Well we made it thanks to in part Lorazapam. Just hope matron can convince doctor to give me more diffrence was amazing stress levels were down surely a good thing .The lodge is a disabled one walk in shower shower stool adaptable bed only gripe is we were told we could park near our lodge because of all the equipment and wheelchair we had to bring but cannot get the car to the lodge it is on a incline and no through road so lots of trips for Frank to unpack car and then same tomorrow not very well thought out .Absoloutley massive area and you need to be fit to push a wheelchair about and Frank thought he was he shattered .Yesterday we had a good luck round lots of activities but so expensive He actually got me into a bar yesterday afternoon albeit in a corner then we checked the swimming pool which has lots of features slides wave machines etc. The one thing that is free Frank is going I told him I will be ok here with a book and my pad but he wants me to go to spectators area I think it best I don't would feel a bit vunerable .On the health side have had a few hairy moments woke up Saturday morning and couldn't breathe Frank checked my sats they where 59 /126 heart rate. Couple of hours later had a shower with trepediton Frank had to help me out sats had fallen to 49 /140heart rate hoping for better things today we have to be out by 10 am tomorrow so that is stressing me bed at 8 up at 6 me thinks take care
Centre parcs: Well we made it thanks to... - Lung Conditions C...
Centre parcs

So pleased you got to go way.hopr you are enjoying it. Hope you feel better for it. It's certainly a great step forward for you well done. Have a wonderful time, Wil check back later. Love Bernadette 😳 xxx
Hi Bernadette we have just been for a pub lunch I can't eat big meals so Frank asked them if I could have a. Childs portion. Think they must have felt sorry for me because it looked like adult portion Unfortunatley couldn't do it justice but it saved frank from the kitchen once again found quiet spot to tuck into xxx
It sounds like you are having a good time. Check out will be fine.
Love and good wishes. Xxxxx
Thanks sassy very nice but it's breaking my heart being in this situation but wishing won't make it better. I am sending Frank of for a swim give him some time to his self I will have a read whilst he's gone I do hope the matron can convince GP to give me more Lorazapam. I would not have been able to cope as well as I have with such low sats I know I would have panicked xxxx
TTD, absolutely ecstatic that you and Frank got away for a bit. Well done and keep fighting! Kindest Wishes, judg69
Thank you trying my best. With the help of Lorazapam don't know why GP would only give me 7 but half a tablet has been amazing I would not have coped so well with my sats and breathing without it the fact that it is addictive matters not it is helping me cope dread when non left .frank just going for a swim he didn't want to go but he needs a break from me I'm going to have a read and keep calm Best wishes Margaret
Possibly the physision only gave you 7 is because lorezapam is highly addictive and has been linked to alzheimers. My dr. Had me on it for years it ended up that I had to take myself off of it bit by bit . Horrid time getting off and dangerous as well!
I understand what you are saying but I have no intention of taking them without due care .The diffrence half a tablet made to my anxiety was amazing and with all the problems I've got with this illness feeling calmer has to be a good thing .
So very glad that you made it. You are an amazing couple. Well done.
Thanks a bit sad that I couldn't do crazy golf something I used to love or go on one of the boats being in a wheelchair is really restrictive .I was thinking of attempting a little walk using portable concentrator but not the right terrain plus it only goes to 3 on constant and I'm on 4 for walking never told me that when they loaned me it all in all been a good weekend except for my low sats and not being able to breathe son wants me to phone 111 when we get home But I want to try and hang on till I see the matron on Wednesday. Few things I want sorting and if I get took in before then will loose matron again and have to rerefer again trying to avoid that best wishes 😷
T2d You made it,you are enjoying it and frank gets a little respite in the pool.Well done to you,lets hope it's just the start of lots of mini adventures for the pair of you.Take care and good luck.............................skis and scruff x
Margaret If you had gone to reception and asked they would have helped take the stuff to your lodge for you maybe try and get some help for frank to take it all back tomorrow
I f I had known this I would have asked my son who you need to contact to get this sorted but hes at work now and I can't get hold of him
Glad you made it though and hope that you have had a lovely time also pleased to hear that the lorazapam have done the trick definitely need more my lovely so that you can enjoy more things best medicine in the world be able to get out and about and enjoying it
Take care
Lesley xx
Also regarding having to be out by ten if you get to see someone explain that might be difficult due to how you are and they will be very helpful you just need to ask and honey xx
Thanks Leslie something to think about xx
Hi your stats are so low mine dip to 78 can't imagine how you feel at lower thinking of you Sam. X
I know it was hard to get the officials to believe I could go so low so now randomly get Frank to take photo on I pad. Or even video showing how long they take to recover. Thing is really difficult if oxygen put up anymore with being a retainer of co2 .Whilst replying to you it has just occurred to me that the reason I get so much pain may be the lack of oxygen getting into my body Take care Margaret xx
Margaret, you're there and you're doing a 1000 times better then last time. Hold that thought and hold your head up high. Well done you !
So glad the Lorazapam helped you have a relatively stressfree break. <3
I a. Really pleased you got away. I hope you managed not to get too stressed about packing up to go home.
So glad you are getting out, I love centre parcs. Make sure doctor gives you more of those tablets if they help with your anxiety it will help you you be able to cope a bit more 😊😊 x x
Whoopee! You made it! What an achievement!!! Well done. Shame poor Frank had to do so many trips to the car to unload - he's a star, isn't he? Hope he enjoyed his swim. Hope your sats are back up again now and not too much problem packing up to leave. xx Moy
He is a trooper I'm so pleased that he got to have some time to himself he told me he even went on 3of the water slides something he always did abroad in fact we were in Gran canaria for his 50 birthday and he went on every slide at the water park sats have still been playing up son wants us to call 111 I want to speak to the matron on Wednesday just getting her back for a while so really don't want to have to go back in hospital if it can be avoided she was talking about clinical psychologist who came before coming back to see me she may be able to help me get Lorazapam xx
Glad to hear Frank enjoyed the water slides. Great fun! It probably made you feel better, knowing he was able to have some time to himself. I can see why you want to wait to speak to the matron on Wednesday - fingers crossed it's the best decision. I understand why your son is concerned but you know how you feel so it's really for you to decide what to do, isn't it? Take care - only one more day before you can speak to matron. xx Moy
Hi I've Been to the Hospice today not Been a good day woke up unable to take a Breathe same last night and pain has been horrendous ?Didnt look like I would be able to make hospice eventually got control of my Breathing and made it .Whilst I was there had several bad turns with Breathing and sats dropping very little low .The nurse practitioner sent a email to my Gps asking her to reconsider giving me Lorazapam and also gave me copy letter to give to matron so will see what tomorrow brings Matgaret xx
On way to appointment so only scanned through your post and will reply once home. Try and enjoy and relax.. !!! I'd be proud of Frank if he did well at archery! Xxx
Hope your appointment goes ok .Frank didn't do the archery he did something he hasn't done since December had a couple of pints at the pub and really enjoyed them just not the extortionate prices he did enjoy his swim and the slides though xxx
thank you for your detailed account am sure it will be a great help to anyone thinking of going there will let them know what things might cause problems and which need to be sorted out before etc. thank you xx
Your very welcome undine the accomadatione was very nice with one minor problem the cupboards were very high and the only way my husband could access them was standing on a chair not recommended bearing in mind it was a disabled lodge up a very steep Bank The bed was very comfortable it was a adjustable Bed with controls going back to the cupboards you needed to have one of the Harlem globetrotter with you xx

Hello Margaret so pleased that you and Frank enjoyed your break, it will have done you both good. Hope you are feeling better and more positive. Love Bernadette 😳 xxx
Hi Bernadette afraid today And last night been pretty bad with low sats and struggling to Breathe matron coming tomorrow hope your matron was helpful today love Margaret xxx