About 2 years ago I was referred to a respiratory consultant whom it was thought had more experience than the specialist I was seeing at that time. All started off well as I was sent for blood tests, MRI scan, sputum samples, lung function test and an appointment was made for me to see a respiratory physio from King's. However, care gradually was reduced to minimal care during the pandemic - telephone consultants with my respiratory consultant who promised to be in touch soon and that she would discuss my chest scan at a meeting she was having very soon. This was last November and I have heard nothing since apart from being given a date for a telephone consultation last month. I did wait in all day for the phone call but it never happened. I then had a call from somebody from Kings, Denmark Hill who said she had rung to give me an appointment for another MRI scan. When I told her I did not know anything about this , she replied that it was a follow up to the scan I had last August. I then told her that I had no recollection of having a scan last August (I was shielding at the time) but she was not interested and said she only wanted to know if I was happy to travel to London for the scan. When I told her that I didn't want to make this journey, she told me she would let my local hospital know. A few days later I received a letter from my local hospital giving me an appointment for the scan. I feel quite cross and disappointed that I have been left for 9 months to cope on my own and then expected to turn up for a MRI scan which I have not spoken to any specialist about. My last scan was March 2020 and because of Covid the results of this was not gone into and I did not receive a treatment plan. My main problem at present is to do with coughing attacks which are triggered by a variety of things including eating, sometimes swallowing, yawning, laughing and throat irritation. From very recent correspondence I appear to come under the care now of another person and not the consultant I was referred to. I seem to only have two choices, either phone the chest clinic or speak to one of the respiratory secretaries. All ideas will be welcomed. Thank you!
What would you do?: About 2 years ago I... - Lung Conditions C...
What would you do?

I would say do both of the two choices. + register with your GP practise to be able to access your test results online.
Covid has put all appointments back unless they are emergencies. Now there is such a backlog things are going to take time.
Also to be kept in the loop I've always asked to be copied into any communication from the hospital sent to the GP and then if its not forthcoming I phone GP and ask for a copy of the letter to be sent to me or you could contact consultants secretary and ask her to send you a copy.
I request copies of the results of any tests or scans.
With my current GP I have registered to view any of my test results through the Practice website secure area. so any test results sent from the hospital to the GP Practice I can view for myself online.
If you've not already registered to access this you may wish to do so through your GP practice. that way if you have an queries about the results you can query that on your next face to face or telephone appointment or even email or check with the consultants Secretary.
Hope all works out well for you.
Best wishes BK

Alot of gp surgeries dont allow test results to be viewed online, mine being one of them. The only thing I can do online is order repeat prescriptions x
I was replying to Spanielblue, it may be possible his surgery will be accommodating in this should he wish to investigate it.
Have the scan, Spanielblue. It's over a year since your last. I had a similar experience myself. Everything went pear-shaped in the pandemic for the medics as well as us, and they're galloping to catch up. It only means they want fresh, up-to-date information, which can only benefit you. Bear with it. You can still phone the relevant parties to clarify, though it could be communication between them about your case. Best wishes.
Personally,I'd ring either or both,just explain the situation.i would go for yr scan as theyll b able to compare with yr previous scan.bronchiectasis is hard to deal with.i too have probs with all those things.Lung clearance at least 2x ea day is key.i usually clear whatever's there 2hrly and after eating.
Drink plenty + use yr puffers + meds as directed.itis worth reading up up on controlled breathing,and practise it so it becomes normal to use it whenever u need to.xxx
Bless you agree with previous comments.It can be tough being Pro active when ill,please do go for scan ,contact your GP and the hospital consultants secretary and get the info that you are both entitled to and should have been updated on.
Best of luck ,let your fellow lung buddies on here know how you get on
I think many of us have been left to fend for ourselves during the pandemic, whereas we would have regular check ups in normal times. ( I didn't know you could ask for your hospital results till I joined this forum). I hope that after this new scan the wheels will start to turn and you will get a proper treatment plan, perhaps including pulmonary rehab. My coughing fits have considerably diminished since I was given a treatment plan.
I know the feeling of being unsupported and left to get on with things. It's not a good thing at all, but I fear many of us will be going through similar things at the moment while the try to catch up.I think I'd contact all parties and see what comes back to you. Meanwhile, have your scan - it can only be beneficial for them to update the current state of your chest so they can base any new treatment plan on up to date info.
xx Moy
Do both.
If you're offered an mri scan take it! Many of us would give our right arm for one including me.
Thank you all for your interest and decision help. I will now go for my scan. Your advice has been helpful because I am not dithering any more about whether to attend my appointment.
👍definitely have your scan🤞