Can anyone explain why I have all these symtoms , and could the sore throat be restricting my restricted breathing, I am sometimes gasping for breath.
I have a Hiatus Hernia, heartburn, C... - Lung Conditions C...
I have a Hiatus Hernia, heartburn, Crohns disease, and a very sore throat with swollen back toungue, and severe breathlessness, diag COPD?

If yiu have swollen tong ad go doc's myself or get doc out really
Only reasson i can think of is a alergic reaction to meds well as far as tong go's
Others is like pile on give state of our immune systerm
Sorry cant ad further .. But would go see some one about ya tong
Cheeers hope things inprove for ya
You do need to be talking to your Doctor. Hernias can cause havoc with breathing,but you need a professional opinion! xx
You definitely have gastric reflux and that can make breathing problems worse. The hiatus hernia will also be making things more difficult. The black swollen tongue, I have no idea about. You should see a doctor.
Thankyou for your. Advice
No, toungue is not black, I meant at back of mouth.
Hi carmwoman, I agree with the others you need to see your doctor and tell him all your symptoms. Acid reflux needs to be treated and hopefully you will likely feel much better and breath easier after that. Lots of members on here take medications for that and feel much much better. Best wishesxxxx
Thankyou Jens, I am on Nexium for that but still breathless.
I have for many years had a problem with gastric reflux and have been prescribed Lansoprazole and Omeprazole and the problem went away. These are protein pump inhibitors and they stop the acid at source. I have seen comments that gastric acid that spills into airways can cause many respiratory problems.
I also have a enlarged tongue which causes Sleep Apnoea. But it is definitely not black and if it were I would be visiting the GP for an opinion quickly. I recently had a sore throat caused by a new inhaler and after it persisted for three weeks she put me an anti-biotic. This did not help so was sent for an immediate referral to an ENT specialist who gave me the all clear. It stopped hurting after another two weeks.
If you suspect that you might have COPD, speak to your GP and a Spiro-meter test will show whether or not you have COPD.
Thanks to you both for your replies, butI never said I had a black toungue I said at the back of my toungue, I have been diagnosed with Copd, but felt that it may have been something to do with my throat as the swelling of the toungue and the throat is always sore.
Hi I have Chrons and COPD I know you have said your tongue is not black but I have severe black tongue and thrush badly when I am on antibiotics. I have been the doctors twice this last fortnight with my mouth. As I am on antibiotics again he has given me a paste to protect my mouth really seems to work.
Go to the doctors you need his advice.
Hope you feel better soon.
I'd check any medications for symptoms of a swollen tongue because like Daz said, it could be an allergic reaction to something your taking. You can always ring casualty and tell them and you might be given an appointment to go straight into the Docter instead of waiting hours in the queue.