I have mild to moderate copd and 9 months ago finally gave up smoking with patches. As I really missed smoking (a 50year habit) I started to use menthol e cigs when I feel the urge especially after meals. What do others think?
e cigs: I have mild to moderate copd... - Lung Conditions C...
e cigs

Hi councillorB
well i've done the same menthol as well, as its turned out i don't seem to have copd now anyway, and haven't smoked for 5 weeks so i'm a little bit newer to giving up than you are
but i don't really think about the e-cig much now anyway, i just look at it in away that its
there if i need it,
so if it works for you why not,
take care
rose xxx
There's lots of controversy surrounding ecigs at the moment CB, but I think that "if they are helping you in your quest to kick tobacco and it's associated tar and chemicals then they can only be a good thing."
My own respiratory consultant made the above statement to me in February of this year when I told him I was using them in my efforts to give up tobacco. Unfortunately I haven't managed to give up tobacco cigarettes completely yet, but I am well on the way .....
Keep on keeping on
Before I finally quit smoking, I did try them but didn't really get on with them. I also worried a bit about the fact they have not been tested (a bit rich when I smoked for years lol)
But, if they stop you having the real thing, all power to you. Xx
Thanks for your comments. After a lifetime of smoking which no doubt caused my breathing problems I decided that it was either breathing or smoking<I couldnt do both. I would never touch another cigarette but now and again would get depressed at the idea of never having another fag. The other aids never did it for me (lozenges>chewing gum etc) Then I tried e cigs and have found something I am quite happy with for the moment. I aim to give them up eventually as they are not cheap(cheaper than cigs) and you have to remember to recharge the battery and replace the filters. You can also buy disposal ones at Tescos
i can relate to everything you are saying,i have had the disposal ones from tescos as well, but thay have real nicotine in them, the replacement fillters i got from tescos
pharmacy isn't real its a nicotine solution, its basically a nicotine imitation menthol
flavouring, so thay are better for you in the long run,
rose xxx
They've been mentioned a few times on here - last time was - blf.healthunlocked.com/ques...
Its a million times better than smoking!
Bev x
Thanks for your comments and opinions. I am not entirely happy with e cigs and neither are my family and would like to give them up eventually. For the time being however I will continue to use them sparingly for the sake of my sanity and enjoyment of life
I was advised to try ecigs while in hospital for respiratory failure and, so far, they are working for me! I discussed them with my GP recently and she said there had not been much research done into ecigs but that they had to be less harmful than real cigarettes. I've been using them for 5 weeks now and not had any desire for the real thing so far : )))
think it depends on each person,Im off cigs 8 months thank God,was patches,then if Im having a bad day I put a pen in my mouth haaaa and yes puff it,old jaws get sore, but least def no tobbacco, good luck and happy new year to you all xxxxxx
If they work for you then that is good. I have not tried them myself. I have spent the day twiddling with straws, biros, anything that is cigarette shaped. I lapsed just before 8am this morning, couple of puffs followed by a severe choking fit and it was put out again. Not tried again since today. So one fag and a few puffs in about 36 hours is good going for me xxxxx
Giving up smoking is personal to the individual and whatever it takes for that person is right as long as the goal is achieved. Some people I know eventually gave up by cutting down first. That never worked for me as I always crept back up again. My dad went from being a 50 a day man to smoking a pipe. I think he got frustrated because the pipe kept going out and he got sick of lighting it.He packed in when he was 62 chronic bronchitus and lived till he was nearly 80. I gave up by using every aid known to man ie patches lozenges chewing gum etc but as I have said I use ecigs when the urge overwhelms me. I also chew old fashioned liquorice root which i get from the chemists or health food shop Keep the faith x