Has anyone else found their telephone PIP assessment traumatic , I was left in tears and feeling very anxious. I,ve never asked for help but the whole experience left me shaken I have been hospitalised with depression in the past the ild is another thing to cope with and try to be up beat and not to spiral in depression .
Telephone Pip assessment : Has anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Telephone Pip assessment

How horrible for you. I don’t know how these assessors live with themselves. xx
Mine was fine but I'm not sure he knew what he was doing he never even checked he was talking to the right person by asking me to confirm my name or any other details he then went on to ask me about my heart condition which I don't have but I did get my award and it only took about three weeks before I was paid
So sorry to hear how stressful this has been for you. Some of the assessors can be very difficult to deal with: just check on the Benefits and Work website. The main thing is that you've got through that. You've been able to tell us about it.
Keep in touch with us, let us know how you're getting on. When you get the result of the assessment, tell us how you've done so that we can continue to support you.
The joy of this chat room is that you're not completely alone, you've got friends rooting for you. All the best, M.
So sorry to hear that it's left you feeling so anxious on top of what you're already suffering. Was it the assessor attitude or the general questioning that felt so traumatic?
Have you heard of Fight Back 4 Justice? fightback4justice.co.uk/cho...
It cost £12 for per month. You don't need to pay more than one month at a time. Max 2 for Assessment prep advice and support you by writing an appeal if your claim isn't upheld.
My daughter has had 3 assessments over the last 10 years and an appeal tribunal where the decision has been overturned. Assessments have been in person and very nerve racking for her before they finally moved her into a non-working group.
Like you, I have never asked for support but I became ill in Jan 2019 and developed multiple long term medical conditions. I have been waiting a year for an assessment since claiming ESA / UC so the assessment looms as a constant background threat which doesnt help anxiety.
I hope you get the award, and then you can move forward and try to put this horrible experience behind you. Good luck and all best wishes and hugs x