Hi I'm new to this forum , very impressive I might add, so many helpful people I was diagnosed with copd 2years ago and to be honest have not paid too much attention ... I don't know what my lung capacity is but was 49 and lungs were 73 .. Ignorance isn't always bliss .. My question is as I lost the post I was reading somehow re rescue packs and how do you know when is the best time to start them ? Are there signs before your chest infections start? as I wait until I'm at deaths door and need a nebuliser can't walk etc before I go to the doctors to get one ..I now know u can get them before hand .. Thank you all Teena
When to start a rescue pack ? - Lung Conditions C...
When to start a rescue pack ?

Did you not receive a management plan.
Typical plan.
No just was diagnosed ,gave me 2ventolin and a fostair ... I'm asthmatic too so ventolin was just the norm .. But when I get chest infections I just go to go .. To get the rescue pack ..although I now know you can get them to have in emergency . Thank u for replying
Hello, a very warm welcome to the British Lung Foundation patients forum.
It's a bit of a learning curve regarding when to start your rescue meds and then we're all different too. The first thing to do to request them from your gp. 2nd is not to wait until you're too ill!
As a rule we cease the Azith whilst on a course of antibiotics & begin again when infection has cleared.
If you look to the right to 'Related Post' window you'll see some useful information on older posts with their replies.

Hello Phoenix60 thank you very much for your help and welcoming me il take a look now
Welcome. Yes i think your doctor will give you a rescue pack and advise you when to use.
Hi Teenaa, I know when I'm getting an infection by the taste when I clear my chest. The colour and consistency of the phlegm is also a good indicator. If mine is green/ yellow, then I start my rescue- meds, but initially it is usually taste I go by. You will know what colour yours usually is- so any changes and chances are you'll have an infection. I personally prefer to nip it in the bud before it gets a grip. Please don't think that I'm advocating ab use every time you cough, lol. Sad to say but you'll get used to the " routine ". Hope this helps.