Anybody on portable oxygen and use e bike
Anybody on portable oxygen and use e bike
On my list if and when I move to a ground floor property.
More likely to go for a e-trike.
Thanks for the link, Stone, brilliant! Lots to think about there.
It's on my list for this year Karen. Ive done a lot of biking using my oxygen cylinder on my back, but this last year i've found myself not taking it out through concern that when I go uphill or against the wind it will just be too hard. So the time has come for some e-help. I'll post here when I do get one.
Thank you for new found confidence
I have been thinking of getting an e-bike for ages but need a fold up one not so I can take it in a car but can store it as have very little space and I live on the first floor.
I have a friend who bought an e-trike a couple of months ago. She said it does fold up but in practise not very much. She loves it She said it is tricky to steer at first but she got the hang of it. She got a Jorvitch (not sure of the spelling)) and it cost over £1,200 but it did come mainly assembled. It is very hilly here and she said it copes fine with the hills. x
Just be wary of the folding bikes...both of the ones I have had take up more room, folded than they do unfolded. Also, hard to lift into a car...and we've got a large estate car. Maybe better to get a cycle carrier if you want to take it in the car.
Thanks CB but I haven't got a car. I need a folding one coz I would need to be able to take it up stairs. x
i have a e bike and on portable oxygen just not been out on it yet as for the wether but hopping too soon
I have an e bike. I’m not on portable oxygen though but with severe breathing problems. I love mine and pop into town with it all the time. Much easier than a regular bike