Hello Everyone I was referred to the Respiratory clinic where I was previously diagnosed with Broch in addition to asthma as specialist nurse concerned remy breathlessness and wheeze despite adding in Trimbow to along list ofmeds Saw a very nice consultant who sent me for a CAT scan and said would be seen in 8 weeks Just received an email giving an appointment for June 2025 which will be 9 months not 8 weeks I know the NHS is in difficulties so should I just carry on wheezing and being out of breathe or should I ring the GP surgery or try ringing the hospital ( which is somewhat like entering a black hole with the most appalling music insulting my ears whilst I wait on the off chance someone might answer )
does this sound satisfactory? - Lung Conditions C...
does this sound satisfactory?

This makes my bloody blood boil and I bet I'm not the only one by a mile. Keep ringing your doctors to the point you are really getting on their nerves, because if you don't do it nobody else will. It's nothing to do with waiting lists as I was actually told by my respiratory nurse, its people who don't do their jobs properly. To be told 8 weeks and then june next year is disgusting. I'm sorry to rant but feel the need to. Please put your foot down time and time again as you are an actual person not joe bloggs who doesn't matter. Please let us know how you get on 😉
This is not unusual for all hospital appointments. What the consultant wants and the appointments section often don’t match. I would ring appointments and explain you need a much earlier (8 weeks) appointment. Usually they would sort this out. If you have any difficulties I would just go to PALS and ask them to sort it.
As you now have bronch added in you need a bronch specialist as your meds are only for asthma and bronch alongside needs its own treatment. You have been lumped on to the list of general respiratory conditoons but your bronch needs management now to prevent further damage and improve your quality of life. Look for a specialist on the website of ypur nearest big teaching hospital. Take the name to your GP and insist on a referral. Then phone the secretary of the specialist and ask if they can fit you in sooner than the appt you get. We really do have to be very proactive in our own interests.
Try the consultants secretary and see if she can help, they are usually very good. If not try the telephone number on the letter you received and tell the appointments you were told that it would be 8 weeks. Crazy world we are living in now, I feel we have to fight for everything x
If it was me I'd write a letter to the doctor you saw and point out the time delay.
Hi Wheezy Lass....that waiting time is horrendous!!! Sorry to say it,but the only way to get anything done is to make a complete nuisance of yourself...we hate to do it but ... it's our health on the line!!!
I've left 10 messages on a supposed secretary's phone so far today last one told me the message box was full Left message at GPs for the specialist nurse to reply to - she is off today and tomorrow ....
Grrrr! You are being messed around big time. i hope you can get through to somebody soon, but it really must be so frustrating.
Thank you I will try again tomorrow as have been on a 50 mile each way trip for an MRI scan which took 10 mins but the travel in total was 4 hr 45minutes I'm going to lie down in a darkened room to recover
Poor old you. I'm not surprised you need to recover.
Thank you and today we spent 4 hours in the local MacMillen centre waiting to see the oncologist for my husband She was off sick so we saw an apologetic registrar who did at least show us the PET scan image so we can see where the cancer is so I haven't felt like chasing up a chest appointment today and we have a small grandson to care for tomorrow from early in the morning
If you can manage it I'd see a bronchiectasis specialist privately. Perhaps your same consultant will practice privately as well - if s/he is a bronch specialist? Usually they will transfer you to their NHS list. Personally I would do it and put it on my credit card just to get it over & done with & start treatment (and I'm nearly broke financially) . How are we to know the state of nhs in June 2025, it could be worse than now.
Do u do lung clearance,acbt and postural drainage etc? I gargle if coughs troublesome,as far back as I can & clear honey is gd for coating throat.Ru using salbutamol enough,if yr still wheezy? It's recommended to use a spacer device eg aerochamber.inhale deep+ slow.
Ru on mucolytic to thin mucous eg carbocysteine or nacys/ ascetaline .
I've a 15month wait to see endocrinologist