The Joy Of Kittens...: I'd quite... - Lung Conditions C...

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The Joy Of Kittens...

14 Replies

I'd quite forgotten about they lean precariously over the sink when Himself is washing up and pat the bubbles from the washing up liquid...looking quite astonished to have wet paw as a result...Molly comes into the bathroom while I'm having a shower and sits bolt upright on the edge...gazing at me with huge orange eyes...

She dives headfirst into cupboards and swats flies on the window-sill...leaps onto Murphy and makes him squeak...slaps Bobby across the face...and spends ages looking at her reflection in the microwave door...she'll suddenly fly across the floor...skidding to a halt when she sees a ball of foil to play she's scrunched up on the router, pretending to be fast asleep...

Murphy is a total dote...he pounds my shoulder in the morning, purring as loud as a steam train...then taps my face with a soft paw and gazes at me...his eyes going slightly crossed. He loves to help in the kitchen, until this evening when Himself was chopping onions and poor Murphy sneezed and coughed and scrubbed at his eyes...he drinks out of the toilet bowl and his fur is thick and soft...

When I broached the idea of perhaps having a kitten to Himself, he was a bit scathing I suppose...but now he's as smitten as I am...even T, a lifelong disliker of cats, spent much time cradling either Molly or Murphy in her arms and talking utter rubbish to them...

Molly is feisty and terribly snooty...she stalks about with her tail held high and looks down her nose at us and most certainly at Bobby, who is in love with her...he trails about after her until she rounds on him and slaps his face...doesn't put him off though. He's quite distraught when he can't see her and wanders round looking in unlikely places, until she reappears. I swear he heaves a sigh of relief.

Once...long ago...someone asked what I'd truly like...I said a cat sitting on the windowsill among pots of scarlet geraniums...shelves of books to read...good music and a loving man.

It would seem that goal has been reached.

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14 Replies
hufferpuffer profile image

Oh Vashti you just made me feel a billion times better, thank you so much, this was just what I needed it certainly cheered me up !😃 huff xxx

Vashti, Wish we could have pets again. K

Lynda1952 profile image

Vashti, that is beUtiful. It is so lovely that your goal has been reached. Xx

And you deserve it all love :) xx

Photogeek profile image

Vashti as a cat owner and a cat lover, you have captured the gorgeousness and

Fun of kittens and cats, may cat loves to lie in the sink in the bathroom, curled up

Asleep and if you leave a glass of water out of your sight, she will drink it. Ah your piece

Cheered me up so so much.

Hannah x🐯🐯🌷🎀

Azure_Sky profile image

Ah the wonder of cats, such mystical elegant creatures.

I saw a couple of sayings the other day... Dogs have masters, cats have slaves. People who don't like cats were probaby mice in an earlier life. Oh another one "home is where the cat is". Sums up my household! 😻

snappy1 profile image

the joy kitties bring, I am just a cat bed at the moment and trying to get up to do anything well you'd think he was glued to my lap, it can take 5 mins sometimes to get him off, nearly end up one the floor in a heap

I'm currently trapped in bed by one of my cats 😀 - wonderful excuse to have a lie-in !!! Jan xx

starveycat profile image

Thank-you Vashti loved it, when you write you do it so well I can imagine being there and seeing it ♥♥♥

rubyred777 profile image

That was wonderful Vashti. I really enjoyed it. Feeling quite down, and reading that helped a lot. You really summed up the joys of being a cat owner . I'm glad their both doing well and your a happy mom. The ending was

Perfect. Hope we'll get to see a photo again. Thanks Vashti 😊

Rubyxx 😊

Vashti - as Starveycat said , I can just imagine being there with you - you paint such a vivid picture. My remaining cat, Vienna, is seventeen now & is such a comfort to me, especially since Mike died ( I can't believe it's already nine weeks tomorrow.) I also had to have our other elderly cat, Charleston, put to sleep a couple of weeks after Mike passed away so Vienna is keeping me going. Please keep your posts coming - I do so look forward to them - I have a smile when I log on & see that you have posted. xx

Lyd12 profile image

I remember long ago our cat reaching up and patting at some invisible object, then realised it was the sunlight flashing on the side of the cupboard! then when our cat was about to give birth and we couldn't find her. She had decided to have her kittens in Tony's workshop in an old box, we joked we should call the kittens Black and Decker! we get to enjoy the fun of your kittens without the work, thanks for that! iris x

Nikkers profile image

You lucky lady Vashti....I only have the first one. Lol. My lot were so funny when they were small and kept me amused all day. Now 2 of them just eat and sleep most of the time...but the little girl one (Kara) spends a lot of her day hunting. I'm surprised there are any mice left in our village at the rate she catches them? XX

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