Would like to hear from people that have used a salt pipe and their experiences. I have just started using one and although it is early days ( two days ) I think it is helping to break up mucus, so far so good! Any other opinions on this device?
Salt pipes: Would like to hear from... - Lung Conditions C...
Salt pipes

Hello oulpete
I purchased one and did persevere with it.
I found it made me cough, not a productive cough , a dry cough, so l stopped using it.
Lots of people have said they find them helpful, so give it a good try, you may find it works for you.
Some Members on here also swear by salt lamps.
May be of some use to people with no real health problems, e.g. just a blocked up nose, etc. However, my husband, who has COPD, didn't find it helped him at all. The Salt Pipe has now joined the collection of other assorted items in the cupboard that purport to improve your breathing. I wouldn't waste your money
I have used them and found them helpful for clearing catarrh which has gone into my chest.
The key thing is to regulate it and not overdo it.
So when I have been very bad, coughing for days, I use the pipe but alternate with sips of water. if you overdo it, it will make you cough. But you can regulate it, and it does dry the mucus out. You find your level.
I also use Neilmed sinus rinse and yes I think it works also
@ oulpete yes please I would like to hear about that. I know Himalayan salt is good for us.
Did try a salt pipe early on. No definite improvement, and then I Read not advised for people who coughed blood. As this is a problem for me, I discontinued using it.
Hi out Pete, I used one for first 3 months after being diagnosed with COPD and it did help with breathing and mucus, I stopped using it when I prescribed Mucodyne, persevere until you get your meds, I thing that if it helps then go for it.
I bought one about six months ago after seeing them advertised on GMTV by a Doctor - however i had to sit twenty minutes or more a day using it and had i got great results i would have continued but nothing for me and it's now sitting in a cupboard
I've had huge success with a salt pipe. I've been using it for nearly 2 years now. To start with I used it every night for 20 min before I went to bed and it cleared vast amounts of what seemed to be quite longstanding mucous. I have a sense it cleansed all my breathing tubes and healed them my copd is very much better now - in fact I went through this last winter without a single chest infection. I only use the salt pipe now when I can feel the 'danger signs' for an infection.
good luck with yours!
Hi. I tried one some time ago but unfortunately it was of no help to me. It's joined the collection of other useless gadgets.
My experience is that of velvet55. Salt pipes do not suit everyone and my consultant advised me against them as well as salt lamps. I still tried both but the consultant was correct after all.
Have used the salt pipe for approx 2 years and it does seem to.help. being able to sit and breathe normally when using it also helps.
I have never tried a salt pipe but as I live by the seaside I get plenty of salt in my lungs! I do find that going on the beach and doing breathing exercises really helps. x

I too live by the sea but thought the pipe was a more direct source. Tks for reply
I find it helpful at loosening up mucus and enabling it to be coughed up.
When in hospital last year with the dreaded pneumonia I had my inhalers via a nebulizer and twice a day they gave me a saline one now that really got into my lungs and shift heaps of gunge my answer to you is talk to your doctor first but I see you have a pipe best of luck with it
I was using one on an evening and found it did help. Unfortunately my mother became ill and I moved in with her, untill she sadly passed away, last Oct. I forgot about my salt pipe, in fact untill I read this I'd forgot I'd even got one !. I will find mine and start using it again, I have COPD, and it did help. Off to find it now. Lol. Good luck. X
The most fantastic thing. I am asthmatic, since having one, now 2 years I have not had a cold. Normally have several. Grand-daughter now aged 10. Since she had one not had a cold, she used to have 3 per term. Friend bad asthmatic and bronchitis. Always catching colds from her grand-sons. Since she had one, again March 2014 she has not had bronchitis and her only cold lasted Monday to Friday, normally would have turned into bronchitis. Recently in bed with a cuddle with grandson with bad cold, she did not catch it. Her husband did not like the price to start with, he has changed his mind. Have other friends with good stories about it. Now I do not use mine daily unless I have a sore throat or feel I am getting a cold. Yes it certainly helps break up mucus I think you will find a big difference in the next few days!!
I have been using a salt pipe since the beginning of January and find it fantastic. I have been asthmatic all my life, 71 now, and diagnosed with COPD 6 years ago. Now stage 3 FEV 53%. Since I've used it my breathing has improved tremendously and doesn't feel sore and inflamed any more. I can now get a productive cough which has always been a problem for me. It has definitely taken that suffocating feeling away. I have just gone through an infection which started in my throat and then seemed to choke up my respiratory system but I got through it without antibiotics or steroids. Always needed both to get me through anything like that.
Hi, well I've never found conclusive research to show that it actually has any effect... salt miners could also be breathing or doing something else, not all evidence is created equal.
I would note (see atsjournals.org/doi/full/10... ) that saline is used as an antagonist to induce sputum in clinical tests, so perhaps that is what you are experiencing to some degree?
Irrespective of the actual effects of the 'salty air' you will most probably benefit from a couple of things in using this - generally you are spending a period of time exercising your lungs in the application - there is quite a bit of evidence that enhancing your breathing technique in general can have a positive effect on lung function. Secondly you are probably doing this in a quiet focused and calming environment / time, which will help you relax and reduce your blood pressure - airway remodelling with asthma is indeed a response of the smooth wall muscle in your lungs, and so overall relaxation may indeed help assist in the reversibility process of the condition at the time.
Either way, your device was cheap, is non-pharma, and I don't believe has any known safety concerns beyond falling asleep with it in your mouth!
Remember to always let your GP know you are using the device though (even if they are scornful of it), along with any other drug, not matter how innocent you think it is - ibuprofen is for instance contraindicated for asthmatics, and that's everywhere...
Try reading this for more research on breathing techniques, and indeed the effects of stress - breathe.ersjournals.com/con...
Have tried it - no apparent improvement.anyone tried this Aerosure breathing contraption at 130 pounds in price?
good afternoon, my name is Kim, what is this thing you call salt pipe?
Thanks for your informative post dsupple. I do go to a copd excersize class which includes breathing exercises which I then do every day before next class. I also have an exersize DVD which is specifically for copd which has breathing/lung exercises which I do 3/4 times a week. I have a relaxation tape given to me by hospital which I do every afternoon. I have done all these for about 5 years. Although I know there is no evidence to prove salt pipes etc have any benefits I also know that my salt pipe has certainly improved my breathing my outlook and my life. There are too many changes to be a coincidence. I think I mistakenly stated January in my post but have been using it since February. These 3 months have been so different for me. These will not work for everyone but if anyone is thinking about it I would say have a go all you've got to lose is £14.99 it cost for the salt like. Apologies for long post
I received my salt pipe friday.The first time I used it ligjt yellow mucus came out I guess I was getting a infection.Later that night clear mucus no more sinus problems and no more tightness in my chest.All of those things was going on with me.I can breathe much better walk better and I have not used my nebulizer at all.In a couple of days it did all this how much will it do in a week? So far I am please with it.Will keep you update.God bless and breathe easy.