Woke up this morning usual soaked through with persperition heart racing ten to the dozen tried to lay still so as not to wake Frank but the shaking of the bed woke him I had took my abs and steroids pain killers etc by this time .He took my sats 82 heart rate 144 then took my blood pressure n220 over something silly phoned doctors said could he take me to surgery I ask you .They phoned the out of hours doc who said to phone ambulance I think they could get here blindfolded now upshot is when they got here things had settled bp down to 170 heart rate 124 sats 87 so they phoned for doctor to come out what I'm trying to get at the long way round is when do you phone for help don't want to be seen as atimewaster x
Another Little blip : Woke up this... - Lung Conditions C...
Another Little blip

Phone for help anytime you feel you need it. You are not a time waster. Take heart. Xxxx
You need the reassurance Margaret that you will get help when you need it and you needed it this morning. Is the doctor coming to see you? I hope you're feeling a bit better now. Love Lilian xxxxxx
Hey Time, have you ever had your thyroid checked??? If not it may be the best place to start. Never think that getting medical help is a waste of time. I fought with my doctor;s for over a year and finally one listened and I had cancer. Hoping you feel better soon. It could be menopause as well.
Thanks Danna xx

Afternoon Margaret, you did the right thing phoning for help so don't worry about it. I have had to phone an ambulance or the doctors lots of times, but I always felt better knowing I had done the right thing. I was told by my matron, that if I felt unwell either phone the doctors or an ambulance. Hope you start to feel better as the day goes on. You take care my dear friend.😊 xxx Bernadette
Thanks Bernadette Frank thought I was panicking at the thought of going out with my niece but that is how I woke up it was pretty scary now I'm waiting for the doctor to call I am a bit annoyed I looked at the paperwork the paramedics left and they have put I didn't want to go in hospital no never once said that I'm not saying I do but you know what I mean .So now I Definitley won't be going out with my niece the thing is will I ever be able to I don't know if it's knowing I can't go that is making me want to go .Frank has been to the chemist for my prescription and oramorph not there also hope doctor will give me more painkillers hope you are as fit as you can be and have a good day take care love Margaret xxx
I am sure one day you will be able to go out, but it wouldn't be the first time I've panicked at the thought of going out. You just get yourself a bit better then think about going out. Take care 😊 xx Bernadette
Thank you it's so difficult one hand wants to other doesn't it would be a lot easier without the pain and tomorrow I have to go to see the psychiatrist now that is something to panic about do you go out Bernadette xx
No not really Margaret, only if I really have to. And I can't go out on my own I get very nervous and like you I sweat a lot. I used to live going out, but I am little scared now and its not nice. I can honestly sympathize with you, so you aren't on your own feeling like you do. Xx Bernadette
How are things going with your infection do you think you got abs I time xx
my infection starting to clear up, abs working thank goodness xxx
That's good news when the paramedics came this morning they said my chest was clear when the doctor came he said there was crackles makes you think doesn't it xxx
The time to call for help is when you think you need it. the times I have been rushed off to hospital only to be a lot better by the time I got there. The last time I went to GP feeling fairly o.k. It was a follow up appointment but he tested my oxygen level it was 84 so he rang the hospital and sent me straight there oxygen level 98 they did some tests and sent me home had an X-ray but had to go back for a heart scan it's still beating too fast but acceptable. I felt such a fraud but it wasn't my idea to go. It was Thursday and we were moving house on the following Monday so we lost a whole day . You must never feel like a time waster you need reassurance even if it turns out you were o.k. If you think you might be a time waster you could miss the one time you really should get attention. There are so many real time wasters I think instead of closing alll these small hospitals these people should be sent there and if it's serious send them on to the main hospital. This could be a step between the doctor and the A& E.
You are not a time waster so stop worrying about it. Just think about nice things and try not to stress so much easy said I know Take care hope you are feeling better by now. Love Rosabeth
Thanks rosabeth I think that is a very good idea you have got there it would relieve some of the pressure on the big hospitals .These things always happen at the most awkward times ie your house move it must have put quite a bit of pressure on you both love Margaret
Never a time waster T2D. I think bearing in mind how ill you are they should be taking you in to get you stabilised. Any chance of that do you think? Thinking of you.

Doesn't look likely what made me laugh not is that the paramedics said my chest was clear I'm still coughing up gunk wrote on print out for doctor I didn't want to go into hospital I never said a word about hospital when the doctor came he said I have crackles also he was going to give me a rescue pack of amoxycillin I said it doesn't work and the reason I was in hospital was I needed IV abs ciprofloxacin and I got some of hospital on Sunday weeks supply so what does he do says he will give me doxycycline rescue abs brick wall or what .I asked about pain clinic and he said lets get infection sorted I told him I have had pain since January on one hand he given me some more tramadol honestly they say it and the oramorph are the big guns but they truly give very little respite he is also talking of coming of tramadol only been on it a week can I win can I heck as like best wishes Margaret i
Hi one of my sisters is on oramorph for severe osteoarthritis and they limit her too. Doctors don't like giving it out because of the addictive effects and worry about their duty of care. They wouldn't give it to her but she hadn't been able to move for 16 hours even to go to toilet, so I said either they give her that or they take her into hospital. The doctor agreed but only gives her a small supply which she only takes when she really has no choice. But if you need it you need it don't you? Impossible pain needs an impossible drug. Take care sweetie. xxxx
That's right if it's needed take it one doctor told me to take it with the tramadol today's doctor said take it as a breakthrough medication only when needed I wish it wasn't needed or it would work better .Disgusting leaving your sister like that and giving us a small supply causes more distress when you have to phone and practically beg for more Best wishes Xxx
If you think you need help, make that phone call, you know your body best.
Take care xx
At the momment I don't think I even know my own name I am so stressed I have a appointment at 12 and I can't seem to get into gear low sats etc x
Do a list of what's happened,
How you feel and what's meds you have taken, increased, or decreased.
Remember you are suffering with this not your doctor so you need to get across to him how YOU are feeling.
Keep us updated and take care xxx
good luck with your appt. I know it must be on here somewhere,but what exactly is causing your extreme pain. Can't believe the docs are so dismissive!
The doctors don't know I wish they did it is driving me potty i am feeling very stressed I have that appointment at 12 and don't know what to expect it has took me ages to get up and dressed I didn't sleep well as usual so was in pain most of night and horrid sweats can't see a end to this wish I could I take care
I find it astonishing that any doc would prescribe tramadol let alone oralmorph with out a diagnosis of some kind,it's outrageous! Did the ct scan show anything at all .
I will do jummie bless you hope you feeling a bit better I not to clever got a meeting with psychiatrist I'm not coping with this illness Iam very stressed xxx
T2D. Good morning T2D. It makes me angry that you jump through so many hoops & still don't get the help you need. It appears that the doctors/staff have absolutely no investment in your health. They get paid whether you get well or not.
If everyone on this site - give grades to the doctors/hospitals they are in contact with - Zero to 10. 10 being Excellent. The doctors/hospitals's quality of service should be rated. This would help us to avoid the disinterested. Remember not every doctor graduates top in his class.
We can avoid repercussions-or law suits. No need to specifically give names: initials, locations, and our own code names would be enough. Silence is strength. Doctors have their own brotherhood - so you can not discuss this rating system with your doctor. The British Lung Foundation has a large membership & its own clout.
Here in America - we have something called YELP - where you rate your doctors, hospitals, staff. Though feed back from our own experiences is the best. Their are a lot of 'ghosts' on this site. - but its a start to make the health system / doctors more accountable.
Dear Friends, I did not intend to do a 'rant' this morning- but it was time. T2D you are not alone - stay in touch. And, to think I am only on my first cup of coffee! Time to go for a walk. Have a beautiful day. Courage. Winterhill1940.
Thanks for your input i am certain they have no interest at all in my health both physical and mental today I have been to see a psychiatrist i basically had to facilitate this myself whilst I was in hospital because I was in such a bad place mentally it was arranged for me to see a councilor however as soon as I was discharged this option was recinded so I took matters into my own hands and got a appointment I must say it did take rather a lot out of me I felt dreadful this morning as per usual dreaded sweats and freezing episodes along with trying to control pain and getting tangled in oxygen tubing I never thought I knew so many swear words have become rather potty mouthed hope you had a enjoyable walk