I was diagnosed in 2012 by a lung consultant at my local hospital with bronch in 2012 after a CT scan. Since then I've been seen in the 'difficult' asthma clinic by a consultant every 4 months. He's very nice but admits that I'm now as good as I'm going to get! After a particularly bad night where I almost got to the point of calling an ambulance, I'm thinking maybe a bronch specialist might have an answer. My question is if you have bronchiecstasis do you see a specialist in that area if your local hospital has one?
Bronchiecstasis : I was diagnosed in... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi helen. The answer is yes. With bronchiectasis you need the ongoing care of a bronchiectasis specialist. This is because the nature of bronch changes and only someone with expertise in it can decide which treatment it requires at the time. I see mine every four months. They are usually at large teaching hospitals. Don't let your GP give you the run around. Go armed with a name and don't leave until you get the referral. Good luck.x

Thank you for confirming what I thought. I've made an appointment with my gp and have found the name of the bronchiecstasis specialist at my local hospital! I'm sure my gp groans inwardly every time he sees my name on my list, but he's very nice and accepts that I am an expert for my my issues - I also have RA.
good for you helen. Keep smiling but refuse to give up until you get what you want is my motto. It works and in the long run, the help of a bronch specialist can only be beneficial to our GPs. Let me know how you go on. I did think that your asthma may also be playing up but as you already have an asthma consultant, getting a bronch specialist on board should help to sort one problem from the other. I have two bronch specialists - my number one lady in Bham and a local guy who is very nice but not as expert, plus a heart consultant. I insist that all letters go to all of them my GP and myself (actually received the latest letter from bronch con to GP in the post today) then we are all singing from the same hymn sheet. Yes it is a bit like conducting the orchestra. 😊
Do you mind me asking but is your bronch consultant at the Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham? That is my local hospital- we live about 2 miles away.
Yes. I will pm you because we can't put a name on the main stream.
A warm welcome to you Helen. Defo Yes and I hope all works well with littlepom's consultant. As well as my bronchiectasis, my asthma is dealt with by my consultants within the bronchiectasis service.
Good luck
Hi there,
100% a bronchiectasis consultant is needed to care for along side physios.
You should been every 4 months and have your stash of antibiotics at home ready in case needed.
Am having another bad do with mine and care is needed as it is horrible
Let us know and good luck
Jenny x
Thanks for your reply.
I do have a rescue pack of antibiotics and steroids at home but I'm not sure they were the right ones for the infection that just cleared last week. I'd had it since March and was on 4 different antibiotics. Now the one I take all the time has been changed so fingers crossed!
Hi helenw 7, I too have broniectasis and emphysema and see my consultant every 3 months, I also have a rescue pack at home but found myself taking one pack after another trying to clear infection. I was put on 3 months course of very strong anti-biotics, 3,000 mg's a day It was rough but I must say my breathing has definitely improved, in fact, I can't believe the difference. For the first time in months I can actually leave the house and go to the shops myself, yes I still get sob but I am no longer totally housebound. I had almost given up, I am doing my best to keep fighting, I just need to kick this stupid smoking habit.
Hope your improving
I hope you keep improving. I get sob with stupid things like hanging out the washing! Since starting azithromycin the chest infection I've had since March seems to be on its way out!