at night which I do not understand because I can breath through my nose with no problem. Does anyone know why this is happening.
I have had copd for years but recentl... - Lung Conditions C...
I have had copd for years but recently I wake up with a very dry mouth because I am breathing through my mouth

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Hi I am the same I take a drink of juice to bed as I wake up in the night dry. Wonder if when we go to sleep we must breath through our mouth, watching the replys as be interested to know.
I wake up in the night dry and thirsty and take an orange drink to sip on when I wake up. It helps. I only sip what I need or else I would wake up too many times for the loo!! xx
I am the same, had a word with my Dr who said it was a normal function if the nasal passages are not fully open. I have a bottle of water by my bed to take a drink when needed.
Me too! I thought it was something to do with oxygen but apparently not. I bought a tube of stuff for dry mouth - it's ok but a drink works just as well.
You can get a gel for dry mouth. X
My husband the same! He has indian tonic water at the side of his bed which is helping with the cramps from the salbutamol. But I have also just asked the doctor for a referral to the sleep clinic because he keeps waking up with a start and he is very breathless just to rule out or rule in sleep apnea. TAD xx

Your answer was really interesting because I have also begun to suffer leg cramps and I too am on Salbutamol ( although I have been using it for about 4 years). I always take water to bed with me but now will try indian tonic. Thanks.
I have the same problem and have had it for years. Ask your GP if you can try BECONASE to clear the nose at night. Sugary drinks should be avoided as should sugary sweets. I suck sugar free "sweets" from either One Stop Shops or my Local Chemist. They work for me.
My nose is not blocked so can't understand why I have recently started mouth breathing at night. Does your advice on avoiding sugary sweets extend to cakes and chocolate!!!!! I hope not!!
Sue ! As a mega muncher of Chocolate of course we can eat lots of it. Just not seconds before going to bed
We all breath through our mouth's , my Doctors view is that having a clear nose ensures we get maximum air with the dreaded COPD.
So keep eating Cakes, Chocolate and all those other things that are " BAD for us. Just spend lots of time with a toothbrush. Keep smiling and vote for Thornton Chocies. Xx
AND fresh cream cakes, danish pastries, trifles, etc, etc. Thanks for the smile Molls!!
I am desperate to regain the weight I have lost since smashing my hip. 73 Kg on 6Th January now 62.5 Kg and my appetite is not at all good. Not even the output from all the cream cake bakers in Essex would tempt me. Apples just do not add weight
You've lost me say you are a mega muncher of chocolate BUT you would not be tempted by cream cakes. have I understood you right?
Why have you lost weight since breaking your hip, I thought being less active would put on the weight ( like me, I can't do much )?
Excuse my ignorance, you know what we are like in Hampshire!!
I have had this problem only since becoming ill nearly 18 months ago now. For anyone who doesn't know I have asthma, copd and waiting to see if I have bronchiectasis next week. Even during the day I constantly have to take sips of a cold drink and several times through the night. At one stage I even wondered if I had diabetes but I don't think it is that. When I visited the dietician she said I sounded dry. I have not a clue what sounding dry sounds like but I take on lots of fluids. I don't know the reason for this, and wondered if I was breathing through my mouth without knowing to get more air. I will ask someone one day. If I manage to get out through the day I always have a small bottle of water in my bag and its always empty by the time I get home, even although I cannot walk far. There must be a reason for this as there are too many of us having the same thing. I just thought it was me. It will be interesting to see if someone comes up with a reason for this. hugs xx
Hi, call me Bea . I have Copd Bronchitiscosis and i can walk 4000 steps a day and don't get tired, short of breath or dry mouth. Now in the past months I've been waking up with dry mouth. It's my breathing treatments i was told.
Now when I'm outside i work in my garden, paint my porch, concrete my driveway and don't have anything happen except running nose.
Can anyone relate?
Just the same as you I take water to bed with me but I still wake up with the dry mouth I think sometimes it's the medication I take.
Yes I'm the same, dry mouth day and night even though I can breathe through my nose. I am also" hooked" on water - will not go anywhere without a bottle.
I too suffer with a dry mouth...but this has happened only recently ( and I have had breathing problems for decades) so I put it down to something I am doing lately that I did not do before,,,ie Spiriva or Symbicort. as I have only used these now for about 18 months.....
If I am out and I know I have a lot of strenuous walking to do I take a few sugar free sweets with me, that works a treat
I also have problems with dry mouth and in addition to COPD, I use a CPAP machine and am diabetic on insulin and hypothyroid.
All of the above can cause a dry mouth and I use a Boots Expert Dental Dry Mouth Spray. It is really effective and has a pleasant taste. Best of all its as cheap as chips - £1.30 from Boots of course. I also take a sugar free tonic with me.
I'm the same as emmo, I take water everywhere with me as I have a dry mouth day and night, but it does say on my medication that it can cause you to have a dry mouth. Water is far better than any other drink as it helps to thin the mucus. Good luck, Take Care Lizzy.
Seems like we all have the same problem, I always take water to bed, just to swill round my mouth when dry, I wondered if it had any thing to do with my inhalers as well.
Do you use spiriva Brooksju? I used that one later ( I used symbicort before that ) and its mostly after using Spiriva I noticed the dry mouth, which is REALLY dry, sometimes it even stops me from coughing up sputum my mouth is so dry
I am also the same and when I walk about I get gung as I call it and have to wipe my lips all the time and carry a drink with me its white stuff on my lips its got to be something to do with my breathing does anyone else get this its embarrassing x
i am the same my doctor said it is all the medication i am taking..
Me too xx
I am exactly the same and I always take a bottle of water to bed because I get very dry too. Then I wake up again needing the loo! I have been like this for 20 years or so when I just had asthma. Hasn't got much worse since copd though.
Just had a thought - maybe you breathe through your mouth more at night because you are too low down? Have you tried an extra pillow to see if it makes a difference? x

Maybe I'll give that a go although I already have 2 pillows!!

So true, i sleep in a simi sitting postion
Thanks to everyone for their interesting comments on my question.
Hi, I guess it's the medication.
I know Carbosisteine gives you a dry mouth in the mornings but not all of you above will be taking it.
I have blocked sinuses always but rarely a problem breathing through the nose. In fact I sleep with my jaws tightly clamped shut - always have jaw ache!
I get exactly the same and assume it's drug side effects. Bronchiectasis patients get sinus problems also. I think it's because I don't get enough air through my nose.
it is nothing to be alarmed about it is just when you sleep the muscles in your jaw relax letting lower jaw to drop down hench you breath through your mouth all perfectly normal
Hi Sue, have you tried Xylimelts ? These have certainly helped me with the same dry mouth condition. Here is the link to the website:
Hope they help.
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