Feeling relieved that after all these years of not feeling great with Bronchiectasis, arthritis , asthma and carrying delta 508, and joint hypermobility syndrome, I finally have my Pip. Yeahhhh😊 Happy bunny .
pip: Feeling relieved that after all... - Lung Conditions C...

Well done that's great. Am really pleased for you. x

Thank you. Here's one for the weak lunged😊
Congrats !
Thank you. Now to work out getting a blue badge😊
U just go to u r local council show them your letter awarding you pip and a passport photo and 2 pound an that's it xsx
nofolk council charge £10 and not all council car park are free to blue badge holders, so it seems that councils charge what they like
Hi, Have just received my blue badge ,I applied on line , cost £10 with my local council. Received the badge in 9 days from applying which was really good. You can also apply by going to your local council. Tina.
I'm pleased you were awarded PIP yet feel with the medical conditions you have you should of been awarded atomatically i do hope we see a change in the way the benifits are awarded very soon
We will definitely see a change... for the worse, I'm afraid. PIP is already harder to get than DLA was, and the criteria are going to get stricter.
The government's £12billion of cuts will very likely mostly affect long-term sick and disabled people.
Hi Westwalespaul I totally agree but I do hope he will find the £12 million from putting a stop to people co.ing in to this country just to claim benefits at least Atos have gone. It would also be good to get the backing of BLF to petition the government.
Don't really think it matters what company does the work, be it Atos, Capita - they are all doing the bidding of IDS. Very concerning. cx
Hi onamission. Hate to tell you this but Atos did my assessment, and were suprisingly ok
Great news x
Well done!
Do you have high in both parts?
Be Well
Good to hear good news on this front for a change,I've had my Motability car for two months and it,s like having my life back again.Congratulations (as Cliff would say lol )👍
Congratulations em1rit, I am so pleased for you. Make good use of it and enjoy as much as you can. I know it certainly makes a great difference to my life. Take care, Maximonkey
Well done you x
Fantastic news get yourself either a car or mobility scooter to get around!!! Our blue badge scheme is £2 and I live in a seaside resort!!!!! Anyway enjoy
Really good news - very pleased for you em - it should make life easier for you hun.
love cx
Getting a blue badge in East Yorkshire couldn't have been easier. In my area, for the over 80's, no proof of incapacity is needed. Having phoned the local council offices,
I was told that all I had to do was to go to the local library and complete the documentation (easy), pay ten pounds and wait for about a week.
That was it, my badge arrived very shortly afterwards. Absolutely wonderful, would not be without it.