance. Also I have to go back to the Consultant in four weeks. For those weeks I will be taking steroids gradually being cut down. I must say it’s very scary when you do things like that. In just a couple of days I feel so much better for taking the steroids as when I went I hospital I still wasn’t feeling too good.

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Mavary profile image
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56 Replies
CELAT06 profile image

Hi Mavery, so sorry to hear you’ve been so ill, but hopefully you’re on the up now. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. Take care. X

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to CELAT06

Thanks CELATO6 I certainly hope so. It seems to be taking its time to go.

sassy59 profile image

How frightening for you and I just want to send love and hugs your way. I hope you will feel lots better now and glad you’re being looked after.

Wishing you well. Xxxxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to sassy59

Thanks Sassy. I’ll be glad to get back to normal. My breathing is still not right but is getting there. The steroids have certainly helped. Hope you are getting along ok too. I’ve missed all the summer so far as I’ve not been able to get out and enjoy it.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Mavary

Wishing you better days ahead. Take care. Xxx 😘

hypercat54 profile image

Dear Mavary so sorry to hear you are ill. This must have been a hell of a shock for you and I am glad you are starting to feel a bit better. It sounds like you had a bad exacerbation and the steroids are helping. Take care x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to hypercat54

Thanks hypercat54. It certainly was a shock. I was so lucky I didn’t go through the shower. Also lucky I was still sat on the loo. It could have been so much worse. Mind you I have been told off by a few for not calling someone straight away. I just wanted to get back into bed and be able to breathe properly. How are you doing.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Mavary

Ok I guess thanks. Still feeling very tired and lethargic and just want to sleep all the time. Nothing compared to what you are going through. Thanks for asking. x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to hypercat54

I’m hoping mine is only short term. You’ve got more than me to put up with than me. I know I’ve always had a lung problem since being a child but it’s never bothered me too much until now.

I can’t believe how I’ve slept since having the pneumonia. I’m ok in the day though. I’m going to attempt to go up the road today to pick up my loaf of bread. I’m sure I’ll be fine. ( Famous last words ). Ha Ha!

Magpuss profile image

Not a nice experience, you're so lucky that the shower didn't break - doesn't bear thinking about what could have happened does it. Glad to hear that you're feeling better now. Just had a thought - maybe you could get a safety belt fitted to the loo😄😄 sorry, only joking.

Mavary profile image

Thanks Magpuss. You made me smile. It’s a good job I didn’t fall in. It would have been a bit wet.

There’s quite a gap at the side of the loo. If I fell through that I could have hurt myself. If I’d fallen the other way it would have been nasty. The gap is bigger and the loo roll holder is there. I was very lucky.

knitter profile image

Thank goodness you are getting better after such a frightening experience.

I have had paramedics tell me that my SATS etc are ok, even when I was desperately trying to breathe.

Have you thought of getting one of those call alarms that you can wear on your wrist or around your neck. A number of my friends have them now.

Best wishes

Mavary profile image

Hi knitter.

Luckily I live in a Mc Carthy Stone building. It’s purpose built for retirement living. We have a pendant we can wear and a pullcord right where I went in to the shower. Did I pull it? No! I didn’t think I was that bad. That’s why I waited and drove up to the Drs. Silly me! If it had been anyone else I would have been telling them to do it. But I’m a fool to myself. I’ve now been told I can’t drive for four weeks. I had been thinking of driving to the sea now I’m feeling a bit better. Never mind. Four weeks isn’t the end of the world. How are you doing?

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to Mavary

Just finished my third lot of antibiotics, and hopefully they are working, thanks for asking.Its a shame you can't get to the sea, but look after yourself and build up your strength in the next few weeks.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to knitter

I love being by the sea but won’t go on my own. Mike and I used to go as soon as the sun came out. We would spend the summer days at the seaside. Mind you I can find plenty at home to keep me occupied.

Are you feeling better now you have finished your antibiotics. You also need to rest to get over it. X

Damon1864 profile image

You have been through the wars, bless you. I hope you will be feeling ysoon take care 🙂Bernadette xx

Damon1864 profile image

Hope you get better soon then you will enjoy the sea even more. Take care 😊 Bernadette xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Damon1864

Thanks Bernadette. I’m hoping one of my Sons will take me. I’ve done a bit of pottering in the garden this afternoon. Probably shouldn’t but my lungs tell me when to stop. I sit down to recover then do a bit more. It’s so tempting this weather. You take care too. Mavis. XX

Poor you..how scary ..you did well not to hang around..Im glad you are home with a treatment and starting to feel better.

Take good care of yourself xx


Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

Thanks Fran.

Getting there but the breathing is not too good when I do anything. I’m stopping and going. It was very scary on Wednesday morning when I couldn’t get a deep breath. When you sleep your breathing is shallow and I couldn’t get out of that. When I got to the loo I was really gasping for breath. I’ve never passed out before and when I think of how much worse it could have been it gives me the shivers. If I had fallen anywhere else I could have done a lot of damage. The shower was just in the right place as was the cord I should have pulled but didn’t. I just want to know now what they’ve found at the bottom of my lungs. They told me years ago that my lungs were larger than they should be. Pity they hadn’t looked more into it then. X

in reply to Mavary

Well we often get low lung infections, it sinks down and stays there, that why we have to do the huffing technique so we can bring the mucus back up.

I do it better with the physiotherapist, I did it yesterday.

Sorry for the story to come but to explain: I lied down on my back. He pressed on one lung I had to inhale deeply tummy and chest and exhale pursed lips 10 times! I managed 5 then sat up, coughed and expectorated..then he pressed on the other lung and I repeated the procedure.

Then I have to lie down on the side and he presses your lung on your ribs, unfortunately he couldn’t do it on the right side, that’s where I have my broken vertebrae. It is my bad side, where I get pleurisy 😢

Anyway all I can add to this is get physio if you can, best remedy!!

Take care xx


Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

I went for physio once and he tried to push on my ribs but I had to stop him. I’ve rolled my ribs a few times and maybe even broken them but when he pressed on it it was so painful so I know what you mean. I don’t suppose they would do that on me before they know what they’re dealing with. It looks like they’re going down the root of interstitial from what the Dr was saying. I just hope he’s wrong.

I must say that since having the steroids I’m not coughing up so much. XX

in reply to Mavary

Oh dear what an experience!!

Oral Steroids are fast acting at the right dosage. I am glad you are feeling better xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to

I felt so much better in just 24 hours. I feel more like my old self now. Still have breathing issues if I try to go too fast and still wake up with a tight chest. Xx

Dedalus profile image

Very scary - hope the improvement continues & you're feeling better soon xxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Dedalus

Thanks Dedulas. I’m hoping to get back to being able to do things now. I don’t like waiting for tomorrow as it never comes. How are you.

Dedalus profile image
Dedalus in reply to Mavary

Bless you, you're such a fighter. Lovely to see you got out in the sun today - just don't overdo things too soon; I can see you're chomping at the bit!! I'm climbing back up that ladder again too, thank goodness; getting out a lot more and got lots of hope again thanks. Onwards and upwards Mavary xxx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Dedalus

its Been gorgeous today. It’s nice to get out in it. Glad to hear you’re improving too. The thing is the body won’t let you do more than it can. It’s small steps at a time. Hope it continues for both of us. XXX

casper99 profile image

That was a scary experience Mavary, you could have really hurt yourself when you fell.

I hope you continue to feel better over the next few days and don't be so tough next time, it's better to be safe than sorry xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to casper99

I was just looking at the space beside the loo and can’t believe I didn’t go down through. I think I’ve learned now not to be silly if anything happens again. It’s not the first time I should have called an ambulance. I once fell down, hit my face and broke my hand. A car stopped but when I got up it drove off. Didn’t even get out to see if I was ok which I wasn’t. I walked home and was going to drive to hospital but my hand was hurting more with every step so I called my Son and he took me to the hospital. By the time I got there my blood pressure was dangerously high. I always think it’s not that bad.

It’s what we do isn’t it?

I hope youre ok? Xx

casper99 profile image
casper99 in reply to Mavary

I'm fine thank you. I'm more of a coward than you hahaha. xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to casper99

I’m sure you’re not really. Mine probably is from my Mother always saying that’s nothing you won’t die of it. xx

megshafer profile image

Sending you wishes to feel better soon.

Rest up....take good care of yourself!


Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to megshafer

Thanks Meg. X

Ergendl profile image

Sorry to hear you've been so unwell. Hope things start to improve for you very quickly now.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Ergendl

Thanks Ergendl.

I’m not too bad in my self except if I try and push myself or first thing in the morning when my bronchial tubes won’t let me breathe very well. It seems like a long time now that I’ve been ill but then I shouldn’t moan there are a lot of people on here that are worse than me. I hope you’re ok.

Tilley19 profile image

Hope you set back to normal really soon best of wishes

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Tilley19

Thank you Tilley19

mas7656 profile image

What a scary time you have had Mavary. Glad to read you are managing in to your garden. Remember baby steps, dont go rushing around. Marian x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to mas7656

Thanks Marion. I can only do a little at a time. I’ve got six Busy Lizzie I was given last night so I’m going to sit on my pouffe and put them in a little bit of garden. X

davecarol2 profile image

very scary Mavary and does worry me as I live on my own and don't see anyone from week to week although I do have the pull cords as well so if I get bad think I should use them !glad you getting a little better after a scary experience xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to davecarol2

Hi davecaro2

I live on my own too. I was only scared when I couldn’t get my breath. I feel very secure with the pull cord and pendant. The trouble is you never think you’re bad enough to use them. I luckily do see people. My Son is checking on me several times a day especially since I’ve been ill. I’ve just been up to his house. The Children were in a paddling pool having the greatest of fun. Of course my Granddaughter had to get me wet. It was all good fun though. It doesn’t seem five minutes ago I was enjoying my young family like that. I’m afraid they’ve all gone and have got their own young families now. I do get long times on my own but I’ve so much I can do I never get lonely.

davecarol2 profile image
davecarol2 in reply to Mavary

Awww glad your son checks on you good to hear x and yep I get out and do as much as possible around my flat so as not to sit to much feeling sorry for myself .take good care and keep them lungs working xx

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to davecarol2

Thanks Dave. I intend to keep going. It’s not in my nature to sit around. I’ve got half a dozen Busy Lizzies I was given last night. I’m going to put them in the garden when I’ve had my dinner and washed up. xx

watergazer profile image

Hope you’re on the mend now.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to watergazer

Thank you. I’m feeling much better since being put on steroids.

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh poor you Mavary - its never,ever a nice time spent in hospital is it? You sound as if you were very lucky not to have hurt yourself when you passed out?

So please take things nice and easy and keep in touch will you?

Best wishes.

Mavary profile image

Hi SquirrelsHolt.

I was very lucky I didn’t hurt myself. If it hadn’t been a loud bang I wonder if I might have stayed unconscious for longer and maybe fallen down the side.

I can’t say I’m keen on hospitals but went in quite eagerly this time. I didn’t want that breathing thing to happen again. I’m still waking tight chested but not as bad as that morning. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Elephantstraw profile image

Bless you, that must have been scary! Hope you are getting sorted at the hospital and the steroids are helping. All the best to you and go easy on yourself! Elephant straw x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Elephantstraw

Thanks Elephantstraw. It was scary at the time. I just wanted to get back into bed to use my inhaler and breathe again properly. All the best to you too. I will try to take it easy. X

Izb1 profile image

Hi Mavary, what a scare you have had, think the breathing is more scary than the thought of an accident. Although a couple of years ago I reached over to get the towel whilst in the shower and nearly fell, when I looked at how bad a fall could have been, it could have been very bad. I gave myself a good telling off as I could have been there days or dead so havent done anything so silly since. I think now that you realise what should have happended you wont do this again. I do hope you get better soon and things take a turn for the better so that you can enjoy this lovely sunshine we are having, and finally get to the seaside. Take care. Irene x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Izb1

Thank you Irene. You’re right the breathing thing is the worst. Passing out didn’t worry me that’s why I went back to bed after. I had every intention of calling the Dr later. I know I should have pulled the cord but hindsight. If only we had it. I’m hoping things are going to get better now. I’m feeling better for the steroids already. You take care too. Mavis x

Ksb6420 profile image

So sorry for what you went through. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Ksb6420

Thank you Ksb6420. Feeling much better on the steroids.

Dion3844o1 profile image

Hi sorry youve been ill i feel as though your telling my story apart from the falling in back at Leeds next week for my treatment it was put on hold due to me needing more test i just hope the treatment works not looking forward thought to the steroids anyway take care Margaret x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Dion3844o1

Thanks Margaret. It’s a horrible thing to have wrong. I must say I’ve felt more my old self since being on the steroids. I just hope this will be the end to it now. I’m fed up with feeling ill. You take care too. Mavis X

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