Does anyone know anything about using Salt Pipes. They are supposedly used to help you to breath better. I just wondered if anyone else had tried one.
Salt Pipes: Does anyone know anything... - Lung Conditions C...
Salt Pipes
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If you type 'salt pipes' into the search box (top right) it will bring up various posts for you to read.
Pete is trying one and doing pretty well on it. I bought it for £10 on Amazon as didn't want to spend much. It's easy to use too. Xxx
Thanks a lot sassy. Will buy one and try it. Anything that helps!
Hope it helps Pete and take care.
i use salt pipe does help i got mine on ebay but if yiou can ask doc if u can have prescrip for flutter they are 52 pounds to buy but they are very good
Great thank you for that imformation. Doubt whether the doc will prescribe one!
You can get a thing that is similar to a flutter cheaper from power Breaht. Can't remember what they actually call theirs but it looks and works just like a flutter.
freefaller A salt pipe does not fulfil the function of a flutter device like an Acapella. A flutter device works on the exhale. A salt pipe is an inhalant.
Hi Brondana
Thanks for your input. Have looked up about a flutter and they are expensive. I did ask my Virtual Ward nurse about whether a nebulizer would help me when I was having so much trouble clearing the mucus off my chest and she said no,that I did'nt need one! She's not the one coughing like mad.
I shall see if I can maybe get one cheaper somewhere if not I will have to bite the bullet and pay £50.
Thanks for your advice

Sorry, I know can't think why I was talking about the flutter? Think I am goi g 'round the bend!
I've had my salt pipe for 3 weeks now and I think its helping i can walk a bit further than I could before I bought it so I'am well pleased.I bought it of Amazon for £20 thats the pipe and 2 cannisters of salt.
Glad that it seems to be helping you. I have gad mine a few days so I hope that I will begin to see that it is working.
Fingers crossed it works for you take care
I have severe COPD and mild Emphysema and my consultant advised strongly against salt pipes as too crude a means of helping me to breath more easily saying it tears at the lung tissue. I avoid using the salt lamp someone gave me before I was made aware that these products may not help but make matters worse. Using a saline solution in my neutralizer (which helps so many of us) made my breathing much worse.
Thanks for your comments, they are very helpful. It seems that there is very little to help copd apart from what we are prescribed by a GP.
i was told a few years ago by a nurse & doc to leave well alone after all they are made of salt and medics are trying to ween us off the stuff.
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