On my way for thyroid surgery. Feeling nervous but not about the surgery- they told me I'm High risk for pneumonia because of these silly lungs. Hopefully all will be ok. See ye on the other side!
Surgery today : On my way for thyroid... - Lung Conditions C...
Surgery today
Good luck. Hope that all goes well and you have a quick recovery.
Hello nfanning 🌷
Best wishes for today. You will be fine
Knowing your risks, they will give you VIP after care.
Enjoy your nap😁 and keep us informed
Velvet xx

Good luck for today,you will be ok. Please keep us up to date,take care😊 xxx
Hidden wishing u a speedy recovery x
It's good that they're aware of the risk 'in advance', much better than playing catchup after the event. Good luck, and let us know how you are, when you feel up to it.
Hope all goes well nfanning and your back home soon.
All the best a fanning, and wishing you a speedy recovery xx
Good luck, everything ll be fine. Write here when its done. Take care!
Good luk to you and hope all goes well. xxx
Thinking of you and wishing you well !😁🙆 hugs huff xxx
Sending you lots of love and wishing you a speedy recovery xxx
Everything will be fine as they know you need extra special care. All you have to do after the operation is to make a good recovery. We are all by your side.
Thinking of you while you're in surgery. Hope all goes well & you'll be back with us very soon. 💐
Hi nfanning. I'm thinking you might already be in surgery, as I write this. I am thinking of you. Before you know it, all will be done, and you can move on. Wishing you a easy recovery. Looking forward to hearing from you😊 Rubyxx 😊
All the very best nfanning for a smooth operation and a very speedy recovery. As everyone else has already mentioned..please let us all know how your are when you can..
In the meantime rest well and take good care..
Lynne x 🌹 x
Fingers crossed !
Very best of luck for your op and your recovery, without any complications. x
Just read your post and hopefully the op is finished.
I will say a prayer for you tonight.
Will (Australia)
Thinking of you nfanning and crossing fingers for event free surgery and a smooth recovery. Take care, x
Good luck and God bless.
nfanning Wishing you well xx
Thanks everyone for the lovely messages. I was very sick afterwards for about 30 hours after the anesthetic so that was pretty awful combined with the pain. But once that passed the pain while uncomfortable is more manageable. Chest feels odd but on abs so hopefully all will be ok xxx

Glad the first part is over. Good luck with the recovery, I hope there are no further complications.