Does anyone else with Emphysema/COPD have permanent chest discomfort/aching?
Its not particularly painful as such just like a deep ache. Painkillers don't really do much.
Thanks in advance
Does anyone else with Emphysema/COPD have permanent chest discomfort/aching?
Its not particularly painful as such just like a deep ache. Painkillers don't really do much.
Thanks in advance
Some days worse than others. It really depends on what I've been doing. I avoid pain killers at all costs
yes I do - and OTC painkillers are no use either. although my situation is complex, it drives me a bit crazy some times. Try to be patient it may well clear up gradually.
Mine is usually caused by tired intercostal muscles, from breathing too deeply and stretching them, or tiring them out after bouts of coughing. I massage them gently to ease the soreness.
Yes I have the same condition and yes my chest aches and is sore sometimes and I have accepted that it is art of the ongoing condition. I take lots of pills as I have other problems so I do not use any pain killers for the discomfort in my chest.
Yes i do anything else this damm disease want to throw at us im sick of it