Hi its been some time since I was on so quick update - my husband has been very unwell this past year now diagnosed as having bronchiecstasis which is same diagnosis I had a few years ago what exactly is this lung condition and how do we cope with it Thanks to anyone who can shed some light. Happy New Year to all xxxx
BRONCHIECSTASIS: Hi its been some time... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Katy - welcome back although sorry to hear about your husband being diagnosed with bronchiectasis. I hope this was diagnosed with a high resolution CT scan as this is the only sure way. Also it would be best to be seen by a consultant who has experience of nonCF bronchiectasis (CF stand for cystic fibrosis). Bronchiectasis is different to COPD. There are also different ways of being affected by it. Some people have a ‘diffuse’ type that affects both lungs and all over them, others have patches. The bronchi widen and are unable to shift the mucous that can pool in the lungs. It is important to clear the lungs regularly as the mucous can become a happy hunting ground for all kinds of bugs. If at all possible a referral should be made to a respiratory physiotherapist to teach your husband lung clearance techniques. Most of us have several exacerbations every year, varying in severity and need to have a ‘rescue pack’ of antibiotics and steroids at home so that they can be taken as soon as an exacerbation starts. Generally these are taken for two weeks. Sputum needs to be tested asap to identify the particular bug so that a more precise antibiotic can be prescribed. Am sure others will be along with advice and support.
thank you for your reply Pentreath Yes he was given a ct scan but he was classed as having copd before this. He is on Azithromycin 3 times weekly as am I. Neither of us have been told to come back for any folow up appointments. We will ask our gp to refer us and appreciate your advice.
I have emphysema, bronchiectasis and been recently diagnosed with mitral stenosis. The heart diagnosis was very unexpected and things are moving quite quickly go to see heart surgeon on Friday. Currently I'm taking vit d vit a vit c turmeric magnesium and cordyceps along with the docs meds as well. Have u heard anything about these cordyceps and if they do improve lungs. I was also wondering what nac are....drinking tons of honey n lemon trying to do everything right so any tips anything is greatly appreciated lol xox
Love Loretta xo
NAC = N-acetyl cysteine. It helps shift mucous out of the lungs, bit stronger than the mucolytic agent carbocysteine.
I go to a local health shop and the man in there gives me what I need and tells me how to take it. Trying to build my immune system up cuz its quite low also low in iron and with major surgery coming up need all the help I can get xox
Have them run a CT scan in slices for Pulmonary Fibrosis also can be connected to the Bronchiostasis. It is misdiagnosed many times as pneumonia and the bronchial stuff therefore letting the Fibrosis continue. Make sure you put the pressure on a LUNG SPECIALIST to do the testing. I was misdiagnosed for about 3 years with them always telling me I had the bronchial thing and pneumonia and all along it was the pulmonary fibrosis.
I think you should definitely speak to your GP, no matter what. He will run some tests and put your mind at rest. Your GP has access to many things your pharmacist doesn’t and can prescribe higher strength of any supplementaries you might need. Good luck with your op!
Thank you all for your Input I do listen and act on all advice, tips etc I am given. I am so scared of this operation and the outcome but yet I know I have no other option xox
Take care love Loretta xox
Its understandable that you're scared Loretta, so just try to focus on the benefits the operation will bring. Good luck for it and please keep us updated when you're strong enough xxx
Wish I could chase the fear away lol hope you are all keeping well love Loretta xox