It amazes me how you guys get so much information on your illness, my gp who a supposed respiratory specialist just throws more drugs at me and literally shrugs her shoulders.
Last year, she decided to try me on a new inhaler it resulted in me collapsing at home and a blue light ride to hospital where I spent 3 days.
This year she referred me for a camera down my throat, the consultant would not do it because my breathing was to poor, and referred me back to my gp
I have waited 5 months to see a respiratory consultant and when the nurse at my surgery called me in for a spirometery the day before seeing him, she said she couldn't do it because I was on a course of steroids at the time and would have to be 4to6 weeks drug free! So the appointment was cancelled.
I have lost all faith in my gp and when I try to make an appointment with another doctor in the practice I am told I have to see the "specialist " gp who I have lost faith in.